"Junior brother has already ruled the four corners of the world. Please take care of the human race." Nuwa said hello and left with Houtu.

As for Taishang Laojun, he held his identity and left first.

Chapter [-]: Cracks in the Statue of the Holy Father (Third)

In the Zixiao Palace, there was only a saint, the leader of Tongtian, and the sluggish Haotian and the overwhelmed Yaochi.

All the saints just now were very reserved and did not dare to be too active.

After all, Hao Tiantian had just become the Jade Emperor, and he had not even been to the Heavenly Court yet, so there was no need to worry about spreading the teachings.

However, the existence of Yaochi made all the saints weird, and in the end they could only choose to ignore the past.

In the end, Tongtian Sect Master sighed and left after all.

Haotian and Yaochi didn't know what the saints thought in their hearts, they just thought they were so strange.

"Junior sister, let's leave too. If there is a chance, we can still see the teacher again." Haotian got two spiritual treasures, as well as the blessings of heaven and earth, and he didn't want to stay here for a moment.

But Yaochi suddenly shook his head and sighed, "Let's just let it go!"

While speaking, Haotian left first under the suspicious eyes of Haotian.

When the heavenly court was established, Daozu rebuilt the entire heavenly court with great power.

The original Buzhou Mountain address, a series of white jade steps, pouring from the ground, straight into the sky.

At the end of the white jade steps, the magnificent Nantianmen is located in it, and it is magnificent.

"Meet His Majesty the Emperor!"

Haotian had just arrived at Nantianmen, and the two heavenly soldiers guarding Nantianmen saluted respectfully.

At the other end of the door, headed by the ethereal platinum star, thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals, lined up neatly with a rainbow-like momentum, welcomed the new owner of the heavenly court.


Haotian nodded solemnly, carrying his hands on his back, and under the leadership of Taibaijinxing, he walked straight to the most magnificent building in the heaven.

On the way, immortal fog filled the air, white clouds emerged, the original immortal island was suspended, cranes were flying, and the fragrance of flowers was overflowing.

In the distance, there is a pond of narcissus with misty mist, shimmering rays of sunshine, and guarded by heavy troops, which is the Huaxian Pond of Heavenly Court.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Heavenly Court transformed by Hongjun is a veritable fairyland.

Compared with the time when the demon clan ruled, it is even more magnificent, boundless, and the spiritual energy is so strong that it cannot be dissolved.

However, Haotian walked all the way, looking at the deserted heaven, he always felt lonely and desolate in his heart, without the slightest emotion of joy.

"It always feels like something is missing."

He was talking to himself, worrying about gains and losses in his heart, as if the most important thing was missing.


Hou Tu was accompanied by Nu Wa, and after leaving Zixiao Palace, they flew straight towards Wudang Mountain.

"Zhenwu was robbed because of me, and the teacher couldn't figure out his future. I believe that he will come back again. I will help him guard the mountain and understand the sentiment in his heart."

Halfway through the journey, Houtu separated from Nuwa and left alone.

At the foot of Wudang Mountain, the ancestral land of the human race.

Now that the human race is scattered and settled, the original place of residence has become the ancestral land.


Suddenly, the Zhenwu statue on the square suddenly had cracks, which spread to the entire statue, as if it would collapse at any time.

When a passing human race saw this, they were shocked, and immediately turned to the temple to report.

After a while, Shennong led the senior officials of the human race to come, and looked at the statue of Zhenwu, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"The statue of the Holy Father, why is there a crack?"

He exclaimed, his face full of shock.

You must know that the statue represents the Holy Father, and it is impossible for such a strange situation to occur for no reason.

"Do you know when the cracks started to appear?" Shen Nong's face was solemn.

"When the six paths are opened," said the guarded soldier.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and the top people of the human race were all stunned in place.

"Could it be that there is something wrong with the Holy Father?" Jibo said to himself, after all, the Six Paths were opened, and most of the Wu clan had left.

But at this moment, the statue of the Holy Father has cracks, what does it mean?

This is the doubt in everyone's heart.

"Let Xuanyuan come back." Shennong ordered immediately, feeling uneasy in his heart.

Soon, someone turned and left, sending a signal to Xuanyuan, who was fighting in all directions.

The Great Desolation was broken, and although it was integrated back, it was no longer as vast as before, so the Great Desolation at the moment was also called Shenzhou.

Deep in the land of Shenzhou, the continuous mountains are undulating, like a dragon lying prone, majestic...

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