After hearing Daozu's words, Houtu did not hesitate at all, and his tone was full of firmness.

"Qiangliang's fall has long been fixed. If you want to change, you will definitely gain karma, but think about it clearly!"

"The disciple is not afraid!"

"Fall on Zhenwu!"

The voice fell, and the figure of the Taoist on the futon disappeared instantly, and the Taoist temple became empty.

Hou Tu was stunned for a moment, his pretty face showed a touch of firmness, then he stood up, bowed respectfully, and turned to leave.

After a while, the figure of the Taoist appeared again on the futon. His eyes were deep, and the stars were disillusioned, looking at the direction of Hou Tu's departure.

"Honghuang is going to be in chaos!"

He said lightly to himself, then closed his eyes, his figure was blurred, and he once again fit in the heavenly way and left.

In the prehistoric world, due to the unparalleled tyranny of all ethnic groups, under many competitions for hegemony, cause and effect have already quietly come, and the calamity of the lich has naturally begun to work.


Although the secret was disturbed, the prehistoric saints were able to calculate a little bit about the worries of the two Lich clans.

As soon as Dong Huangtai came to the Wa Palace, he was told by the maid that Empress Nuwa was comprehending the secrets of heaven and had no free time.

"This emperor has something important to do with the empress, you go and report it!" Dong Huangtai frowned and said lightly.

He didn't leave immediately. After all, it was related to Di Jun's life and death. Even if he lost his face, he would still need a chance for his eldest brother.

"Empress said before her retreat that she should not be disturbed by anything!"

Jiutian Xuannv was very hurt. As a saint, she was willing to serve.

But now, an emperor of the Heavenly Court of the Demon Race is also coming to shout, can this Wa Palace still stay?

"The emperor said that the matter is very important, you hurry up and report it. If you delay the time, the empress will probably punish you."

Taiyi may be used to playing in the heavenly court, and now he came to the Wa Palace, and he didn't have a good face for these maids.

Maybe because he was born with great supernatural powers, he is really used to being arrogant in character.

"I'm sorry, Niangniang won't let people disturb you. If the Emperor of Heaven has something to do, when Niangniang leaves the customs, Xuannv can help the Emperor to convey it."

However, Jiutian Xuannv was stubborn and refused to go in to report.

Between the sage and the quasi-sage, whoever is on the side, the prehistoric and ordinary creatures know.

What's more, the maids of the Wa Palace, it's not Taiyi's turn to teach them a lesson. After all, as long as Nuwa doesn't blame them, no one in the entire flood can move them at all.

Hearing Xuannv's words, Taiyi's expression instantly became cold, his eyes were cold, and the surrounding temperature dropped, as if frost had come.

and many more……

Suddenly, Dong Huangtai woke up with shock and anger on his face.

"As a saint, why can't the goddess not be able to calculate my intentions, and now I can't see you behind closed doors, is it true that the big brother is helpless?"

Thinking of this, Taiyi's sorrow comes from it, even the saints are not attached to the demon clan, how sad this is.

The sadness on his face could not be concealed, it fell into Xuannv's eyes, and was truly shocked.

Is this still the Lord of Heaven?Why can't I see my mother-in-law and cry like this?

After a while, Taiyi recovered and took a deep breath, his eyes showed decisiveness, as if he had made some important decision, he cuffed his sleeves, and there was a red flag on his hand.

This flag is only the size of a slap, with a unique material, and countless monsters are engraved on both sides, which contains a monstrous demonic energy.

Zhao Yaopan, able to command all monsters in the world, is a veritable treasure of the monster clan.

At the beginning, this treasure belonged to Empress Nuwa, but because Taiyi and Di Jun established the Heavenly Court and required the obedience of all demons, they naturally took it away.

This is because of this treasure, which created a gap between the two. For the future of the demon clan, it is not enough for Nuwa to become a saint, but now, she still has some opinions on Taiyi and Dijun...

"This thing is the treasure of my demon clan, and it should belong to the empress. Taiyi will return it to the empress, and I hope the fairy will report it leniently."

In a blink of an eye, Dong Huang Taiyi's attitude softened, and his tone was unprecedentedly good.

Xuannv was stunned for a moment, and instinctively wanted to refuse, but her eyes lit up, but she received Nuwa's voice transmission, she nodded immediately, and took Zhao Yaopan over.

"Heavenly Emperor, please be patient, Xuannv will go and tell the Empress!"

While speaking, Jiutian Xuannv took the demon pan, turned around and entered the Wa Palace.

Seeing this scene, Dong Huangtai's face was throbbing, and blood was dripping from the bottom of his heart, but he did not dare to express any anger in the face of the saint.

"Please come in!"

Not long after, Jiutian Xuannv approached and invited Donghuang Taiyi in.

Inside the main hall of Wa Palace.

The goddess Nuwa was at the top, with a bead curtain in front of her, the inside was chaotic and blurry, and there was the power of the Great Way to block the investigation of the divine sense.

Below her, Fuxi sat cross-legged, with a long qin on his knees, calmly.

"Meet the lady!"

As soon as Dong Huangtai came in, he respectfully paid homage, then stood up, nodded lightly to Fuxi, and said hello.

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