The demon emperor Jun smiled coldly, then turned to look at Zhen Yuanzi.

In front of Wuzhuangguan Gate, Zhen Yuanzi's face was ashen, his beard was hairless, and his always kind personality actually exuded a bit of murderous aura.

"If there is something wrong with Zhenwu, Laodao and Tianting are incompatible." He couldn't see the situation in the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array, so he could only threaten a few words.

Naturally, no one cared about Zhen Yuanzi's threat.


Suddenly, the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array swayed violently, and there was a loud noise inside.

Di Jun felt a little in his mind, and his face changed drastically.

"This punch is for the dead human race!"

Li Zhenwu's voice penetrated the great formation and came out from inside.

I saw his fist, shining bright golden light, as if cast from gold, tyrannical and unparalleled.


Qiangliang was thrown into the air by a punch, and his body was dented with a big hole, and he fell down, crushing countless mountains and trees...

It's so scary!

Zu Wu's strong physique was unable to withstand the power of that punch.

"How is that possible?" He was startled, feeling like he was in a dream.

"Nothing is impossible. You must know that the two Lich clans just have an innate advantage."

Li Zhenwu smiled sternly, his figure flashed, and he flew over again, the golden hair on his body surging, like a golden wave.


Before Qiangliang could react, his huge body flew out again, with a blood hole several thousand meters in his body, which was startling.

The Super Saiyan God state, coupled with the Hundred Times King Fist, has evolved into an ape state.

Quasi-Saint's peak combat power will press Qiangliang to fight.

"Today, I will slaughter the Lich Demon."

Li Zhenwu screamed in the sky, his thick hands opened, and he grabbed Qiangliang's fingers violently.

The rumbling sound was incessant.

The huge body of Zu Wu's real body was caught and swayed, constantly bombarding the big formation, making a loud noise.

Outside the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array.

Di Jun's face was sluggish, he couldn't believe what he saw in the big formation.

"Heavenly Emperor 4.6, since they are killing each other, let's do it too!" Kunpeng Demon Master looked coldly at the sheltered Terran and reminded aloud.

However, as soon as his voice fell, the nearby space shattered with a rumbling sound.

"Young child, how dare you be so despicable..."

I saw Zu Wudi Jiang, shattered the space, and led a group of Wu clan to rush over.

The nine great ancestral witches and the two great witches holding the flags of the gods and gods in their hands were fierce and murderous.

"No, brother is in danger!"

In front of the Heavenly Court, when Zu Wu appeared, Dong Huangtai's expression changed drastically, he was shocked and angry, he immediately rushed down with the Donghuang Bell.

This sudden change made many great gods and saints in Honghuang stunned.

Could it be that the Lich War was brought forward because of the appearance of Li Zhenwu?

Chapter [-] The Great Array of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons!

"Reckless, dare to fight?"

Di Jun exclaimed, his face turned pale, and he could no longer remain calm.

At this moment, the remaining nine great ancestral witches, as well as two powerful great witches, formed the incomplete formation of the twelve gods and demons.

Hundreds of millions of miles of prehistoric land, shrouded in surging chaotic energy, exudes a palpitating aura.

Although the formation is incomplete and lacks a strong position, it is still strong and unparalleled, and it is difficult for the saints to resist.

"Why don't you dare, you were the one who took the first shot, and now you are scolding us for coming?" Xuanming Ancestral Witch was shrouded in black robes, with white hands, holding two bone swords, murderous.

Seeing this, the others couldn't help but sneer again and again, their eyes full of contempt.


Along with the Wu people's real body of Ancestral Wu, they all turned into giants standing in the sky. They stood in a mysterious position and turned their bodies into a chaotic aura that filled the sky.

At this moment, the world changed.

In the center of the Great Array of Gods and Demons in the Twelve Capitals, the chaotic energy gathered and condensed into a giant with a height of several million meters. A terrifying aura emanated from the giant.

Not to mention Di Jun in the big formation, even the Great God of the 21st Road in Honghuang, his face changed drastically at this moment.

"You guys are crazy, you actually condensed the real body of Pangu!" Di Jun roared loudly, his face full of horror.

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