Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, then carried his hands on his back, and walked leisurely towards the foot of Wudang Mountain.

Fang Cai, where the five-colored auspicious clouds appeared, shocked the human race, and all looked towards a stone house with envy and respect in their eyes.

"It's my human race's great prosperity, Xuanyuan's son, if he can win the mercy of the Holy Father, his future achievements are limitless."

"That is, give us another fifty years for the human race, and the two lich races are no longer a threat."

The two elders of Xia Zhou, guarding outside the stone house, were chatting and laughing with high spirits, and they had never been more confident.

In just a few months, the two of them have reached the status of Jinxian, which is almost the same as the original Shennong.

However, their cultivation base was not low in the first place, and after gaining the inheritance of Zhenwu, they broke through several realms in one fell swoop.

"Very good, I didn't expect your talent to be so high."

At this time, Li Zhenwu stepped forward from a distance, carrying his hands on his back, as if strolling in a leisurely courtyard.

"Holy Father!" Seeing this, Elder Xia Zhou immediately saluted respectfully.


At this moment, the door of the stone house opened.

A young boy, walking with a sturdy pace, shouted excitedly as soon as he came out: "I have reached the position of Xuanxian, and finally I have the qualifications to enter the door of the Holy Father."

You Zi Xuanyuan, who attained enlightenment in three months, became a Xuanxian, and finally entered the gate of true martial arts!

Chapter [-] The Lich Gloom

Xuanyuan has thick eyebrows and big eyes, his black hair is loosely scattered, his body is well-proportioned, and he has the style of a general.

At a young age, he already possessed unstoppable courage, and with great perseverance, he entered Xuanxian in March.

This enchanting talent really excites the race.

"Very good, with this talent, you can enter my real martial arts."

Li Zhenwu looked at Xuanyuan and smiled lightly.

"Holy Father loves you, Xuanyuan will not disappoint you."

Xuanyuan knelt down on one knee and answered in a deep voice.

At the moment, Li Zhenwu took Xuanyuan to Wudang Mountain, built a house for him on the mountainside, lived here, and explained the way of Zhenwu to him every day.

During this period, Zhen Yuanzi invited Li Zhenwu several times and asked him to go to Wuzhuang to watch a gathering.

However, - Li Zhenwu categorically refused.

The human race is not strong enough, and they must always be on guard against the disturbance of monsters. If he leaves, he may be disturbed by someone with a heart.

However, Li Zhenwu thought too much. Except for some wild monsters, the two lich clans had no intention of attacking the human clan at this moment.

Monster Race Heavenly Court, inside a splendid palace.

"If I die, Xihe and those ten children will depend on you to take care of them."

Di Jun's face was pale at the moment, lying on the bed, extremely weak.

Since the Battle of Wuzhuangguan passed, Hetu Luoshu was damaged, causing his true spirit to be extremely weak.

In addition, he was seriously injured by the great formation of the Twelve Capitals, and when he came back, he was almost crippled.

"Brother, don't be silly, I'll go to the empress now and ask for a medicinal pill for you. You'll be fine."

Dong Huangtai's eyes were full of tears, and sadness also came from it.

At the beginning of the prehistoric period, he and Di Jun, the demon queen Xi and the other three were all creatures born from the prehistoric sun star, and their feelings were naturally deep and almost indistinguishable from each other.

Later, Di Jun and Xihe became husband and wife and gave birth to ten Jinwu princes, but their relationship was like a family.

"As a saint, Niangniang is beyond heaven and earth, how can she control the life and death of my demon clan!"

Speaking of Nuwa, Di Jun closed his eyes in despair.

In front of the Wuzhuang Temple that day, if Empress Nuwa shot, how could he end up like this!

"Brother be careful, don't talk nonsense anymore. Although the lady is holy, she is also a demon, so I'm going to ask the lady for mercy."

Dong Huangtai exclaimed and immediately stopped Di Jun from talking nonsense.

Instructing the maid of the demon clan to take good care of him, the East Emperor Taiyi squeezed the East Emperor Bell in his hand, rode the auspicious clouds, and went to the Wa Palace.


In the Wu tribe, it was also full of sorrow.

In the sacrificial hall, everyone gathered together, and everyone's face was gloomy like water.

Jiufeng even had tears in the corners of her eyes, sobbing in the corner, how sad and sad she looked like.

The ancestral witches, who have always been hot-tempered, have no one to scold her.

"Hey, sister Jiufeng, don't cry. Brother Qiangliang hasn't died yet. If he dies, I will slaughter all the people immediately."

Perhaps it was disturbed by Jiufeng's cry, and she walked around in a hurry than the corpse, so she could only comfort her.


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