Nara Shikahisa looked incredulous, "Could it be that... she was really defeated by Li Zhenwu?"

Nara Shikahisa's tone was full of disbelief. With his IQ and usual calmness, he couldn't calm down at the moment, because the two Yuki people who were unconscious on the ground, and Genma Shiranui who said those words, They even pointed the person who defeated the two-tailed man Zhuli to Li Zhenwu.

And who is Li Zhenwu?Although he is the fourth disciple of the three-generation Hokage-sama, and has a reputation as a genius to the point of monsters, it is hard to hide that Li Zhenwu is only four years old!It's only half a year after graduating from Ninja School!

Even the most talented ninja, in such a short period of time, can defeat the two-tailed human Zhuli who has completely transformed into a beast. Who will believe it?

Nara Shikahisa was unbelievable, but he looked at Li Zhenwu and found that Li Zhenwu was in a state of embarrassment. In addition to his ruddy face and full of energy, he really looked like after the war.

But... this lively appearance makes it even more difficult to believe that the two-tailed human Zhuli who has just defeated the complete tailed beast!Nara Shikahisa has always been calm, but at this moment, he couldn't help but be very suspicious in his heart.

"Ha." Li Zhenwu yawned and said, "Is there anything in the station? Let's go back. We just had a fight, and I'm a little sleepy."

Li Zhenwu said so, and the three of Zhu Ludie only pressed down the emotions in their hearts and returned to the village.

And Shiranui Genma had already handed over the two comatose Yukito to the commander Nara Shikuhisa, handed it over to him, and followed behind Li Zhenwu.

After a while, they returned to the station.

At this moment in the station, Yun Ren has almost been repelled. The station came out of the chaos and gradually returned to calm, but there were still some ninjas cleaning the battlefield.

Many ninjas who went out to resist Yun Ninja also returned.

Finally, the ninja executives in the resident gathered together, and in a tent, the meeting started again.

Li Zhenwu didn't attend this time because he really went to sleep.

What he didn't know was that after he slept, the meeting caused a lot of turmoil because of him...

In the resident, so the Shangren gathered together, and the leaders of each team.

There was a ninja who was cleaning the battlefield, and he summarized and reported the casualties of Konoha this time, and summed up the casualties of Yun Ninja.

In general, Konoha is not at a loss, but after all, he suffered a surprise attack, so the statistics of the loss are still more serious than the loss of Yun Ren.

Nara Shikahisa listened patiently, and after listening to the statistical report, he waved his hand: "Cloud Shinobi didn't take advantage of it either, their Er-Tails Zhuli were all captured by our Konoha."

Saying that, Nara Shikahisa waved his hand and asked to let the two Yuki people bring him up.

But at this moment in the tent, there was a discussion.

"Captured the two-tailed man Zhuri of Yunyin Ninja Village?"

"According to the information, it seems that the two-tailed person Zhuli of Yunyin Ninja Village can completely control the tailed beast."

"Who did it just now? The two-tailed man Zhuri was defeated and captured?" Someone asked.

However, after asking one by one, there was a circle of powerful ninjas, but no one captured the two-tailed man Zhuli back.

When Konoha Zhongren was questioning, the two Yumu people who were unconscious were brought in, so that people could see.

"The big movement in the south just now seems to be caused by the transformation of the tailed beast."

"Who can defeat and capture the fully-tailed two-tailed human Zhuri?"

Everyone was speculating about this, and when they were puzzled, Nara Shikahisa spoke.

"The two Yumu Ren are disciples of Lord Hokage, who were defeated and captured by Li Zhenwu."

"Lord Hokage's disciple Li Zhenwu?"

"Li Zhenwu, the tree-leaf monster?"

Inside the tent, there was a sound of gasping for air.

What followed was disbelief, and some doubts.

Nara Shikahisa also smiled bitterly. Before, he had the same heart, so he could understand these colleagues very well.

"Everyone needn't have any doubts, the Erwei Ren Zhuli is definitely captured by Li Zhenwu."

Nara Shikahisa's eyes sank, calming the chaotic atmosphere: "The important thing now is that we have the two tails of the Yunyin Ninja Village as a prisoner, so what can we get..."

(Well, there will be another chapter in the future, and then it will be on the shelves at [-] o'clock in the evening. The update has been slowed down for a while, because the listing has been delayed, so I have been saving the manuscript, and now it is finally on the shelf! The manuscript can be exploded. It's out! On the first day on the shelves, the minimum [-] starts!)

Chapter [-] Prepare to exchange hostages!

Li Zhenwu didn't go to the meeting, but when he woke up early in the morning and came out of his tent, he could feel the eyes of others looking at him, which was different from yesterday.

If it is said that when they first came here yesterday, the ninjas here looked at Li Zhenwu with more curious and amazed eyes.

But now, the ninjas looked at Li Zhenwu with respect and disbelief slowly, but also with a kind of like seeing a shocking monster.

Moreover, the ninjas encountered will also greet Li Zhenwu.

In the station, Li Zhenwu had a little daily training, and the training content was probably the weight-bearing running, leg press, push-up, etc. that he had learned from Jie Xuekai, but the number of these exercises was a bit scary.

"No wonder there is such a strong strength, a talent that is not weak in itself, and an effort that is not inferior to Jagged Kai!"

When Li Zhenwu was exercising, some ninjas quietly came to see, and then couldn't help saying.

After exercising, Li Zhenwu was called over by Nara Shikaku.

The intelligence of the Nara family is well-known throughout Konoha, and the Nara family often serves as the brain and advisor in their respective teams or Konoha.

The commander this time is Nara Shikisa, and Li Zhenwu also needs to obey Nara Shikisa's arrangement.

Li Zhenwu soon went to see Nara Shikahisa, but Nara Shikahisa did not have the commander's majesty at all, but treated Li Zhenwu very cordially and peacefully.

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