"Quack, it's still late. It seems that the Navy's report does not dare to report it in full!"

Golden Lion Skir floated in the air, grinning at the ocean below.

He came from the great route without taking a boat. He relied on the fruit ability and still wasted a lot of time.

Originally thought that Li Zhenwu would stay in O'Hara after stopping the demon slaughtering order.

Unexpectedly, the entire island of O'Hara completely disappeared from the sea.

"Looking at the cracks on the island reef, it should be the ability of the Gravity Fruit. It's really similar to my Fluttering Fruit!" The golden lion touched his long golden beard and said to himself.

Once floating islands in the air, he knew very well the cracks in the reefs.

So just by looking at it, you can almost tell.

"I came from the air, and I didn't encounter any traces. I don't know where they got."

Failing to find the target, the golden lion's golden brows furrowed.

In the vast sea, no, in the vast sky, looking for a person is almost like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Even if there is a huge island as a marker, it is useless.

Because the clouds in the sky are the best cover for objects.


At this moment, a pirate ship came galloping from a distance.

"What's the matter? Why does the compass that I recorded O'Hara's magnetic field keep pointing to other places, I clearly remember that it is in the sea near here."

On the pirate ship, a young man with a shaved head, wearing a large monk's costume, looked down at the compass in his hand, and his expression was full of puzzlement.

"Captain, isn't O'Hara related to the report some time ago?"

"Yes, it is said that the navy launched a demon slaughter order, has it been completely destroyed?"

The pirates on the ship were talking a lot, and they were all confused.

"Mr. Li can stop the Demon Killing Order and prove that it cannot be destroyed, so there is only one possibility, and it must be caused by Mr. Li."

The person who came is Daz, who has the fruit of slashing. Since Li Zhenwu went to sea, he and the original pirate formed the current pirate group.

It is precisely because of their existence that O'Hara has never been invaded by pirates again.

At the beginning, because there were many naval patrols in this sea area, they had to stay away from this sea area in order to avoid it.

Unexpectedly, after they left, the subsequent slaughtering order incident would occur.

Now that he came back again, not only Li Zhenwu could not see it, but the island was no longer there.

"Mr. Li, maybe it really can be done."

The pirates looked at the original island range, and huge waves were set off in their hearts.

How much force would it take to move the entire island away?

"Gaga, it's really easy to come by,"

The golden lion Shiji fell from the sky, and the two sword blades fell on the bow of the boat, and the tip of the sword easily pierced the eyes.


The surrounding pirates came over one after another, and all of them showed vigilance on their faces.

It can appear silently, and it is still alone, and there are no ships around.

It's very weird.

"Me? I'm here to ask you for something." Golden Lion Shiki smiled faintly.

"what do you want?"

Daz asked in a deep voice, with an unprecedented dignified expression on his face.

From the golden lion, he felt a rather dangerous aura, as if he was not facing a person, but a fierce beast.

"The compass in your hand." The golden lion pointed and grinned.


Daz was stunned for a moment, then reacted and shook his head decisively: "Impossible, clean him up for me."


The pirates on the boat obeyed and immediately fully armed, raised their firearms and aimed at the old man in front of them.

You know, that recorded the magnetic field of O'Hara Island. Even if O'Hara was there, you could find it.

After all, the whole world is made up of countless magnetic fields.

The magnetic field contained within the island is indelible unless the entire island is shattered.

"Quack, it's been a long time since I started."

As the golden lion's voice fell, the pirates surrounding him instantly pulled the trigger and fired.


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