"Zhenwu boy...Are you okay last time?" Ape Demon turned around and saw Li Zhenwu who was alive and kicking, and was a little surprised.

Last time they fought side by side, but after Erwei was completely transformed, Li Zhenwu sent the ape demon back at a critical moment in order to save some chakra, and it was inconvenient to have multiple sticks in his hand.

From the point of view of the monkey demon, at such a critical juncture, without his own help, Li Zhenwu pointed out that he was abused indefinitely.

But now Li Zhenwu is full of energy, and he doesn't look injured at all, which undoubtedly proves that he was not hurt at all last time.

"How can I have something wrong with a mere Erwei." Li Zhenwu shook his head: "Last time I solved Erwei, this time is to solve him!"

Li Zhenwu pointed to Darui, who was shocked on the opposite side.

Darui was shocked!He actually saw this well-known psychic ninja beast ape demon who is not weak in the name of the general ninja!

His shock came from the ape demon. As the ninja beast of the three generations of Hokage, the ape demon spread throughout the ninja world with the name of Sarutobi Hijen in the ninja world. Zhenwu summoned.

"Information says that Li Zhenwu is a disciple of Konoha's three generations of Hokage, but he did not expect to inherit the three generations of Hokage's psychic ninja beasts." Darui was shocked, but he believed at this moment that the two Yumu people were completely tailed beasts. After transformation, Li Zhenwu will also be defeated!

On the other side, the ape demon had turned his head and saw Darui.

"It's another Yun Ninja! I seem to have seen this kid before the third Raikage."

Ape Demon said that in 4.2, Darui used to be the personal guard of the three generations of Raikage, so it is not surprising that when Ape Demon once met Raikage with Sarutobi Hijen, he also saw Darui.

"This kid looks much better than Erwei Youlu." Ape Demon continued to speak, and Li Zhenwu smiled when he said it.

"Whether it's good or not, let's fight it first. Lord Ape Demon, please, let's become a King Kong Ruyi Bang!"

"As you wish." Ape Demon nodded, and did not continue to talk nonsense. With a shake of his body, he turned into a King Kong wishful stick and flew into Li Zhenwu's hand.

"Yes, it's not empty-handed now, so let's fight!"

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Chapter [-] Battle Battle! (The fourth is more customized)

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"Then let's fight!" After Li Zhenwu finished speaking, he was already shouting wildly, holding the King Kong Ruyi stick incarnation of the ape demon in his hand, and jumped up!

"Look at the fight!" Li Zhenwu took the initiative to attack, and the speed was extremely fast, which surprised Darui, but he didn't panic. Instead, he raised his knife to meet him.

Bang! ! !

A powerful stick fell and hit the knife!

Darui felt an unimaginable force coming from his knife, and then the soles of his feet softened, and his whole life fell into the soil.

"What a big power!" Darui was shocked, he didn't expect that Li Zhenwu's body was small, but his power was so abnormal!

Just after blocking the stick, Darui looked up and found that a stick shadow with a sharp whistling sound was about to fall again.

"21 is very fast!"

Darui was startled, and hurriedly raised the slightly sour arm that had just been shaken by the force to block.

"Zhenwu boy, why are you so fast!"

Darui's foot was sinking again, and his whole body was smashed into the ground again with great force.

But at this moment, I suddenly heard such a voice coming from the stick.

Looking up, I found that the King Kong Ruyi stick, which was incarnated by the ape demon, had an ape face sticking out, and at the front of the stick, there were two more hands of the ape demon...

I saw the ape face that appeared on the King Kong Ruyi stick at the moment and said very strangely: "You are so fast, I can't cooperate with you at all! If you are slower, I can still spare my hands to choke his neck or control him. Limbs. But you go up and down so fast that I don't have time to do these moves!"

Listening to the content of these words, it seems that the ape demon who has transformed into a King Kong Ruyi stick is complaining that Li Zhenwu's swing speed is too fast, and it is too late to shoot.

Darui was lying in his heart. He never thought that the King Kong Ruyi stick, incarnated by the ape demon, could still have this kind of gameplay.

And Darui himself imagined a little bit about what he could do if the battle was really like what the ape demon said.

This fantasy made Darui's heart cool, and at the same time he made up his mind.

"You can't fight at close range! You have to keep your distance!" Darui secretly said in his heart, anyway, in addition to the famous thunder ninja ninja technique of their Yunyin Ninja Village, Darui is also good at long-range black thunder, and his own The blood follows the limit of Lan Yun!

"The Konoha monster's physical skills are very strong, and it can fight with the two tails, and it can also use Kakashi's Chidori, as well as a very mysterious lightning escape technique!"

At this time, the two Yumu people who were hiding far away from the other side said loudly.

"Understood!" Darui responded loudly, dragging his sour arm into a seal.

boom!With a bang, just taking advantage of the time when Li Zhenwu was distracted by the talk of the monkey demon, he performed a substitute technique and appeared elsewhere, leaving a wild rabbit in place.

"Master Ape Demon, you just need to quietly exert the effect of the King Kong Ruyi stick! The rest, don't bother you!"

Although the ape demon is a good intention, but Li Zhenwu does not need these, he just wants to have a hearty battle.

If it is really as the monkey demon said, it may be easier to win, but it is definitely not a fun battle!

While responding to the kindness of the monkey demon, Li Zhenwu also heard the reminder of the two Yumu people to Darui.

Li Zhenwu smiled, turned his head to the two Yumu people, and used a little chakra in his voice, which echoed like a loudspeaker: "Hey, it's just right that you are still here, I will defeat this black charcoal later. After that, it's your turn again! It looks like I'm going to capture you again!"

Li Zhenwu was red, naked, naked and threatened.

It was because of Li Zhenwu's words that Darui thought that if he really couldn't beat him, he might run away... Then the two Yumu people who haven't recovered their combat power are really like what Li Zhenwu said, and also To be a prisoner again?

After figuring out such a joint, Darui hurriedly shouted loudly.

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