Kuafu also changed from surprise to sluggishness. He never imagined that the magical powers of the strange person in front of him were unfathomable, and after all, he was still short of some spirits to save the poison of Taiyin.

"Dare to ask the immortal chief, what exactly is the spiritual object? Houyi will not hesitate to go to the mountain of swords or the sea of ​​​​fire."

Taking a deep breath, Hou Yi's eyes radiated a sharp light, and the momentum of the whole person was inexorable.

Even Kuafu looked over, his eyes filled with inquiries.

Seeing that the two of them were looking forward to it, Zhen Yuanzi did not hide it, and said directly: "To balance the control of the poison of the Taiyin, there is only the hibiscus spirit fruit in the land of Xizhuo, but this place is far away from Xizhuo, and I come back and forth. , I'm afraid..."

Having said that, Zhen Yuanzi kept his mouth shut.

Although he is a great magician, it will probably take some time to find the fusang spiritual fruit.

Moreover, if he picks the spiritual fruit himself, the chance of that day will be invalid, so he can only click on it and stop it. Whether it can be rescued or not depends on the thoughts of the two witches in front of him.

"If this is the case, Hou Yi will rush over immediately, and even if he sacrifices his life, he will definitely pick up the spiritual fruit."

When Hou Yi heard this, he immediately picked up the curved bow, put the quiver on his back, turned to Kuafu and said, "Heng'e will ask my brother to take care of one or two. I will be back as soon as possible on this trip to the west."

After speaking, it is not too late, he immediately took a step and was about to leave the tribe.

"Wait, brother!"

At this moment, Kuafu suddenly stopped Hou Yi, and said solemnly: "My brother has been away from the Wu clan for many years, and he is still a little unfamiliar with the real body of the secret magic. ."

"If my brother believes in my brother, the hibiscus spirit fruit, my brother will bring it back to you within three days."

Kuafu promised Xiong that he was full of arrogance, and showed the spirit of the witch clan to the fullest...

Hearing this, Hou Yi's eyes became moist, but he didn't want to trouble Kuafu, so he shook his head and refused.

"If there is no treatment within ten days, there is really nothing that can be done."

At this moment, Zhen Yuanzi, who was next to him, spoke lightly, causing the two people who couldn't argue, to be sluggish in place.

"Don't worry, brother, tell me to take good care of the tribe, and leave the matter of spiritual fruit to me."

The next moment, Kuafu laughed loudly, slapped Hou Yi on the shoulder hard, turned around and strode away.

Hou Yi froze in place, and sighed for a long time.

"It's still useless for me. If you can be familiar with the secret techniques of the Wu clan's true body, you don't have to bother to praise your father and brother."

"Why did the boy say this? I think you are a witch, but you have a different kind of rhyme in your heart. I don't know who you inherit from?" Zhen Yuanzi said inexplicably.

Hearing this, Hou Yi's self-blame dissipated a lot, and he immediately replied respectfully.

"The teacher never showed up, so the kid doesn't know who he is, but I only know that I have a soft spot for Arrow Dao."

"It's interesting. I happen to have a spiritual treasure called "Sunset Arrow". The nine arrows are one, and it's useless to keep it on my body. Since you love the way of arrows, I will give it to you this time."

While speaking, Zhen Yuanzi waved his sleeve robe, and when even nine streams of light 5.1 flew out, surrounding Hou Yi's body, he tweeted happily.

"It seems that this thing has a fate with you, and I have a good relationship with the old man."

Seeing this scene, Zhen Yuanzi's old face was full of smiles, thinking about the things he picked up unintentionally, but he didn't expect to form a good relationship.

However, he didn't know that if he knew what happened in the future, he would probably immediately kill Hou Yi in place, and then wave the sunset arrow into oblivion.

"Thank you for your kindness."

Hou Yi's face was full of excitement, and he stretched out his hands and held the nine streams of light in his palms. Immediately, his mind was very clear, and his cultivation level gradually increased.

This feeling is amazing, like being preached by a teacher, full of powerful feeling.

Chapter [-] The Tenth Prince of the Golden Crow (fourth more)

The vast mountains, towering into the clouds, towering ancient trees, like a crown, cover the sky and the sun.


Suddenly, the mountains shook, countless ferocious birds and beasts fled in panic, and the leaves rustled and flew into the sky.

The next moment, a giant with a height of [-] zhang stood upright, stepped out in one step, and walked across the mountains at an extremely fast speed.

"Fusang Lingguo, if Heng'e can be cured, with the character of my brother, I will definitely stay in the tribe."

Kuafu also worked hard. When he left the tribe, he immediately displayed his true body of the Wu clan and turned into a giant, walking like a fly in the mountains and the earth.

In just half a day, I don't know how many miles I have traveled.

The surrounding scenery, like a streamer, flew quickly from Kuafu's side, and was thrown far away in the blink of an eye.



Kuafu stopped abruptly, turned his head to look in a certain direction, his face changed drastically, and his eyes were full of anger.

A hundred thousand miles away from him, a raging fire burned there, burning everything in the world.

Countless small Wu villages and human villages were instantly annihilated, and the screams were endless.

This is the joint residence of the human and witch clans 21. Although it is not recognized by the two clans, it is a good thing for some creatures who are indifferent to the world.

However, at this point everything was destroyed.

"Haha, these ants really can't stand the toss. We can torture them to death if we spit a little, it's really boring!"

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