Countless golden flowers fell, and in an instant, the three saints were cut off from countless Taoisms, so don't be too fierce.

At this moment, Tongtian Sect Master just wanted to maim the three people in the formation before Taishang Laojun broke the formation.

Otherwise, when the Immortal Execution Sword Formation is broken, even if he was beaten by a group, he can't lose money.

"Don't be surprised, junior brother, this time, senior brother will teach you that a saint should behave like a saint." Taishang Laojun said with a smile.

The voice fell.


The chaotic crutches fell again, stabbed the Immortal Execution Sword Formation fiercely, and a majestic power fluctuation erupted.


There was a riot in the place, and there was a loud bang.

"Ah... I will never die with you!"

The sect master of Tongtian was furious, and the killing intent almost turned into substance, and it was extremely intense.

Immortal Execution Sword Formation, when stabbed by the crutch, a crack suddenly appeared, and the supreme killing intent permeated, making countless creatures in the prehistoric feel terrified.

Living in the supreme killing, the first murderous thing in the way of heaven, the saints feel uncomfortable, not to mention ordinary creatures.

"Haha, Tongtian child, you must regret this time!" Seeing this scene, the original Tianzun laughed and couldn't stop.

"Anita Buddha, Tongtian's collusion with Zhenwu is detrimental to the majesty of the saint. The senior brother is to maintain the dignity of the saint."

Jie Yin and Zhun Ti put their hands together and sing the Buddha’s horn.

"I'm going to break the formation!" Taishang Laojun didn't delay, he raised the Chaos crutch, and he was about to make the last stab.

At this moment, a faint voice sounded from beside him.

"It's interesting to transform into Sanqing in one breath!" Li Zhenwu sighed with emotion. He was dressed in a blue shirt and carried his hands on his back. He admired it from the bottom of his heart. After all, he transformed into Sanqing.


With the sound of Li Zhenwu's words, the Zhuxianjian formation became quiet.

Taishang Laojun's body was stiff, he raised the hand of Chaos's crutch, and it was frozen in the air, unable to fall for a long time.

This is so weird.

You know, he turned into three clear, one clear in the sky, and Li Zhenwu fought, and the two were indistinguishable.

But now?

Who is this Li Zhenwu?

As soon as he thought of this, Taishang Laojun's face changed, his eyes full of disbelief.

"You..." He was completely speechless, no words could describe the shock in his heart.

Li Zhenwu said with a faint smile: "I knew a little about the avatar technique at first, but after watching your method of transforming the three cleanliness, I suddenly had a feeling, so I tried it out."

Chapter [-] Ants Kill Elephants!

After a little understanding, I tried it out, and finally evolved a clone?

If someone else said this, the saints would definitely slap them over, and then curse, you think that the saints want to learn the magic.

However, the young man in front of him has enough to explain everything.

In their eyes, the stronger ants really learned it.

Not only that, Taishang Laojun's feelings are the most clear, Li Zhenwu from outside the sky is very powerful, and his crimson arrogance is almost shaking the world.

But the young man in front of him was indifferent, his temperament was out of the ordinary, just like two people.

Feeling Taishang Laojun's unbelievable gaze, Li Zhenwu smiled lightly and explained.

"No need to guess, I am the deity now, the one outside the sky is just a clone. When the energy dissipates, it will naturally disappear."

Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back, calmly, and said it directly, not afraid of what the other party would do.

I understand that Taishang Laojun's one gas transforms three clears, but this technique is the technique of 21 cause and effect, and Li Zhenwu naturally can't really practice it.

Even if the disciples of the people teach, there is not a single one who can cultivate this technique to the peak state of the Supreme Laojun.

You must know that Taishang Laojun, the three people are exactly the same, regardless of strength and realm, there is no distinction between each other, it can be said to be extremely powerful.

As for Li Zhenwu's evolution of Yiqi Huasanqing, he just improved the shadow avatar technique and raised the previous avatar strength to the same as the deity.

When the power stored in the clone is exhausted, it will naturally disappear again, and it cannot exist forever like Taishang Laojun.

Just, it's amazing enough.

"Haha, True Martial Daoist, I didn't read you wrong. You always say that the wild is different, it is really powerful."

In the Zhuxianjian formation, the Tongtian Sect Master couldn't help laughing, and his heart was very happy.

With Li Zhenwu leading Taishang Laojun, he has the confidence to keep the two Western Saints and Yuanshi Tianzun in the Sword Executioner Formation, so that they can't do anything in time.

"Humph! How can anyone comprehend the supernatural powers of the senior brother. Compared with the supernatural powers of the senior brother, this fellow's supernatural powers are simply worlds apart."

The original Tianzun sneered. No one knows better than him about the technique of the Supreme Laojun. At least in the avatar, it is not comparable to a mere ant.

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