Without the protection of Hetu Luoshu, Di Jun, who was seriously injured, couldn't even resist.


A loud bang resounded throughout the world.

The group of heavenly palaces in the distance vibrated violently. It is conceivable that Kunpeng's lore strike contained such a violent power.


Di Jun was caught off guard, the whole person was swept away, blood spurted out, and the Hetu Luoshu that he held tightly also loosened.

"Kunpeng, you..." He looked terrified, looking at the man in black robe in front of him, and felt a sense of death in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Kunpeng, who has always been respectful to him, would choose to take action at this time, shattering his heart.

"Hey, Lord Tiandi, I'm sorry, you don't die, I feel uneasy!"

As he spoke, Kunpeng rose to his feet and swooped over with a tenacious momentum to complete the final lore.

"If you kill me now, I'm afraid it won't make sense for the mother of Nuwa."

However, Di Jun's indifferent words made the murderous Kunpeng awe-inspiring, and then stopped in the air.

"Niangniang has long been dissatisfied with the actions of your two emperors. Kunpeng is taking action at this moment, but she does not want the world's demon clan to be buried in your hands." Kunpeng said coldly.

Even so, he really didn't dare to make another move.

Because everyone knows that the demon saint Nuwa, although she has always disagreed with the two, has some old feelings for them after all.

"Don't you just want Hetu Luoshu? Take it and don't show it again."

Di Jun said coldly, then turned around and flew towards the heaven without turning his head.

Seeing the figure gradually disappearing, Kunpeng's face was unpredictable, and he finally gritted his teeth, but he still did not dare to chase after him.

"Humph! I just shattered your vitality with just one palm. Even if you leave, I'm afraid you won't live long."

He sneered, and when he ignored it, he turned to look at the Hetu Luoshu floating in the void.

One book and one volume, intertwined with each other, exudes a misty brilliance, and flows with a strong spirituality.

This is the innate spiritual treasure, the defense is strong, and it can also be ranked in the top five among the spiritual treasures in the prehistoric world.

"Haha, there is Chaos Bell as an attack, plus this thing, sanctification can be expected!"

Suddenly, Kunpeng laughed loudly, and with a flash, he held Hetu Luoshu in his hand.

When he really got the treasure of the second demon emperor, his heart was filled with arrogance, like a saint, he was not in his eyes.

At this moment, an indifferent voice, without the slightest emotion, suddenly sounded behind Kunpeng.

"lay down!"

The voice was very light, and it fell into Kunpeng's ears, but it was like ice for ten thousand years, causing the hair on his body to explode.

Li Zhenwu?

Chapter [-] Zhenwu takes action, Kunpeng is slaughtered! (third more)

Shortly after the Lich War began, Li Zhenwu left Wudang Mountain, and no one knew where he was.

But one thing is certain, he watched the whole process of the war.

"Life and death have fate. I am not a saint, nor the way of heaven. I can only do things of cause and effect, but I can't save everyone."

Li Zhenwu was wearing a green shirt, with his hands on his back, his temperament was dusty, his feet were empty, and he looked down at Kunpeng below him.

Hearing this, Kunpeng's whole body exploded, his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"Why did you appear here?" He was terrified, holding Hetu Luoshu's hand even harder.

You know, even if you meet a saint, you will never have the fear.

But when he met Li Zhenwu, Kunpeng felt uneasy.

Li Zhenwu raised the corner of his mouth with a faint smile, but fell silent and did not answer his words.

"Hey, this is the treasure of my demon clan. Li Zhenwu, as the holy father of the human race, there is no cause and effect here!" Kunpeng yelled loudly, trying to strengthen his courage.

How could it be possible to hand over the Lingbao that has been obtained?

If it's a saint, that's fine, but a human holy father, not a saint, how can 590 people be willing?

However, Li Zhenwu was too lazy to talk nonsense, his lips slightly opened, and he still said two words: "Put it down!"

"Don't deceive people too much, even if it gets to the sage, I, Kunpeng, are justified."

"lay down!"

Li Zhenwu's expression remained indifferent, but when he spoke for the third time, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Invisibly, the faint murderous intent enveloped Kunpeng, exuding a terrifying chill.

"Hmph, don't pass this time, if there is a next time, I will definitely want you to look good."

Kunpeng roared in the sky, his body flashed and turned into his real body, his wings were like clouds hanging from the sky, he swayed up, and disappeared at the end of the world in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, he has just obtained two pieces of Monster Clan Treasures, and he has not had time to refine them.

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