〇⑦ Famine!

Chapter [-] Before Wuzhuang Temple

The vast expanse is vast, the mountains are crisscrossed, such as a giant dragon lying prone, the vigorous ancient trees towering into the clouds, full of primitive breath.

Suddenly, the demonic wind raged in the heavens and the earth. Wherever it passed, everything was quiet, and there were even weaker beasts lying prone on the ground and shivering.

At this moment, a group of clad human beings, numbering hundreds of thousands, looked panicked and ran desperately.

"Run away, they're coming!"

"Wu Zhuang Guan is a hundred miles ahead, don't give up!"

"Woooooo...I can't walk anymore!"

"Why, what mistakes have we made, why can we only be reduced to the food of all races?"

"The way of heaven is not fair, the Virgin Mary is not fair..."

This group of people, both male and female, all had yellow faces and thin muscles, some looked terrified, and some had sluggish faces, like walking corpses, without the slightest vitality.

They were chased for thousands of miles, and too many relatives had died.

Those who can still survive at this moment can't see any hope, because the mighty demon clouds in the sky have always followed and never left.


A Taoist temple, simple and unadorned, filled with fairy spirit, revealing a pleasant fragrance.

The plaque in front of the Taoist Temple has three big characters: Wuzhuangguan.

The brush and ink are natural, mysterious and unpredictable, and contain the best of heaven and earth.

There are two pairs of 427 couplets hanging beside the door, showing the free and easy nature of the owner of the Taoist temple and the true meaning of Taoism.

The immortal mansion of immortality is the same as the heaven!


"I beg Zhenyuan Daxian to save me and wait!"

"We were made from the earth by the Mother of God, and we were born to be the food of all races, how sad?"

"Zhenyuan Daxian..."

In front of Wuzhuangguan Gate, hundreds of thousands of people sat on the ground with tragic expressions, denouncing the injustice of the sky and the inhumanity of the Virgin Mary.

The human race has multiplied for hundreds of years, from thousands of people at the beginning to the number of millions today.

However, born is not invincible, nor does he comprehend the method of divine passage, he can only drink blood, and he is not loved by heaven and earth.

All the way to the present, less than [-] out of [-], the disaster of extermination is imminent.


Heaven and earth shook, dark clouds filled the sky, and the demonic wind roared, ravaging the earth.

At the end of the sky, there was a drum of war, and a majestic and mighty voice resounded through the nine heavens, shaking the world.

"The human race does not respect the Emperor of Heaven, and if they commit an iron law, they should be exterminated!"

I saw above the dark clouds, an old man in black robes, with open arms, like a Dapeng spreading his wings, leaping from the sky.


The black-robed old man turned into a big fish, covering the sky and the sun, and roaming the sky with a length of [-] meters.

"Haha, Kunpeng demon master shot, no one in the world dares to fight!"

"The human race is weak and should be reduced to our food. Now that we don't respect the emperor, we have this disaster!"

Dark clouds lined up troops, and [-] demon soldiers, majestic and majestic, sounded the drum of judgment.

The second emperor of the demon clan, Donghuang Taiyi and Emperor Jun, stood in the heaven, looking down indifferently at all the movements of the earth below.

"Destroy this human race, the luck of our demon race will be able to overwhelm those reckless men of the witch race!" Di Jun said indifferently, his eyes shining brightly.

"This act makes me stand up in heaven, shock all spirits, snatch luck, and become the master of heaven and earth." Donghuang Taiyi, holding the Donghuang bell and wearing a golden robe, was like an emperor in the dust.

Just as the two emperors were talking, something suddenly happened in front of Wuzhuangguan Gate.

I saw the quaint Taoist temple, the two doors that were closed, opened a gap slightly at this moment, and a young Taoist boy came out.

"Roar, the human race should have this calamity, killing you and others, will achieve eternal merits for our heavenly court!"

The Kunpeng Demon Master raised the sky and shouted, the sound waves shook the sky, and the wings stretched out from his back, covering the sky and the earth, the sun and the moon were dark, and the earth was shrouded in darkness.

Just as Kunpeng attacked the hundreds of thousands of people, he saw the sound of the collapse of the void and the destruction of the sky and the earth.

"Gaga, the demon clan is so majestic, you are in charge of the heavenly court, how dare you be presumptuous in the land controlled by the witch clan?"

In the rumbling sound, I saw a giant of [-] meters, standing in the sky, stepping on dragons and snakes, holding thunder and lightning, and galloping from a distance.

The giant, like a chaotic god and demon, broke through the barriers of space, and punched Kunpeng, who was swooping down.


Seeing this scene, the Heavenly Court Monster Race was shocked, and their eyes showed horror.

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