"Cough, don't look at me like that, deal with this person."

Feeling the dragon's gaze, Li Zhenwu shook his head helplessly, and threw Kuzan on the deck of the Miracle.

And he also landed, looked around, and found that everyone's faces were almost as frenzy as dragons.

"Mr. Li, this is... what the hell, Kuzan?"

Long was still puzzled when he saw the person who had thrown it down, but when he saw Kuzan's appearance, he suddenly burst out.

There is nothing more shocking than catching a mid-future person alive.

There is nothing more shocking than catching a natural fruit person alive.

The most shocking thing is that this natural ability person is a lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters, and a candidate for a general.

In other words, Li Zhenwu captured a future general.

That was the highest combat power of the navy, and was thrown onto the deck by Li Zhenwu at will.

"Lieutenant general? Is this person a lieutenant general? Mr. Li is really powerful, and he deserves to be the person our leader admires."

Some revolutionary troops, who did not understand the key, suddenly grinned.

"Quick, bring Hailou Stone, or it will be troublesome for him to wake up."

The dragon who woke up suddenly shouted loudly, his expression full of excitement.

Li Zhenwu waved his hand, indicating that he was not in a hurry, and his face suddenly became solemn: "You all leave here immediately, there will be another battle later."

"What? The demon slaughter order will continue?" Everyone was shocked.

For the Demon Slayer Order, they were terrified in their hearts. If Li Zhenwu hadn't appeared, I'm afraid the entire island would have been wiped from the sea.

Li Zhenwu shook his head lightly and said, "No, but it should only be stronger than the Demon Slaughtering Order."

The voice fell, and there was a dead silence on the Miracle.

Even Long's face turned pale in an instant, "Could it be that the general is coming?"

The highest combat power of the navy headquarters, it is an existence with the strength to destroy a country, even if the dragon is Garp's son, he feels a deep sense of powerlessness.

Chapter [-] Take you to heaven!

"Mr. Li, we can't leave. There are countless human wealth on the island. If we leave like this, all human knowledge will be destroyed in the fire of war."

At this moment, Dr. Clover came over with an excited look.

His eyes are full of pleading, that is respect for knowledge, and it is more important than his own life.

"Yes, Mr. Li's kindness, we can't forget, but there are still many residents on the island, and we can't implicate them." Olvia pulled the little Robin over, and was equally determined.

"Mr. Li is kind to us, but if we leave like this, I'm afraid we will go against our own beliefs."

"What is the difference between us and the world government if we abandon our beliefs?"

More scholars came over. Although they were full of gratitude to Li Zhenwu, their eyes were filled with determination.

After they were rescued here, they did not leave, but kept waiting for the place, just to be reluctant to give up the wealth of knowledge on the island.

Little Robin raised his head and looked at Li Zhenwu, his pure black eyes filled with hope.

"Mr. Li, in fact, from the beginning, they didn't think about leaving, so we have been waiting here."

Long's face was full of helplessness, and there was nothing he could do.

For these scholars, books may be more important than their lives.

"You want to stay in O'Hara?" Li Zhenwu glanced at the people around him and said lightly.

"Yes, Mr. Li's kindness will never be forgotten in our lifetime."

"Alright then! Since that's the case, I won't force you."

Feeling the firmness in their eyes, Li Zhenwu didn't persuade any more, just nodded.

"Mr. Li, we scholars can stay, but I hope that Mr. Li can take my daughter away."

At this moment, Olvia looked apologetic, pulled little Robin in front of him, and slowly bowed to request.

"Mom, big brother..."

Little Robin raised his head, looked at Li Zhenwu and Olvia, and finally the tears remained, looking overwhelmed.

For a little girl, she doesn't have the power to change an adult's decision, but she can't make a decision either.

Whether it is Li Zhenwu or Olvia, in Little Robin's heart, they are her most important relatives.

"Haha, what are you doing? It seems that if you stay on the island, you will die."

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu grinned.

Hearing his words, everyone's eyes were full of doubts.

It's like saying, isn't it?

"Big brother, you must have a solution, right?"

In the eyes of outsiders, little Robin has always been a model of calmness and calmness. Only in front of Li Zhenwu will he show the child's childlike interest.

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