The ice layer burst, blasting up countless ice cubes the size of houses, forming a [-]-meter deep pit.

Kuzan lay in it, his clothes were tattered, his face was covered in blood, and he passed out.

This scene is too shocking, shocking everyone's vision.


Countless breaths of cold air sounded.

The rushing figure of the navy soldiers also stopped abruptly, and their bodies were stiff, sluggish like a puppet.

"Master Kuzan 380!"

I don't know who shouted, and the crowd suddenly rioted.

"Lord Kuzan lost?" someone screamed.

But no one answered him, because everyone saw that Kuzan was knocked out of the island and fell on the ice on the sea.

Shocked, terrified, horrified, confused...

Countless emotions are entangled and entangled in everyone's hearts.

Kuzan, known as one of the monsters, was defeated by that demon warrior.

The news was sensational and fatal.

Countless navy soldiers no longer have the excitement just now, some are just deep fear.

"We're going to die when we go in!"

"Yes, let's go back to the battleship and wait for the support of the headquarters!"

Some soldiers wanted to retreat, and immediately turned around, daring not to enter the island.

You know, even Kuzan lost.

The small island of O'Hara, in their eyes, is no different from the forbidden zone of life.

"Whoever dares to take a step back will be punished as a deserter!"

When most of the soldiers were rioting, Sakaski's indifferent voice fell in everyone's ears.


The next moment, a magma fist fell from the sky and landed on the soldiers who were fleeing behind.

Suddenly, the ice layer melted, and the scorching temperature burned dozens of soldiers to ashes.

Chapter [-] Meteorite Rain! (Second more)

This cold-blooded and cruel practice makes the scalp tingle.

The body touched by the magma fist was all burned, and it was directly burned and evaporated without even screaming.

"It's Lieutenant General Sakaski!"

When the navy soldier saw the person who shot the shot, he suddenly screamed and broke out in cold sweat.

Especially the soldiers who had followed Lieutenant General Sakaski had their teeth trembling and despair in their eyes.

They knew very well how terrifying the strength of the lieutenant general, one of the monsters.

But the most frightening thing is the extreme way of doing things.

Anyone who deviates from justice will be punished the most severely.

Even unarmed residents can ruthlessly take action, let alone soldiers like them, who dare not have any objection at all.

"Everyone come in with me." Sakaski roared, then glanced coldly at the three beside him.

The flying squirrel was expressionless, and Huoshaoshan and the other lieutenant general were silent.

However, a few drops of cold sweat were left on their foreheads, indicating their inner restlessness.

"In the face of absolute justice, any casualties are not worth mentioning." Sakaski's eyes were very firm.

It seems to be speaking to myself, but for everyone to hear.

The meaning is very clear, who dares to shake the heart of the army, I will kill you first.

"Come on! For justice, why not die?"

Countless soldiers cheered up, took their weapons, and rushed towards O'Hara in a turbulent manner.

They walked on the cold ice, but their hearts were extremely hot.

"Haha, what a justice, young master, I am an eye-opener today."

Li Zhenwu was suspended in the air, looking down from a height and looking down, his laughter shook the sky.

When hearing his words, everyone's eyes fell on him, full of anger and killing intent.

"Demon warrior, don't think that if you defeat Kuzan, you can be defiant!"

Feeling Li Zhenwu's strong irony, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was expressionless, the saber in his hand slowly raised, and the tip of the sword pointed at Li Zhenwu who was floating in the void.

"Not bad!" Huoshaoshan's face was still gentle, but his face was extremely stiff.

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