I saw hundreds of millions of miles around, densely packed youths in green shirts, all showing faint smiles, looking at the two Taishang Laojun in the center with bad intentions.

Chapter [-] Shatter the Tai Chi Formation! (Second more)

one, two, three...

how many people?

At first glance, it is impossible to count the nothingness beside the Jiuyou Land Realm, all of which are Li Zhenwu's figure.

Every youth in a green shirt has an aura that can shock the minds of those with supernatural powers.

The power of these clones has surpassed the peak of the quasi-sage, and has been infinitely close to the saint.

The only difference is just the realm.

Taishang Laojun was stiff in place, he couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

Numerous clones, powerful, crimson arrogance, oppressing the world, burning flaming, interweaving a magnificent picture.


During the illusory reincarnation time of the six realms, Houtu breathed a suffocation, and her beautiful eyes widened, filled with joy and alarm.

For the first time, he felt that Li Zhenwu's power was beyond the imagination of the wild creatures.

Even if it is not a saint, it can be compared to a saint, and even in some aspects, it is completely crushed, and even the saint is shocked.


Within the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the supreme killing energy gushed out, like a substantial billions of sword blades, criss-crossed and intertwined into a sword net that enveloped the world.

"Baby Tongtian, dare you?"

Feeling the power of the sword net, the original Tianzun took the lead in reacting, his eyes spitting fire.

"Anita Buddha, Tongtian, you are obsessed, and you have been colluding with Li Zhenwu, which is detrimental to the majesty of the saint." Jie Yin frowned and said with his hands folded.

"Yes, billions of clones are just, not incarnations. For saints like me, it only takes one word to destroy them." Zhunti looked indifferent and showed no mercy.

For Tongtian's actions, they were both hated and angry, but they could only scream in vain!

The Immortal Execution Sword Formation is so powerful that it is beyond imagination. The three of them have been fighting for so long, but it is still difficult to break the formation.

If it hadn't been for the Taishang Laojun who just shot, I'm afraid it would be difficult to tear it apart, it's really solid as gold.

"Stop talking nonsense, what about saints? It's not the choice of all beings. Without all beings in the world, how can saints be high above the ground? I think you are old and confused."

The leader of Tongtian was murderous, holding a Qingping sword in his hand, riding a Kui Niu, and exuding majestic sword energy from his body, he went straight to the original Tianzun, raised his sword and chopped it down.


The three-footed sword body of Qingping Sword is surrounded by chaotic green lotus, which contains powerful power.

The original Tianzun raised the Pangu Pan with difficulty to resist, and blocked the Qingping sword, but he couldn't stop the endless sword intent, and was beaten violently, so miserable.

"I'm at odds with you." He shouted in the sky, and the whole person went berserk.

Seeing this scene, the two sages of the Western religion were stunned, thinking that the Sanqing of the year was so much worse than the enemy.

When they joined forces, they were not as embarrassed as Primitive, but they were exhausting enough.

However, if the stalemate continues, Tongtian will definitely not be able to win. After all, the three saints, compared to the formation method, cannot be eternal.

It's just that there is Li Zhenwu outside the formation, so the result is unknown to the saints.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from outside the sky, shaking the entire chaotic world.

Taishang Laojun raised his head suddenly, his expression changed drastically, his face distorted: "You dare to insult me?"

Just now, the avatar of Tianwai was fighting with Li Zhenwu's avatar. Originally, he could easily suppress the opponent, but more and more Li Zhenwu's figure appeared.

In the end, Taishang Laojun was alone, facing thousands of enemies.

Moreover, the incarnation of the outer world does not have the treasure in the body, and it is impossible to completely wipe it out.

Li Zhenwu raised a smile at the corners of his mouth, carrying his hands on his back, "You brought the humiliation on yourself."

"Okay, you're fine, let me see, what is the ability of the prehistoric aliens." Taishang Laojun laughed angrily, gnashing his teeth in hatred.


He waved his hand and summoned the incarnation of the outer world.


The arrogance erupted, and Li Zhenwu took the lead, splitting into the army, mighty, like a thousand troops, rushing directly over.

Compared with the coercion of Taishang Laojun, he directly started to beat these saints violently.

"Then let you see, saint, in front of the way of true martial arts, it's nothing more than that."

Li Zhenwu let out a long whistle, and the sound waves rolled, echoing the world.

The next moment, countless clones roared loudly, with a magnificent momentum, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, which was simply shocking.

"I am going to kill you."

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