Li Zhenwu shouted, his eyes were sharp, and with a bang, the turtle qigong in his palm suddenly pushed out.


The majestic fluctuation of vitality, like an endless ocean, drowned the lava dog's head in an instant, enveloping it with unparalleled power.

"how is this possible?"

The lava giant Sakaski's face changed dramatically.

He widened his eyes and looked at the ball of light containing majestic energy, his eyes were full of despair.

The majestic ball of light hit, and before he touched it, his body had already begun to decompose, turning into countless molecules, like a stubborn stone, destroyed by the years into gravel.


The ball of light erupted, forming a dazzling beam of light, drowning Sakaski's entire body.

The earth of Wano country is shaking, the beam of light goes forward, the mountains and rocks along the way are silently annihilated, and they have been pushed out of the island and disappeared at the end of the sky.

A deep pit was plowed out of the ground, extending from the shogunate, and the sea water was divided, unable to withstand the power of the beam.

I do not know how long it has been……

When the light dissipated, peace was restored between heaven and earth.

"I want this historical article, this time, I'll treat it as helping you solve the trouble..."

Li Zhenwu's breath subsided, the golden arrogance disappeared, his long black hair was restored, and he spoke lightly to the ruins in the direction of the shogunate.

From the sense of qi and domineering, Kozuki Oden was only seriously injured, and now he is awake.

He pushed aside the gravel buried on his body, sat up straight, and said in a deep voice, "Thank you very much, the historical text is actually useful to you, so take it and leave it with me, it can only be used as a collection."

The country of Wano experienced this disaster, and as a general, he finally understood that the world government is more dangerous than imagined.

"Well, bye!"

Li Zhenwu's figure flashed, he lifted a boulder from the ruins, vacated his body, and turned to leave here.

Everyone in the shogunate looked at the direction in which he left, stunned.

"Fortunately, Emperor Zhenwu has come, otherwise my country would have been slaughtered by that lunatic." Guangyue Yutian breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking of Sakaski's domineering and powerful methods, he was terrified in his heart. That immortal body made this country have to bow its head.

However, it was finally wiped out.

"What kind of terrifying power does Emperor Zhenwu possess?"

At this time, the guards of the shogunate woke up, looked at the deep pit that was plowed out, and exclaimed.

Koyuki Oden turned his head and looked over, his heart thumped violently, and his hands and feet couldn't help shaking.

"That is the power beyond the gods!" He said in a deep voice.

The deep pit extends to the coast and goes all the way to the end of the sky. The sea water is separated and cannot be recovered for a long time, as if it has been frozen.

There are violent fluctuations of vitality that pervade the sea, so that the sea water cannot pour into the gap, which is a terrible energy.

"We've been in isolation for too long. After this time, it's time to accept the arrival of a new world." Koyuki Oden said lightly.

"What new world?" the shogun's guard asked suspiciously.

Hearing the question from his subordinates, Kozuki Oden turned his head and looked at the ruins of the shogunate's far-flung address, with great longing in his heart.

"A whole new world, a world dominated by gods."

When the people around heard it, they all nodded.

Chapter [-] The situation changes suddenly! (sixth more)

Back on the Miracle, facing everyone's shocked eyes, Li Zhenwu gave a few words, then turned around and returned to the cabin.

Half a day later, when he appeared on the deck again, Robin's curiosity was also aroused.

"Zhenwu, that breath just now, is that you?"

Julius asked quietly.

In fact, they had long been sure that apart from Li Zhenwu, there should be no other person.

However, knowing is one thing, and it also needs the affirmation of the parties to feel at ease.

"Yes, did you feel it too?"

Li Zhenwu nodded casually, and the corner of his mouth raised a smile.

Hearing this, everyone opened their mouths wide, and their shock couldn't be added.

"Even the weather of heaven and earth has been changed. I really don't know how many surprises you have brought us." Julius sighed and said he was speechless.

Robin and Xia Lulia Palace, their eyes glowed, exuding a fiery light.

21 The worship of Li Zhenwu in the hearts of the two girls has risen to an unprecedented height.

"Besides the white beard, there is one more man who has destroyed the world, now you are one more." Xia Li said.

Li Zhenwu flicked his fingers and smiled lightly: "No, it's just me."

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