As for strength?

No matter how invincible you are in the world, you will never be able to transcend the way of heaven. One word from a sage can determine the life and death of all souls.

"Let's go back, you are good to cultivate, don't fall into the name of my Styx, otherwise, I am afraid that there will be no place for you."

Ming He turned around resolutely and led hundreds of thousands of Shura people back to the Hall of Souls.

In the end, under the witness of the Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood, he made the first three Asura clan emperors, and the rest followed the orders of the three.

As for himself, he was the Patriarch of his Free and Easy, and apart from educating the three of them, he spent the rest of his time recuperating and recuperating.


"Sister Houtu, why are you sitting here? Are you still worried about your brother?"

In the Hunyuan Great Array of the Twelve Capitals, Zhu Rong looked at Hou Tu, who was sitting cross-legged, and felt depressed in his heart.

I saw countless human souls floating around Hou Tu, her heart was clear, and her whole person exuded a holy breath.

"Brother Zhu Rong, I seem to have realized my own way, but I still can't let go of the Wu clan."

Houtu's beautiful eyes are clear, looking in the direction of the sea of ​​blood, her pretty face is full of grief, making people look at it, so pitiful.

"Don't be afraid, since the teacher has something to say, she will never let your sister have anything to do."

Although he didn't know what Hou Tu said, Zhu Rong could only be so comforted. After all, he didn't understand the secrets of the Great Dao, he just had a whole body of power.

"Forget it, Zhenwu's intentions, it's good for Houtu to know, the way of heaven is orderly, and after all, it is impossible to get rid of it."

Houtu Yanran smiled, regained her composure, and said, "I'll go back now, and I'll leave it to my brother here."

While speaking, she stood up, walking easily, wearing plain clothes, swaying in the wind, full of freedom and ease.

Since there is no way to escape, we will face it bravely, so that the Wu clan can have a good place in the future.


Wudang Mountain, Zhenwu Dojo.

Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged, his eyes were closed, and the whole person fell into a mysterious state.

Countless heavenly secrets resounded in his mind like the sound of a piano, and his heart was clear and clear.

The future, in his eyes, is like the jade body of a beautiful woman, full of mystery, but it makes people never get tired of seeing it.

"This is the future of heaven. Unfortunately, there are too many possibilities. I don't know what means those thieves have prepared?"

The corners of Li Zhenwu's mouth raised a faint smile, and he opened his eyes, which were as deep as the starry sky of all ages.

If anyone sees it at this moment, they will definitely be shocked, and even be shocked beyond recognition.

You must know that Li Zhenwu can actually see the past and the future, this is really amazing, it is absolutely unprecedented.

Great supernatural powers generally can only sense their own bad luck, and can see the vague future, but they can't be like Li Zhenwu, who not only sees but also sees countless possibilities.

That is the unique ability of the saint.

It is no exaggeration to say that what Li Zhenwu saw was more thorough than that of a saint.

Everything in the past, chaos first opened, the great road first appeared, the floods opened up, the calamity came, and the starry sky collapsed.

Everything in the world could not escape Li Zhenwu's eyes.

"The merits of Hunyuan Dao have added countless possibilities to my true martial power."

Li Zhenwu said to himself lightly, his heart was very happy.

The saint is calculating the world, so at this moment, he is calculating the entire avenue, not only the prehistoric world, but also the depths of the chaotic void.

It's just that Li Zhenwu is not interested in other things.

His attention is mainly focused on the future of the human race. If he sees through the chaos, the time required is probably beyond imagination.

"Perhaps the prehistoric world has come to countless calamities, and I still can't see all the sights!"

After all, the chaos is endless, and there are countless lines in it. It is impossible to see through each one.

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu's mind moved slightly, and he turned to look at the west, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

I saw the golden light in the western sky, dazzling and dazzling, a huge Buddhist country, suspended in the void, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds came from it.

"Great compassion is silent, great joy is silent, great freedom is bliss. Western bliss, bliss of the West, entering the gate of bliss, no disease, no disaster, no pain and no suffering, are you willing to come?"

The sage of Lingshan Mountain in the West, with a frowning face and a gesture of compassion, strode from the sky.

Beside him, Zhun Ti looked like an ascetic monk, holding the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree in his hand, solemn and sacred.

Has the Western Lingshan come to cross people?

Chapter [-] The face of the saint! (Second more)

The size of the Buddhist country covers the sky, is mighty and peaceful, and emits a faint fragrance.

In the Buddhist country, golden lotuses fall, Bodhi fragrant, Vajra glares guards, Bodhisattvas explain the meaning of scriptures, Rakshasa dances gracefully, and the gods and dragons fly up and down.

There are also lotus flowers falling, and all living beings in the country live and work in peace and contentment, which is a wonderful country scene in a prosperous world.

"Amitabha, all living beings in the great wilderness are equal, enter the ultimate bliss, do not be contaminated by cause and effect, and do not step into the world, which is the real kingdom of bliss."

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