Li Zhenwu's fighting spirit was high, but the King Kong Ruyi stick in his hand, that is, the monkey demon, reminded him.

"Even so, isn't the body of the two Yuki people who are human Zhuli still in the center of this tailed beast?"

Li Zhenwu had seen Naruto before. After knowing that the power of the human column was completely transformed into a tail beast, RouTi did not turn it into pure energy out of thin air, but through RouTi, the tail beast in the body was completely released, so it has the current appearance .

"So I don't believe it, I can't hit her like this!"

While drinking, Li Zhenwu's stick had hit Erwei's head hard.

"Roar!" Li Zhenwu's stick directly caused the flames on Erwei's head to spread out, and the body of the energy body was a little unsteady.

"The little devil from Konoha, in the name of my two Yumu people, I must kill you today!" The tailed beast's eyes were red, but the voice in his mouth was still from the two Yumu people, but it was full of confusion at the moment. 's anger.

The two from the wooden man were completely transformed into tailed beasts at this time, but she was the same as the eight-tailed Kirabi, who was able to completely control the tailed beast of herself.

Instead of being like other people Zhuli, after the complete tail beast transformation, the body will be dominated by the tail beast in the body.

But even if the two wooden figures mastered the transformation of complete tailed beasts, under the blow of Li Zhenwu, they were inevitably affected by some chakra rage and two tailed brigade. out of control.

"Boom!" Erwei raised his hand, his tail swayed slightly, and the speed was very fast!

The second tail, with its own wind attribute, can surpass most of the ninjas in the ninja world in speed.

Rao is Li Zhenwu's speed is very fast, the energy in his body has been raised to the limit, but the speed is only barely keeping up with Erwei's speed!

The situation seems to be reversed!

Outside the field, Shiranui Xuanjian can see that, if Li Zhenwu still has the strength to fight against the two Yumu people just now, then he is now being pressed and beaten by the one who transformed into the second tail!

"I don't believe it, how long can a female ninja's RouTi be able to support Erwei's complete beast transformation!" Although Li Zhenwu struggled to support, and he was constantly avoiding the guerrilla Erwei by virtue of his body flexibility, but he also bit Tooth, the fighting spirit remains undiminished.

"Look at the stick!" Li Zhenwu reluctantly avoided and swung a stick.

But after swinging a stick, he felt that in the current situation, he had an extra stick in his hand and was still a little burdensome, so he lightly sealed a knot to end his psychic spell.

"Boy Zhenwu, what are you doing? Without my help, how would you deal with this man's strength? Do you rely on your own body?" The King Kong Ruyi stick transformed by the ape demon noticed Li Zhenwu's movements and shouted in confusion. .

"I have my own way. I will trouble you this time, Lord Ape Demon. If you don't mind, I have to save Chakra." After the disappearance of the spirit, he returned to the place where he was summoned.

This time, Li Zhenwu faced Erwei with his bare hands.

However, after missing the King Kong Ruyi stick transformed from the ape demon, Li Zhenwu also lost a lot of weight, flexibility and speed, and suddenly improved a little!

The two tails roared, referring to the constant waving of the claws, the constant bite of a big mouth, the two tails like sharp steel whips constantly writing Egypt, and the temperature on the body rose to an incomparably hot level.

The clothes on Li Zhenwu's body were already on fire because of the high temperature. Fortunately, there was still a pair of underwear and pants left. It was one of the battle suits he had won by lottery, and he was extremely persistent in protecting Li Zhenwu.

Without the King Kong Ruyi stick, Li Zhenwu flexed around Erwei's side with his bare fists, attacking from time to time with his fists and feet, and when he hit it, he issued a 'Boom! 'the sound of.

When fighting now, what Li Zhenwu uses directly is the 'Qi' in his body, so every punch and kick brings great power!

Every punch and every kick is so fast that it is difficult to see the shadow!

And if the fists and feet landed on Erwei, it would always make waves on Erwei.

From Shiranui Xuanma's perspective, Li Zhenwu's figure seems to be constantly flashing around Erwei!Erwei kept attacking, but he couldn't catch Li Zhenwu's figure!

"The strength of has reached this level!"

I don't know Huo Xuanjian's heart is incomparably horrified, what Li Zhenwu is facing at this moment is equivalent to a complete two-tailed beast!

Even in the face of the tailed beast, Li Zhenwu did not show any signs of defeat, and could still deal with it!

Unknowingly, the Erwei who transformed into Erwei couldn't touch Li Zhenwu's body because she was repeatedly attacked, and became more and more angry.

A roar, as if it can roar the world!

Suddenly, the two tails jumped violently with a fierce kick.

This jump, the direct jump is tens of meters high.

"I'm a little helpless about this." Li Zhenwu didn't expect Erwei to make such a move. His plan was to keep fighting, and then slowly consume Erwei's strength until Erwei couldn't bear the human body. When Erwei's power is high, that's when Li Zhenwu wins!

But at this moment, Erwei's jump was far away from Li Zhenwu, and Li Zhenwu could only watch Erwei jumping high, and he could only wait for it to fall and continue to swim and fight.

When the half-tailed beasts were transformed, the two Yuki people were also able to use ninjutsu.

But now he has completely transformed into a tailed beast. Although all aspects have been greatly enhanced, he has also lost the ability to use ninjutsu.

However, after being able to completely transform into a tailed beast, it is generally not necessary to use ninjutsu to crush most ninjas... Besides, even if they cannot use ninjutsu, the tailed beasts also have their own trump card.

Tailed beast jade!

(There is a mysterious place, there are new things every day, a lot of animation resources, interesting topics, this secret code is quietly given to you, if you know it: 124.)

Chapter [-] Defeating Erwei

Tailed Beast Jade, or it can be called Tailed Beast Cannon, or Tailed Beast Bullet.

It is a ninjutsu that can be used by Tailed Beasts or Human Zhuri. For Tailed Beasts, this move can be said to be used instinctively.

The second tail jumped high in the same shape as a traveling cat, and before it fell, it had already opened its huge mouth.

In its mouth, a group of black tailed beast jade, which has grown since childhood, is about to blurt out.

"No, Zhenwu, get out of the way!" Seeing this scene in Shiranui Xuanma in the distance, he immediately thought of the Nine-Tails Rebellion that occurred in Konoha four years ago.

The horror of the nine-tailed beast cannon emerged in his mind, and he immediately shouted with all his might, reminding Li Zhenwu to dodge.

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