In an instant, the entire Jiuyou land rioted, erupting with supreme might.

"Don't be presumptuous in the sea of ​​my blood."

Styx, holding two swords, came with murderous aura, fearless, and the sea of ​​blood did not dry up, so he would not die.

This is fearlessness.

"Haha, let's fight, as long as I don't let you go out, my mission is complete." Zhu Rong laughed, and rushed forward instead of retreating.


The two fought, and the boundless blood-colored ocean was about to roll over at this moment.

Fortunately, this is the Jiuyou Blood Sea Realm. If it is in the flood of the ground, I am afraid that the sky will collapse and countless creatures will die.

However, the strength of the two was so powerful that they almost overturned the Hall of Souls on the bottom of the sea in the aftermath.

But there is a mysterious power protecting it, and when there is a destructive power sweeping it, it emits invisible fluctuations, saving hundreds of thousands of Shura people.


The two collided hard again, and a loud noise broke out.

"Ming He, you are really stubborn, then I'll beat you to your suit!"

Zhu Rong roared, his body was covered with fine sword marks, and he was hit with real fire, and he wanted to burst out with real strength.

The next moment, the rich and bright fire light came out through the body, emitting a fiery temperature.

Zhu Rong controls all the fires in the world, and the flame of the fusion of true martial power is revealed to the world for the first time.

(The amount of recent updates will be reduced, because it is necessary to save the manuscript, deal with future situations, and prevent interruptions, please forgive me...)

Chapter [-] Styx begging for mercy! (fourth more)

When the flames bred, the entire Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood was filled with a fiery aura.


The sea of ​​blood under Zhu Rong's feet was already boiling, and the scorching flames boiled it unceasingly.

Controlling all fires in the world, at this moment, Zhu Rong, who was formerly known as Ancestral Witch, showed this ability.


I saw the original dark body, and in an instant, countless flames, transpired from the mysterious lines of the skin, and burned roaringly.

At this moment, Zhu melts into a flame giant, one million meters high, standing in the sky, burning all the filth and filth in the world.

"Haha, just with your flame, do you want to dry the sea of ​​blood?"

Seeing this, Ming He couldn't help laughing, very proud and arrogant.

You must know that the sea of ​​blood is not ordinary sea water, it is the source of pollution and filth between heaven and earth, and it is the most evil and evil.

And the sea of ​​blood is boundless, unless the sun star in the chaotic starry sky falls, maybe the saint takes action, otherwise time will have a way to dry the sea of ​​blood.

"Then give it a try." Zhu Rong was very strong. In silence, a majestic flame erupted from his body, covering the hundreds of millions of miles around 21.

Accompanied by the shroud of flames, the sea surface was scorching and boiling, and countless water vapors evaporated into a blur.

However, even if it was evaporated into mist, it was still blood-red, exuding a bewitching luster.

"A creature in a mere large formation dares to collide with the ancestor head-on. You, Zhu Rong, are considered the first person." Ming He sneered, without any fear, he rushed over fiercely.

His body was transformed by the sea of ​​blood, and there were countless ripples.


Two blood-colored sword lights suddenly lit up, illuminating the entire world, and they were astonished.


Zhu Rongshen was like a rock, stood still, raised his hands, and blocked directly with his arms.

With the sound of Jin Ge, countless ripples appeared in the space, and the powerful shock wave set off a huge wave of millions of meters in the sea of ​​​​blood, as if to drown everything in the world, very terrifying.


Styx's body emitted green smoke and gave off a scorched smell, and the body condensed by the sea of ​​blood turned black, looking in a state of embarrassment.

The next moment, his figure retreated sharply, and his eyes showed incredible.

"How is it possible? Even if the sun is really hot, it can't be done in the Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood."

You know, just now it was only a slight contact, if it was close, I am afraid it would not be as simple as the body scorched black.

"What is the true fire of the sun, what I have now is called the fire of true martial arts." Zhu Rong grinned, immediately stepped forward, and rushed over.

The true spirit of Zhu Rong fused with the power of true martial arts, fused with all fires in the world, can no longer be called fire, and touches a mysterious realm.


The two collided head-on, and a loud noise broke out.

Zhu Rong made a very strong shot, and used his fists to meet the innate spiritual treasure.

However, every time Ming He slashed out a sword, Zhu Rong burst into flames, splashing out, constantly burning the sea, emitting a thick mist.

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