Dousi Palace in Shouyang Mountain!

Lao Tzu stopped the Dao teaching with Xuandu, squeezed the heavenly secret in his hand, and began to deduce it.

Beside him, Archmage Xuandu was silent, looking at Lao Tzu's solemn face, he couldn't help but get nervous.

"Bah! The human race should be prosperous, the teacher's words are very true, starting today, I will create a human education, inheriting the meaning of heaven."

After speaking in 5.5, the golden light above the nine heavens poured down like a waterfall, completely shrouding Lao Tzu and Grand Master Xuandu.

This scene, being sensed by other saints, was immediately shocked.

Kunlun Mountain, the original Yuxu Palace!

The original Tianzun was full of shock, envy and hatred in his heart: "Smelly shameless, isn't it just flattering the teacher? You took the lead."

Not only him, but the other saints also felt remorse in their hearts, and the Tongtian Sect Master even had his face elongated, his face stern, and he became unhappy.

Wa Palace.

When Lao Tzu founded the People's Education, Mother Nuwa's heart was shaken, her beautiful eyes turned slightly, and there were a few more regrets.

Fuxi sat cross-legged on the ground, constantly deducing the gossip, and his forehead was covered in cold sweat.

"It's such a chaotic mystery, what is it that has been blinded, and the fate of the two lich clans can't be checked."

Chapter [-] True Martial Holy Father!

Regardless of the thoughts of the great saints and many great gods, after Li Zhenwu left Wuzhuangguan, he galloped all the way towards the East China Sea.

Not long after, I saw the mighty ocean.

"Well, to create a Taoist lineage and educate the human race, just choose a mountain."

Li Zhenwu looked around and swept through the room with spiritual thoughts, and found a hill nearby, with a powerful aura.

That mountain peak is a thousand meters high, with green jade and lush greenery, and ancient trees stand. For the [-]-meter-high mountain in the wild, it can only be regarded as a small mountain.


Li Zhenwu descended from the sky and landed at the foot of the mountain. With a wave of his sleeves, more than [-] people appeared on the ground.

Coming out of the pitch-black space, everyone in the human race was stunned for a moment, then turned around and saluted Li Zhenwu respectfully.

"Thank you Daxian for saving us."

More than [-] people spoke, and the sound resounded for nine days, breaking the silence around them.

"It doesn't matter. If you live here in the future, I will live on the nearby mountain. If you have something important or don't understand, you can come to me."

Li Zhenwu pointed at the hill and spoke lightly.

"Everything obeys Daxian!" Everyone responded with a 21.

On the way to escape, millions of people died, and those who survived now, even young children, had their eyes full of determination.

These people, whether male or female, are definitely the elite of the human race.

Of course, the people who Zhen Yuanzi suffered are the evildoers in the human race, and they will make a considerable contribution to the human race in the future.

"Very well, then you build houses first, settle down first, and I'll go out to find food for you."

After explaining a few words to everyone, Li Zhenwu turned around and left, and went to the great wasteland to find the food needed by the human race.

There are so many giant beasts in the wild, almost everywhere, there is no need to look for them.


Soon, there was a loud noise from the mountains, and smoke rose into the sky.

There were beast roars and the long chirping of ominous birds, but the sound only lasted for half a sound, and everything returned to its original state.

Li Zhenwu held the [-]-meter giant elephant in one hand and the [-]-meter-long ominous bird in the other, and flew back like this.

At this moment, after a single action, everyone quickly swept the trees in place and built a simple wooden house. Everything was carried out in an orderly manner.

On the hill, Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged in the void, looking at the human race at the foot of the mountain, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Any indoctrination should not be rushed, it should be done slowly."

As for how to make the people become self-improving, he has already made a plan, but he just needs to wait for them to get out of their sadness before implementing it.


The power of Zhenwu in his body was running, Li Zhenwu waved his hand gently, the boulders and trees on the top of the mountain floated, and a dojo was soon built.

At the end of the dojo, a thatched hut, simple and natural, just sat down.

"This mountain will be called Wudang Mountain from now on. It covers thousands of miles. If anyone dares to make trouble, I will personally kill them."

After the construction of the dojo was completed, Li Zhenwu spoke, and the voice spread thousands of miles, and all the creatures near Wudang Mountain could clearly hear it.

There are many spiritual creatures in the wild. As soon as these words came out, they immediately let those creatures who had opened their minds crawl to the ground to express their respect.

After doing all this, Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged in the dojo, his eyes closed, and he began to comprehend the merits and virtues of the heavenly way, as well as other contents of the jade slip given by Zhen Yuanzi.


At the foot of Wudang Mountain, there are many houses, and the original tribes were gathered together.

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