People with talent and evil spirits, although they comprehend and cultivate on their own, have only reached the position of Jin Xian.

At this moment, the most conspicuous below is the death and injury of more than [-] people, with broken limbs and broken arms, and blood pooling into rivers, which is extremely miserable.

"The two lich clans, be punished!"

Li Zhenwu's expression was cold and full of anger, and he almost came out of his body.

Although he knew that the time line when he came to this world was systematically arranged, he couldn't hold back the tragic scene of the earth below, and his hatred value broke through the sky.


Hearing Li Zhenwu's roar, both the demon emperor Jun and the demon master Kunpeng were taken aback.

Their mana was sky-high, and their eyes burst into dazzling light. They could see through the origin of the blue flame and clearly see the tail behind Li Zhenwu.

Demon clan?

At this moment, Di Jun and Kunpeng had this doubt in their hearts at the same time.

However, the Wu clan didn't pay much attention to it, and when they were provoked, they were naturally unwilling to bear the humiliation.

Before Qiang Liang could speak, the great witch beside him was already furious.

"The mere little monster dares to be mad, and watch me swallow you alive."

The great witch was already fed up with Kunpeng's beating, and seeing a new-faced demon clan at this moment, he couldn't help venting all his grievances to Li Zhenwu.


The Great Witch's body soared, turning into a height of [-] meters.

The Wu people were transformed by the flesh and blood of Pangu, and they were born with a strong physique. Although they did not practice the god channel method, they were innately able to mobilize the natural energy of wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

"Don't be presumptuous, little demon!" The great witch leaped above the sky, raised a fist like a mountain, and bombarded it directly.

When everyone on the ground saw this, they stopped saying anything to stop him. After all, Li Zhenwu's arrival was too sudden.

Li Zhenwu's eyes were clear, and the blue arrogance on his body suddenly soared. He raised his fist and greeted him, "Demon Nima!"

The two are very different in size, like an ant and an elephant, and they are not as good.

However, the results were shocking.


The fists collided, and a loud bang broke out.

I saw that the real body of the great witch fell like a meteor, and was slammed down to the ground by Li Zhenwu's punch.

Immediately, the vast mountains collapsed, rocks flew, and the terror was boundless.


Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened and they couldn't believe it.

With such a weak body, it is too strange to be able to knock Dawu's real body into the air with one punch, isn't it?

At this moment, countless spiritual thoughts swept over the wild land, and Qi Qi was shocked.

Some of the great gods of the Great Desolation who were hidden from the world, as well as the divine thoughts of the saints, all fell in front of the Wuzhuang Temple and watched intently.

"What a terrifying physique, I am afraid that under the great witch, it is difficult to bear a punch."

Those great gods who were hidden in the wild, this thought rose in their hearts.

And the saints who lived in their respective palaces all had their eyes glowing, as if they had seen a perfect piece of jade.

Dousi Palace in Shouyang Mountain.

Lao Tzu was sitting cross-legged, explaining the meaning of the Great Way with his disciple Xuandu, when suddenly he felt a sense of it and turned his head to look at Wuzhuang Temple.

"Heaven's secret is not revealed, this child should be an outlier in the wild."

When Xuandu heard this, he was puzzled, but the master didn't say more, and he dared to ask.


Jinao Island outside the East China Sea.

In a spacious square, Wanxian sat solemnly, listening intently, not daring to relax in the slightest.

In front of Wanxian, on a high platform, Tongtian Sect Master Dao sounded like thunder, and was preaching the true meaning of Dao. Suddenly, he felt a sense, and also looked at Wuzhuang Temple, and was very emotional...

"The secret is deceived, it seems that I have no relationship with me as a teacher and apprentice!"

After saying a few words lightly, the sect master of Tongtian stopped speaking, and continued to instill preaching with spiritual sense.

Even the Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace, Wa Palace, and Lingshan Mountain in the west stopped what they were doing, and were awakened by the breath of Wuzhuangguan.

Western Lingshan.

The sage received a face full of bitterness and hatred, put his hands together, sang a vow, and said, "This son has a destiny with me in the West."

Hearing this, Zhun Ti smiled bitterly, but didn't say any more.

After all, the West is poor and lacks everything, except for shame.


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