In this way, the Three Pure Realms no longer exist, and they each have gone on different paths and become truly independent individuals.

"Shizi should be killed!" The original Tianzun shouted in a deep voice, but a trace of joy flashed in his eyes.

"Junior brother, why are you suffering?"

The sudden change made Lao Tzu feel ashes. He wanted to reprimand him a few words, but he didn't expect Tongtian to be so decisive, which made him regret in the bottom of his heart.

Because of Tongtian's move, the original contradiction against Li Zhenwu was completely transferred out.

"What's the trouble? Sanqing of the bullshit, you and others unite to bully me, do you really think I am good-tempered? If you don't agree today, you can fight the last one." Erupted.

"Shu Zixiu is mad. How noble is the senior brother's identity. Naturally, he will not have the same knowledge as you, but I can't bear it. If you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end."

I haven't said anything yet, the original Tianzun has already jumped, looking at the posture, I can't wait to shoot immediately.


The voice fell, and the four swords of Zhuxian that Tongtian was carrying suddenly unsheathed, suspended in the void, emitting a hazy mist, and the sword light shone inside.

"If you have the guts, then go to a fight and see how the Immortal Execution Sword Formation will be broken."

Between the words, Tongtian took a step forward, and with the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, he had already reached the outer sky, waiting for Primordial to take action.

"Haha, Tongtian child, today I will let you see the original, a broken formation, what can I do!"

Seeing this, the original Tianzun was not surprised but happy, and immediately stepped forward, and immediately followed.

As soon as the two left, the square was quiet.

"The matter of the human race can't be mentioned again today. If it is still calculated, I will give up my face and stop it."

Lao Tzu's face was pale, and he glanced at the Western Second Saint, his tone full of warning.

If it was normal, he might fight for a fight, but at this moment, the heart of any fight is dead, and he just wants to look back at Yangshan and preach alchemy every day.

"Senior brother, don't worry, while the human race is still weak, I will naturally be measured."

Seeing that the Sanqing was completely broken, the two Western sages did not dare to touch the mold. Although the Buddhist kingdom was damaged, they had also passed tens of thousands of people, and they had achieved their goal.

Lao Tzu rode on the green ox and walked away lonely, almost disheartened.

As for the battle between Tianwaiyuan and Tongtian, I didn't have any intention to watch it.

After all, in the end of the fight, it is only the face of the opponent. The void is not destroyed, the saint is not dead, and naturally there will be no danger to life.

In the field, only Nuwa and the two Western saints and three saints were left, all of them were relatively silent.

"Since there is nothing to do, Zhenwu will leave first." Li Zhenwu nodded to Nuwa, then turned around and wanted to leave.

At this moment, Zhunti, the second sage of the West, sat on the [-]th Grade Karmic Fire Golden Lotus and blocked his way.

"Zhenwu child, you have repeatedly insulted the saint's face, do you think you can walk away?" He looked indifferent, no longer compassionate.

With a bitter face, Jiyin sang a Buddha's name: "Anita Buddha, the true benefactor of martial arts, this time we have come here. Since the benefactor is so arrogant, let's go to my western bliss."

While speaking, he squeezed the orchid finger, and wanted to shoot Li Zhenwu.

"Two senior brothers, don't go too far, do you really think that my Nuwa is easy to bully?"

Seeing that the two were about to take action against Li Zhenwu, as a Virgin, Nuwa did not dare to fall behind, and her pretty face immediately cooled down.

The Western Second Sage did not dare to disrespect Lao Tzu, but he did not care so much about Li Zhenwu.

"Junior Sister Nuwa, this son is arrogant and arrogant, and regards the esteem of saints as nothing, this is a big step, why do you want to stop it?" Zhunti asked with a frown.

"Zhenwu is the Holy Father, and he is the fate of the human race, so Nuwa naturally wants to protect him." Nuwa whispered, trying to give in.

Seeing this scene, the saints were stunned.

Nuwa, who has always had no position, actually became tough for Li Zhenwu, which was absolutely unprecedented.

The face of the reception was even more bitter, and when Nuwa came forward, they had to weigh it if they wanted to grab someone.

"If that's the case, then let's lower our hands to see the true seal." Zhunti sang a Buddha's name with a compassionate face.

"Want to target me? Are you qualified?"

At this moment, Li Zhenwu's eyes suddenly turned cold, he stared at Zhunti lightly, and his heart was boiling with war.

Even in the face of saints, there is still no fear.

Chapter [-] I am invincible!Comparable to a saint! (fourth more)


When Li Zhenwu's voice fell, the whole flood shook.

Challenging saints?

This was unimaginable in the past, and a strange feeling rose in everyone's heart.

"Haha, don't be afraid of true martial arts friends. After Tongtian has taught this son, I will join hands with you to brush the face of these hypocritical people."

In the chaotic void outside the sky, the sect master of Tongtian laughed loudly, and his heart was very happy.

Li Zhenwu's temper was very appetizing to him, and he had already made up his mind to make friends.

"Presumptuous, you are still in the mood to consider others, and see how I brush your face."

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