"The West teaches few people and spreads its teachings not only to stabilize Hongjun's orthodox position, but also to save all sentient beings."

Zhunti has a resolute face, and he contains great perseverance. Apart from Western teachings, he is proficient in the arts of hundreds of schools, and can be said to be a master of saints.

In the face of Li Zhenwu's disappearance, and the way of heaven is hard to find, it is a great good thing for the teaching of Western religions to spread.

"Buddha Anita, pass on my Buddha's order, and the sons of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas from all Buddhist countries will enter Shenzhou to spread their teachings without hesitation."

The solemn and sacred voice echoed endlessly in Lingshan.

Thousands of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas saluted respectfully towards Lingshan, then descended the mountain and swept across the land of Shenzhou.

Not only did the Western Sect move, but in Wanxian Square, Tongtian Sect Master opened his eyes and stopped the explanation of Hongjun Avenue.

There is no difference between the teachings and the teachings, and the aptitudes of the sects vary. There are people who defy the sky, and naturally there are people who work hard.

"Teacher, now the world is dominated by human races and our sects, do you want to take action?"

Beside the Tongtian sect master, one of the three famous virgins, the Virgin of the Sky, asked respectfully.

She was wearing colorful clothes, her black hair was loose, her face was exquisite and picturesque, and she was tall and graceful.

"It doesn't matter, the Heavenly Court is rebuilt, the human race is prosperous, and as the orthodox Hongjun, it naturally has the responsibility to educate all sentient beings."

The Master Tongtian smiled lightly, pondered for a moment, and said: "Of course, although the human race has grown a lot, there are still more people in the ignorant era. "

While speaking, his figure was blurred, and he really disappeared, and he returned to Biyou Palace to learn the secrets of heaven.

As for the matter of indoctrination, there are high-level disciples under the sect, and the sect master of Tongtian is absolutely assured, after all, they are the best among the immortals.

All the saints have been dispatched, the Taishang Laojun of Shouyang Mountain, and the Yuanshi Tianzun of Kunlun Mountain, all want to spread the teachings and snatch the atmosphere of heaven and earth by various means.

After experiencing the formation of hell, all spirits in the world have ushered in a prosperous world.

Li Zhenwu of Wudang Mountain, the alien who once had a great shock, has gradually faded out of the sight of all beings.


In the land of Shenzhou, the vast mountains are as numerous as the hair of cattle, and the ancient green trees are as high as ten thousand feet.

Even if the human race has been reclaiming wasteland for many years, the footprints cannot be spread all over the entire Shenzhou.

At this time, in a primitive deep valley, there was a loud noise, where the red clouds gushed out, shimmering with a brilliant luster.

The suppressed breath was transmitted from the ground, as if the ancient beast was revived.

This kind of vision is very common in the new world, and it seems that a sleeping existence has awakened.

"The power of heaven is truly amazing. If I hadn't followed the path of sanctification, I'd be hard-pressed to recover."

A faint voice came out from the deep valley of the Orchid, filled with regret and distress, and fell in the ears of the nearby creatures, but it was like facing the power of heaven, scaring countless creatures to the ground.

This is really scary!

For the creatures who have lived here for a long time, they have never heard of such a terrifying existence in the deep valley.

"What is the recovery? Why do I feel like I'm facing a saint, my soul is fighting." A rabbit was covered in snow-white, and its hairs were blown up.

"Maybe it's an ancient beast, who knows, it has nothing to do with us anyway." A wild boar grunted, dissatisfied with being woken up.

Most of the creatures in the vicinity have turned on their intellect, can speak human words, and know a little bit about things in China.

Of course, not all living beings are like this, and there are also beasts with weak minds, looking at the deep valley with bloodthirsty eyes.


In just a short while, the breath in the deep valley attracted countless beasts.

Ferocious beasts dominate with brutality, strong physiques, and they can contain some magical powers. They have no reason, they only know how to kill and devour powerful creatures, so as to implement self-evolution.

When they appeared, the nearby creatures all smeared oil on the soles of their feet and disappeared in an instant.


The next moment, dozens of fierce beasts, with bodies like hills, were extremely powerful and rushed into the deep valley.

These beasts are huge, some skins are like rocks, and they are indestructible, some have spines piercing through their backs, ferocious and terrifying, and some breathe flames and burn everything.

When dozens of fierce beasts shot together, the scene was so terrifying that the ground shook slightly.

Chapter [-] Zhenwu Recovery

The vicious beast trampled the ground with its four hooves, and wherever it passed, the ground was sunken, the leaves were rustling, and countless towering ancient trees were broken, which was extremely terrifying.

The nearby creatures were all shocked when they saw this.

This is the power of the beast, not practicing Taoism, the weak eat the strong, the physique is strong, and it is extremely cruel and bloodthirsty.

For the breath that permeated the deep valley, they looked like crazy, as if seeing delicious food, opened their bloody mouths, revealing their stern snow-white fangs.

"That existence has just recovered, can he handle it?" The snow-white rabbit showed red eyes from the weeds, and was extremely nervous.

"It's hard to say, after all, it has been sleeping for countless years, but Xuanxian is not afraid of those fierce beasts, and they are still in groups, and they are very fierce."

The creatures near the two animals calmed down nervously, watching the direction of the deep valley vigilantly.

There was dust rising into the sky, the soil was ploughed, and it was a mess, and the surrounding area was in ruins.

However, these creatures were still talking, and there was a loud noise.

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