He had a lot of tricks in his life, but he planted a big somersault here, and he still couldn't turn over.

"Let's think about it, what about Kuzan?" Garp quickly calmed down, his fists clenched and clucked.

"What else can I do? He has disappeared, in the vast sea and sky, how can I find him?"

A low roar almost burst out from the throat of the Warring States period.

"No, I might be able to get in touch!"

Garp sat upright like a mountain and opened his mouth slowly, with a little more determination in his eyes.

Hearing his words, Sengoku turned his head sharply, stared at Garp's face, and said fiercely, "What did you say?"


Feeling Sengoku's gaze, Garp sighed and shook his head, "Dragon is also on O'Hara!"

As his voice fell, Warring States' expression softened a lot.

He also knew a lot about the old friend's son, Monkey D. Long, but he didn't expect that, and he also caught up with the demon warrior.

Thinking of this, Sengoku's eyes returned to cold, "If you don't feel comfortable at all costs, you must bring Kuzan back safely."

The future general of the Navy Headquarters can no longer fall.

Chapter [-] Undying Kaido! (Second more)

At an altitude of [-] meters, flowing clouds drifted in the mountains and forests, with a fresh breath, just like a fairyland.

Scholars on the small island of O'Hara, and even the original town residents, were shocked by the beauty in front of them at this moment.

Being in it is like being in a dreamy land.

"Our little island took to the sky."

"That is to say, we are no longer afraid of an attack by a world government."

"It's so beautiful, I'd rather live here all my life."

The inhabitants of the island, under the explanation of the scholars, instead of being angry, they were very happy.

The children run chasing the clouds together, and in the laughter and laughter, they are filled with the tranquility and peace of the countryside.

"I can't relax yet, first drive the island to the direction of the kingdom of God on the great waterway."

Sitting cross-legged over the island, Li Zhenwu stretched his waist and looked at the pictures on the island with great interest.

The fruit ability that combines the power of true martial arts, the power is beyond imagination.

So far, I haven't felt the slightest tiredness.

Not only that, but he also discovered that as long as a trace of true martial power is released and merged into the fruit ability, it can exist in the void forever.

In other words, if he wanted to, he could freeze O'Hara in place at any time.

"However, the resources of the island alone cannot be provided to the inhabitants of the island. Only after reaching the Baibai Sea can there be resources to survive."

Li Zhenwu looked down at the ground below, and his eyes flickered.

According to the original work, the kingdom of God at this time was not in charge of Enel.

The Thunder Fruit, known as one of the strongest natural fruits, should still exist in the Pika Kingdom.

"The curse of the devil fruit, as long as you give me a little time, it can be resolved."

After several battles, the Saiyan bloodline in Li Zhenwu's body gradually recovered, and even the power of Zhenwu became extremely condensed.

It is not difficult to resolve the mere curse, it just takes a little time.

After O'Hara is settled, you can settle down and study.


Suddenly, Li Zhenwu's domineering sense of seeing and hearing sensed the scene of the sea below, and his eyes instantly became cold.

At this time, the induction of the qi machine was exactly the two people who made him feel uneasy at the beginning.

"Very good, young master doesn't have time to take care of you now, so I'll give you a small gift first, as a sincerity to meet for the first time."

While speaking, Li Zhenwu slowly stretched out his right hand, palm facing up.


A dazzling ball of light, like the sun, gradually condensed in the palm of his hand, and seemed to be transformed into reality.

The ball of light is only the size of a fist, but it contains a majestic power, causing the surrounding space to twist slightly.

"Unfortunately, I can't be too distracted now, but it can still be done to hit you hard."

Looking at the ball of light in his palm, Li Zhenwu shook his head regretfully, and a trace of regret rose in his heart.

If it wasn't for O'Hara and Little Robin, the two people who came for him below would have been knocked out by him long ago.

"Qigong wave!"

He waved his hand violently, and the ball of light broke away from the control of the palm, turned into a stream of light, and fell straight towards the sea below.


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