After a while, Li Zhenwu spoke lightly, his tone was indifferent, without the slightest emotion.

Hearing this, all the human beings were shocked, their faces showed fear, and their hearts were uneasy.

"I ask Holy Father, but what have I done wrong?"

Elder Xia's forehead was almost buried in the soil, his voice trembling, full of helplessness.

Because Li Zhenwu's tone was so abnormal, indifferent and ruthless, without the slightest emotion in it.

"stand up!"

However, Li Zhenwu is still a simple word, the power of Zhenwu on his body has become more surging, and it is diffused, which greatly increases the pressure on everyone.

When these words sounded, the field became quiet and silent.

Everyone was even more frightened, shivering on the ground, his face full of sadness, as if abandoned by heaven, and closed his eyes in despair.

Even Elder Zhou and Elder Xia looked uneasy at the moment, completely confused.

"stand up!"

Just as everyone responded in silence, Li Zhenwu shouted loudly, and the majestic momentum rolled over like a big wave, sweeping everyone up.

At this moment, the people who were crawling on the ground were like a canoe in a huge wave, and it would tip over at any time as it swayed.

At this moment, in the middle of the crowd, a little boy in tattered clothes slowly stood up.

"Congratulations to the Holy Father!"

His body is very thin, but his voice is firm, without the slightest vibrato, like a pillar of the sky, which calms the impetuousness in the heart of those who hear it.

With the sound of the little boy's voice, the human beings who were crawling on the ground also stood up as if thinking of something.

"Congratulations to the Holy Father!"

More than [-] people, their waists are straight, their voices are loud, resounding through the sky, and their tone is full of unprecedented confidence.

Seeing this scene, Li Zhenwu nodded with satisfaction, his breath restrained, and there was a little more appreciation in his eyes.

"Very good, since the human race is supposed to be the ruler of the Great Desolation, it should be proud and not kneeling at will!"

Li Zhenwu spoke lightly, and glanced at the little boy, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Hearing this, everyone's hearts were relieved, and they could not help but feel ashamed and embarrassed.

"Since I am the Holy Father, I will protect the human race for a hundred years, but if the human race wants to thrive, it still falls on Er et al.

Li Zhenwu opened his mouth lightly, then reached out his hand and pointed out in the void, the power of true martial arts, like a dissolved mist, enveloped everyone.

"This is the way of true martial arts. How much you have learned depends on your own qualifications. If you have Xuanxian cultivation within half a year, you can be my true martial arts disciple."

After he finished speaking, he didn't care whether everyone understood or not, his figure was blurred, and he had disappeared from the place.

More than [-] people in the square, all closed their eyes, so attracted by the information pouring into their souls that they ignored everything outside.

Wudao didn't know the time, when someone woke up, the sky was already dark.

"Wow, I feel the spiritual energy, is this the way to cultivate the channel of God?"

"Me too, it's amazing, the kindness of the Holy Father Zhenwu is really unforgettable!"

"We will become stronger in the future, and we will no longer be afraid of the two lich clans."

When everyone woke up, they all opened their mouths, and their expressions were full of excitement.

You must know that the prehistoric divine passage method is not something that anyone can learn, and only those with deep blessings can get it.

But at this moment, there are more than [-] people in the human race, and almost all of them have been taught their own way by Li Zhenwu, which is unimaginable in the eyes of others.

"Thank you Holy Father for your love!"

Elder Xia and Elder Zhou were the most awake at the end of the crowd, and immediately bowed to thank them in the direction of Wudang Mountain.

At this time, the surrounding candles were filled with candles, and some people who had already woken up lit torches to illuminate the crowd.

"Huh? Is this son still awake?"

Suddenly, Elder Xia exclaimed, looking at the little boy who stood up first, full of wonder.

When everyone saw this, they wanted to leave, but they stopped immediately, and they were surrounded by silence.

After three days...

"What a miraculous way of true martial arts!" The little boy in tattered clothes came to his senses.

Then, he sensed the countless gazes around him, all falling on him, making him feel a little awkward in his heart.

"Child, what's your name?" The two elders Xia Zhou looked very excited.

"My name is Xuanyuan, and I will create peace for the human race!"

The little boy hesitated for a moment, recalling the words of the Holy Father, he immediately raised his head and roared loudly.

Chapter [-] The God Channel Method! (third more)

On Wudang Mountain, when Xuanyuan shouted his last words, above the nine heavens, the golden light once again fell like a sky, falling on the Zhenwu Dojo.


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