The saints petitioned to clear their doubts.

You know, the sage can count ten thousand years in the future with a single calculation, which was completely unimaginable in the past.


In the depths of the endless void, the Zixiao Palace, a quaint Taoist temple, suddenly opened the door, and a light voice came from inside.

This voice was very soft, and it was transmitted slowly, but only the saint could hear it.

"Existence is right!"

There are only four words, but when they fall in the ears of the saints, they sound like thunder.

Existence is right?

"Is everything the teacher's intention?"

When the saints heard this, they all bowed their heads, and a strange light flashed in their eyes.

If it is really what Hongjun intended, then they will have a better life in the future.


In Wudang Mountain, Li Zhenwu was bathed in the golden light of heaven's merit and virtue. The whole person seemed to be in the arms of his mother. The pores on his body opened, greedily absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.


Styx's obsession mission is completed, rewarding the merits of Hunyuan Avenue for five hundred years.

As the cold voice in his mind fell, Li Zhenwu was shocked, and a dazzling golden light, boundless and majestic, gushed out from the pores.


The endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth formed a vortex of spiritual energy in the sky above Wudang Mountain.

Yes, that crazy attraction, not absorbing, is already plundering.

At this moment, all the prehistoric creatures in the range of hundreds of millions of miles were shocked, and they only felt that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was impoverished in an instant.

"It should be for the purpose of stepping into a quasi-holy cultivation."

Li Zhenwu stood up, carrying his hands on his back, looking at the realm of Jiuyou Xuehai, his eyes flashing with a smile.


There was a loud noise within the body, shaking the sky and the earth, very terrifying.

The merits of Hunyuan and Heavenly Dao were instantly melted by the power of true martial arts, constantly wandering in the body, tempering flesh and blood.

"The way of true martial arts is about strengthening one's self. No matter whether the primordial spirit is placed in the void or the regeneration of flesh and blood, it is not the right way for me."

Li Zhenwu sighed with emotion, the clothes moved without wind, and the skeleton and flesh and blood evolved in an instant, reaching an unprecedented level.


The raging flames erupted from the body, and the dark red arrogance was full of arc flashes, which was very terrifying.

"God of Saiyans, now I should be invincible under saints."

The corners of Li Zhenwu's mouth raised, showing a satisfied smile.

The fists were clenched, and the majestic power erupted in the palm of the hand, and the space was crushed, turning into endless darkness to breed.

"Wrong, infinitely close to the saint, even if you lose, you can remain undefeated."

Feeling the powerful strength in his body, Li Zhenwu grinned, and the arrogance that filled his body suddenly surged.

In an instant, the bright red arrogance full of electric arcs rose into the sky with the momentum of sweeping the world.

"What's the matter? This kind of breath is so familiar."

At the foot of the mountain, all the human beings looked towards Wudang Mountain in unison, and they were all shocked.

When Yin Hong's arrogance skyrocketed, the power in their bodies was also about to move, and their blood was boiling.

"This is the way of true martial arts of the teacher. It is too powerful. I have never felt this way in the face of Mother Nuwa."

Halfway up the mountain, Xuanyuan couldn't be more excited, his eyes lit up, and he looked towards the direction of the mountain top, with infinite yearning in his heart.

That kind of power is the purest way of true martial arts.

At this moment, Li Zhenwu is so powerful that he is infinitely close to a saint after his transformation. This is definitely a shocking event.

"Finally broke through, quasi-saint position."

On the top of the mountain, Li Zhenwu stood with a faint smile on his face, with his hands on his back and against the wind.

The breath is restrained, and the whole person is filled with an unspeakable charm.

Chapter [-]: The Wrath of Styx!

Li Zhenwu reached the quasi-sage, which alarmed Honghuang and shocked countless people.

"How is that possible? Hasn't the power he showed already surpassed the Quasi-Saint?"

"It's strange, it's only now that he has reached the quasi-sage cultivation level, then wasn't he about half a step quasi-sage?"

"It's really amazing. If you are a quasi-sage in half a step, you can be fearless. If you have broken through the quasi-sage now, what is his strength?"

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