The Demon Empress Xihe led hundreds of big demons, took charge of the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array, and immediately killed them.

Immediately, the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array was aroused, and the hidden killing intent of the chaotic stars directly enveloped the ancestors and the great witch Jiufeng.

The two innate formations attacked, even the ancestor witch could not bear it.

"Twelve capitals of gods and demons."

As Xuan Ming's cold words sounded, the ten great ancestors, as well as the great witch Jiufeng, stood in the mysterious position.

The next moment, a chaotic aura emerged, and an earth-shattering roar was transmitted from the Dutian Great Array, and the chaotic aura condensed a figure of a million feet.

The real Pangu!

Condensed again, the imposing aura of fear shook the heavens, as if they could not bear the powerful aura.

"After all, it's still a broken formation, let's see how we break it."

Dong Huangtai sneered, and spewed a mouthful of blood essence, which penetrated into the Donghuang Bell, and suddenly burst out with mighty power, hitting it hard.


Chapter [-] Awakening, Thirteen Ancestral Witch!

The Eastern Emperor Bell is a treasure of chaos, and it is invincible. It is the most powerful treasure in the prehistoric world. If the saint wants to destroy it, I am afraid it will take a lot of time.

The chaotic treasure was born with him, and he was recognized as the master at birth. Dong Huangtai, as a creature bred by the chaotic sun star, had such a deep qi that even the saints were envious at the beginning.

At this moment, the Donghuang Bell was contaminated with Taiyi's blood and was driven to the extreme.


Invisible ripples appeared on the Eastern Emperor Bell, and the invisible chaotic stars spread out from the surface, covering the whole world.

The sky and the earth turned pale, the chaotic starry sky descended, and it slammed into the great formation of the twelve gods and demons.

The next moment, the Great Array of the Gods and Demons of the Twelve Capitals shook violently, seemingly unable to withstand the attack of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"I am angry, the demon clan child is really arrogant. If Xiang Liu was not killed by Er and others, just relying on your demon clan heaven, it is not enough for us to kill!"

In the Dutian Great Array, everyone was frightened and angry, feeling the pressure outside the array, and immediately tried their best, spurting blood and pushing the formation to the extreme.

With the blessing of Ancestral Witch's blood essence, the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation stabilized once again, and even held on to the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Wu clan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha, Wu clan reckless man, today is the time of your death."

At this moment, Di Jun and his wife Xihe, led by hundreds of big demons, set up a great formation of Zhou Tianxingdou, which came powerfully.

The Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array was originally an innate great array derived from Donghuang Taiyi's understanding from the Donghuang Bell.

At this moment, the formation and the deity, the Eastern Emperor Bell, both attacked, and the formidable power was beyond imagination.


In the Dutian Great Array, everyone's faces changed dramatically, and a look of horror appeared in their eyes.

You know, if the Great Array of the Twelve Capitals of Heaven and Gods is still intact, it is natural not to be afraid, but now...


The loud noise erupted, and the powerful force destroyed all the mountains and mountains in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

At the center of the eruption, the ground was sunken, and a hazy breath emanated from it.

This is to pierce the ground of the Great Desolation!


The Great Array of Gods and Demons in the Twelve Capitals shattered with a bang, and everyone spurted out a mouthful of blood.

so horrible!

The three collided, and the power generated caused the clansmen near the two sides to instantly turn into fly ash.

"Haha, the Great Array of Gods and Demons in the Twelve Capitals is nothing more than that." Di Jun was in high spirits, his eyes were cold, and he could finally avenge his nine dead sons.


He was dressed in the Haituluoshu, and his body changed, turning into a golden crow of a million feet, with raging flames, and he shuttled through the world of the prehistoric world and the world of Hetuluoshu.

The three-legged Golden Crow, like a sun star, burns the sky with blazing flames, burning everything in the world to ashes.


Di Jun's figure was strange, he swooped down quickly, and his huge claws, as big as chaotic stars, went straight to Jiufeng Dawu and caught him.

You must know that if the Great Wu Jiufeng is killed, the Twelve Capitals of the Wu Clan will almost be abolished.

"Dare you thief?"

Seeing this, Qiangliang roared, his body swayed, and he was about to rush over to stop it.

"Today I will avenge my son."

However, Xi He held the map of mountains and rivers in both hands and unfolded in the air. The hazy world separated the two brothers and sisters.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Wu clan showed incredible expressions.

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