In the depths of the chaotic void, all matter is being annihilated and reborn, dazzling and radiating dazzling brilliance.

Li Zhenwu rose into the sky, his body was surrounded by blood red arrogance, and the arc flashed, which was very conspicuous.

"The means of a saint is actually nothing more than that." His expression was indifferent, his expression was stern, the stars were disillusioned in his eyes, and there was no emotional wave.

"Anituo Buddha, the true martial arts donor is very good, but if you dare to criticize the strength of the saint, you are just a frog at the bottom of the well."

The sage received a frown and a bitter face, clasped his hands together, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds came out from the body, slowly diffused out, like a breeze blowing.

However, as Sanskrit gradually became brighter, his body was filled with golden light, flowing with dazzling golden brilliance, as if cast from gold, containing mystery and vastness.

"The two senior brothers are despicable, and they even displayed the Buddhist golden body against Zhenwu Quansheng. Nuwa is ashamed to be in the company of you and others."

Nuwa's white clothes are better than snow, her pretty face is cold, looking at the second saint of Lingshan, her beautiful eyes are full of ridicule.

"What Junior Sister said is wrong. The world is blissful, the world of bliss is blissful, and the world is blissful, the world is blissful, and I am a Buddha, I am a Buddha, I am a mirror, and I am a mirror, reflecting the world. He is me, and I am him." The karmic fire golden lotus is coming.

At this moment, the two saints of the Western Lingshan exude a vast aura, like the beginning of a flood, containing the power of a calamity.

You must know that the world of bliss is not affected by karma, because there is a fire of karma burning, at this time, they are contaminated with karma, and they have to use supreme means to kill Li Zhenwu.

"All means are in front of me, they are all chickens!"

In this regard, Li Zhenwu spoke lightly, extremely indifferent.

As his voice fell, the two Western sages were calm and not angry. They each sang the Buddha's name, and slowly approached Li Zhenwu.

"Zhenwu is careful, the West is good at charming people's hearts, guarding their hearts, so they have nothing to fear." Seeing this scene, Nu Wa reminded beside him.

"Nu Wa can rest assured. Although charming people's hearts is scary, what is even more terrifying is not charm, but true people's hearts." Li Zhenwu said.

While speaking, the two saints in the west had already come ten meters in front of him, and the two of them looked miserable, like people with great kindness in their hearts.

If you don't know, I am afraid that you will really be charmed by the two of them on the surface. In fact, they are the people who charm people's hearts. All means are only for themselves.


The next moment, Zhunti held the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree and threw it towards Li Zhenwu. The Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree instantly merged into the void and turned into an invisible wave that enveloped the place.

The Bodhi Array is full of fragrance and exudes a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

Chapter [-]: Three Thousand Worlds! (Second more)

One leaf and one bodhi, one flower and one world.

The Bodhi Great Array collects three thousand worlds and forms an unparalleled array method. If you enter it, if your mind is unstable, you will be surrounded by the causes and effects of the three thousand worlds, and you will never wake up again.

In the big array, each world is unique, as if people are in infinite reincarnation.

"Buddha Anita, if the benefactor of true martial arts can break through this formation, Jieyin will respect you as a senior brother from now on." Jieyin, with all his light, stepped into the great formation, and sat in one of the formations.

"There is no precedence for asking questions. The master is the teacher. If you can break my formation, Zhunti will respect you as a senior brother." Zhunti stepped on the lotus, walked barefoot, and sat on the last formation.

The Bodhi Great Array is the formation of acquired merit and virtue, and it is the formation mastered by Zhun Ti when he made a grand vow.

Although it is an acquired merit formation, but because Zhunti is sanctified by this, its formidable power is not inferior to any innate formation, and in some respects, it is even better.

At this moment, there are two great saints sitting in the town, and their power is so powerful that the innate formation of the two Lich clans is even stronger.

Most importantly, the power of this formation is not in the attack, but in the charm of the human heart.

When the great supernatural powers enter, they will easily lose themselves. Even if the saint enters it, he will not be able to break out of the formation for a while.

"Haha, a mere ant dares to compete with a saint, and is beyond its own power."

In the distant Zhuxian Sword Formation, the cold and arrogant voice of the original Tianzun came, full of disdain for the saints under the saints.

"Primordial child, take a break, wait for me to cut your face."

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by the angry shout of the Tongtian sect master, the sword array of killing immortals, the killing sword intent circulated, tearing apart the world, and the chaotic void could not bear it.


The next moment, the Immortal Execution Sword Formation exploded again, sending out terrifying fluctuations.

The Tongtian Sect Master and Yuanshi Tianzun fought quite fiercely.

This scene simply made all sentient beings in the floods feel dazed in their hearts.

The former Sanqing had actually come this far, and it was even more hated than a life-and-death enemy.

"Haha, Tongtian Xiaoer, how can he be my original opponent just by breaking the formation."

However, Yuanshi Tianzun is still strong, and when the Pangu flag in his hand is smashed, all the killing sword intent will be annihilated, which is very terrifying.

The battle between the saints is very powerful. If it is in the prehistoric world, I am afraid that the whole world will be destroyed.

Primitive and Tongtian have been fighting until now, and they are already evenly matched. If they are a little weaker, I am afraid they will be beaten by the opponent.


On the other side, the fragrance of the Bodhi Great Array overflowed, the lotus flower fell, and under the blessing of karma, strange fluctuations were emitted.

Under the shroud, Li Zhenwu felt that the sky was spinning, and as soon as his eyes darkened, he was already caught in an endless cycle of reincarnation.

"Zhenwu Buddha, can you understand the meaning of the scriptures I just taught?"

In front of Li Zhenwu, a Bodhisattva was sitting on a lotus, holding the orchid finger in his left hand and the avenue of the avenue in his right hand, and spoke with compassion.

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