In the rage at this moment, he yelled out, causing the two demon emperors, hundreds of big demons, and Xi He, who was seriously injured in the rear, to be stunned for a moment.

Not only that, but even the people of the Wu clan were sluggish for a while.

The two Lich clans suddenly had a war, and they all felt it was strange, but they didn't expect the cause and effect to be here.

"Haha, no matter how he started, our Wu clan stands on the ground. Since we have done it, we have to admit it. What's the fear of the demon clan child?" Di Jiang reacted and immediately laughed.

"Yes, the demon clan ravaged the wild land, causing life to be ruined, it should be killed!"

The other Ancestral Witches all shouted coldly, directly expressing their attitude.

You know, no matter who caused this war, for the Wu clan, there is no difference.

Because since it has already started, it will definitely not stop until the result is determined.

"The thief, the Emperor of Heaven is going to kill you."

Di Jun's eyes were red, his body was full of flames, and he burst out with murderous intent that turned into reality.

This is so nasty!

"Brother, don't worry, we will kill the murderer of your nephew." Donghuang Taiyi said coldly.

Immediately afterwards, the Eastern Emperor Bell rang, and the endless chaotic starry sky filled out, killing Hou Yi.

This space is rioting!

The earth below was directly annihilated into a void, and all the old, weak, sick and disabled members of the Ancestral Witch Tribe died in an instant.


The loud noise broke out, and Hou Yi rode the great formation and rushed over directly.


He took the first shot, bent the bow and set the arrow, and the starlight condensed arrow suddenly broke away from the chaotic bowstring and shot at Xihe behind the demon clan.

The arrow descended like a mighty heaven, and in an instant, it penetrated the void and appeared in front of Xi He.

"Block me!" Di Jun shouted, the Hetu Luoshu draped over his body rose against the storm and swept toward the Demon Empress Xihe.


The starlight arrow collided with the innate spiritual treasure, and a mighty power erupted.

The Zhou Tianxingdou great formation vibrated violently, and countless stars fell down and were destroyed by the aftermath.


Di Jun spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and he forced Zhenling to bear Hou Yi's arrow, and his breath became weak.

However, in the same way, the Demon Empress Xihe was not shot to death.

"The reckless man of the Wu clan, I will kill you today." Upon seeing this, Donghuangtai immediately sacrificed the Donghuang bell and suspended it above Xihe's head.

The hazy chaotic starry sky descends, wrapping up Xihe, making her invincible.


Hou Yi shouted again, bent his bow and shot an arrow, aiming at the star battle formation of the demon clan.

The next moment, the starlight arrows flew out, bombarded the large formation of the monster clan, and erupted with magnificent power.

The whole world shook!

The two innate formations collided, and a large space shattered. With a click, the cracks in the space spread out, and all those who touched it were annihilated.

Just as soon as they fought, the two Lich clans, the people under their strength, were killed and injured in large numbers.

In the end, they hit from the sky to the ground, and wherever they passed, all matter turned into nothingness.


Hou Yi, as the center of the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods and Demons, contained the power of everyone in every move.

With a body of hundreds of millions of feet, with a little movement, a large swath of the world can be collapsed, destroying the dead, like a god of destruction, and directly returning everything to chaos.

"Break it for me!"

Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun spit out a few mouthfuls of blood essence, which penetrated into the Star Dou Great Array, and the essence of the Chaos Sun Star was immediately sketched.

The raging flames, together with endless chaotic stars, were extremely powerful, and slammed into the great formation of the twelve gods and demons.

The second demon emperor controlled the great formation, fearlessly attacked with all his might.

The prehistoric world cannot withstand this terrifying power.

"Don't think about it!"

Hou Yi made a powerful shot, and the starlight arrow shot out again, almost penetrating the sky, and the void shattered in a large area, and all the matter blocked was completely annihilated.

The starlight arrows shot by the real body of Pangu collided with the stars in the sky, like fireworks, bursting with dazzling five-color light.


The world shook, and I couldn't hear any sound. I only felt that the whole world was shaking.

Zhou Tianxingdou, the chaotic stars, exudes a peerless murderous intent, blocking the starlight arrows.

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