But when other people heard it, the smile on their faces suddenly froze, and the originally happy mood was instantly embarrassed on the spot.

"Too deceitful, what is my ancestor witch?"

"You actually came in person, that thing must be on you, kill you, and we can get it as well."

"Yes, if I kill him, I don't believe that Brother Qiangliang can't wake up."

The next moment, the Wu people were furious, and looking at Li Zhenwu's eyes, they almost burst into flames.

In their hearts, how could the Human Race be as noble as the Witch Race, they were just ants with no strength.

"Very good, let's say goodbye first. If you are confident, you can stay with me. Just give it a try. I won't mention it in the future."

Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back with a proud face, then turned to leave, and really walked away.

This sudden change caught the Wu people by surprise.

They shouted loudly just now, but they were just venting their anger.

"Whatever you want, as long as it is within our ability, anything can be promised."

Seeing that Li Zhenwu was about to leave, Xuan Ming's figure flashed, blocking Li Zhenwu's 757 path. Any two words were said with great force.

However, Li Zhenwu's eyes were flat, and he still didn't react. As he moved, he passed Xuan Ming's shoulders.

"Sister Houtu, you should say something!"

Seeing this, everyone was at a loss and could only turn to Houtu for help.

"I don't know either. His ability to come here is already the biggest concession." She shook her head, her expression darkened and her sense of proportions chaotic.

As a result, everyone is even more embarrassed.

A good opportunity to save a life, but they were forced to use their strength to force them away. What a distressing result.

"Just now, who is the one who made the rude words, why don't you make amends with Mr. Zhenwu?"

Di Jiang let out a low growl, his face full of anxiety, he was about to be tortured mad by Li Zhenwu's behavior.

The loss of any of the twelve ancestor witches is an unbearable loss for the witches.


When Di Jiang's voice fell, the eyes of the Wu people all fell on She Bi's body, with reproach in their eyes, which contained a strong inexplicable meaning.

The meaning is obvious. You were the strongest just now. Whether you can save Brother Qiangliang at this moment is up to you.

Chapter [-] The guest of honor of the Ancestral Witch! (third more)

The forest was silent, only Li Zhenwu's footsteps made rustling sounds.

Every time he took a step down, in the hearts of the Wu clan people, he twitched so hard that their hearts were raised to their throats.


Feeling the gazes of everyone, she was so stunned that he couldn't believe it, and everyone pushed him out like this.

You must know that he was arrogant just now. If Li Zhenwu was their guest, he would call him father.

"You can figure it out. She is in the tribe at the moment, not in the outside world. No one will know."

Xuan Ming turned his head and looked over, his eyes were extremely cold, and his tone was even colder, which made people feel chills in the heart.

This is not a discussion. As the strongest Ancestral Witch, she has a firm word among the Witch Clan, and is in a dominant position. At this moment, the outbreak makes everyone extremely frightened.

Hearing these words, the corpse almost wanted to cry without tears, so he dug a hole and jumped down.

"Fellow Daoist Li, the kid just had a bad attitude, please forgive me..."

However, Li Zhenwu kept walking, as if he hadn't heard him, and ignored the other party lazily.

"Zhenwu Daxian..."

Li Zhenwu still had his hands on his back, but his pace quickened, and he was about to disappear from the forest. At that time, Qiangliang was really helpless.

"Father..." She Bi Zhe was extremely aggrieved, her face flushed red, and she screamed in the sky.

Li Zhenwu in the distance paused in his footsteps and suddenly turned around, his eyes filled with doubts, and he spoke lightly.

"I just said it very clearly. Those who speak unkindly, please clap yourselves, instead of thinking about another innocent son. After all, I'm still young, so I can't let you take advantage of it."

The voice fell, the mountain wind blew, and everyone was messed up.


The corpse jumped like a rage, this was so clearly a trick, just as he was about to attack, he could feel the cold eyes around him, and immediately withered.

"I clap"

I saw him roaring angrily, turning his hands, and hitting him in the face with a slap, and the sound resounded throughout the entire mountain forest, almost alarming Jiuxiao.

When the Wu people saw this, they breathed a sigh of relief. Shouldn't this be a problem?

"Enough is enough, fellow Daoists don't need to be so self-abusing, or the face of the Wu clan will be humiliated by you."

Li Zhenwu raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a faint smile.

However, he didn't intend to do this, but he had other plans, teaching extravagant corpses, just to test the bottom line of the Wu clan.

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