
The gun mounts above the fortress are densely packed, the muzzle is slightly depressed, and it shoots out towards the sea.

For a time, the water splashed into the sky, accompanied by continuous explosions, forming a water curtain that covered the sky and the sun in front of the golden lion.

"The military headquarters of the Navy Headquarters, those who come to stop, or shoot to kill!"

Through the loudspeaker, the warning sound of countless decibels was amplified, resounding throughout the Marin van Dou, and also transmitted to the far end of the sky.

With the sound of warning falling, the muzzle of the fortress lifted up in an instant, and the sights were all facing the two figures above the sea.

With long golden hair covering the back, beard and eyebrows are golden, fierce, wearing a traditional kimono, showing strong arms, dark skin, but full of wild arrogance.

But it is such a person, who is like a lost dog at this moment, in a state of embarrassment, and his face is full of panic.

"You have already arrived at the Navy Headquarters, don't you give up? If you continue to delay, it will not benefit you or me. The big deal is that you will be arrested again."

The golden lion's eyes were stunned, and he turned his head and glanced behind him, and couldn't help but be angry.

I saw about a hundred meters behind, Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back and stepped on the void, as if strolling in the courtyard, his eyes looked around, showing a curious color.

Judging from the appearance and attitude, it seems that he is here for sightseeing, leisurely and comfortable.

Is this what it is to kill?

The golden lion was about to collapse. No matter how he flew, Li Zhenwu was still in a hurry. He was [-] meters away from him, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry to start immediately.

But it is this indifferent attitude that makes the golden lion, a big pirate, not only aggrieved, but also aggrieved.

"Emperor Zhenwu, don't deceive people too much." The golden lion roared, his ferocious eyes almost spitting out fire.


The answer to him was an endless supply of shells.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Tens of thousands of artillery shells spit out tongues of flame, bombarded and swept the sky.

Outside the dark cannonball, a fiery metallic light flickered, falling down like raindrops.

For a time, the calm sea boiled.


The water column is [-] meters high, and one after another rises from the sea to the sky, effectively forming a protective barrier that hinders flight.

"How about bullying you?" Li Zhenwu was still unhurried, walking calmly, dodging the cannonballs while following behind the golden lion for a hundred meters.

Facing the cannonballs of the navy, the golden lion deserves to be a rare powerhouse, taps the void with his finger, and immediately exerts his fruit ability.


The cannonball lost its gravity in an instant, and the next moment, stirred by an invisible force, it swirled and flew towards Li Zhenwu.

"Whirlwind Cannonball, this is what you forced me to do." The golden lion roared. Taking this opportunity, he immediately broke through the blockade of the cannonball screen. With a sway, he landed on the square below the fortress.

He was amputated below the knees, revealing smooth and flat scars, and he just stood on the ground, looking up and glaring.

Countless artillery shells spun, stirring the air flow, forming a rotating and cutting storm, and slammed into the figure in the air.


No accident, the rotating shell hit the figure, exploded, and the flames shot into the sky.

The continuous explosion sounded, and the fire burned like a sunset, dyeing the fortress and the sea red.

"What, they are fighting infighting?"

"No, isn't it a group, it seems to be the enemy..."

"Look, the figure in the square below is a bit familiar..."

The naval soldiers above the fortress, and some officers.

When they looked at the picture in front of them, they couldn't help but be stunned. The figure in the air, covered by shells and submerged by firelight, was completely invisible.

But the golden figure in the square made some people look suspicious.

"God, that's Shiki the Golden Lion, how could he be here?"

A navy colonel exclaimed and recognized the figure on the square.

With the sound of his words, the entire naval headquarters was boiling.

Many people who have experienced the incident when the golden lion attacked the naval headquarters all showed panic.

"Wait... He was chased and killed. Look, the figure just now is not his companion."

When this sentence sounded, the soldiers above the fortress were all horrified and looked up at the sky in disbelief.

The explosion of countless artillery shells formed a sea of ​​fire, and the hot air waves rushed towards the face.

"Could it be that our attack just now indirectly helped the Golden Lion?" You Navy looked solemn.

After being hit by so many shells, no strong man can be safe, even a god, will he be seriously injured by the explosion?

Thinking of this, the eyes of the navy soldiers suddenly became strange.

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