When most of it was fused, a loud noise broke out in the body, and the majestic blood energy rose into the sky.

Li Zhenwu's hair was full of fluttering, the blood in his body washed away, making a rumbling sound, and the powerful blood energy outlined a big dragon in the sky, mighty and domineering.

Blood is like a dragon!

That is the evolution of the body, the momentum formed naturally, and the terror is boundless.

"Oh my god! What the hell does Daxian exist? This is terrible."

Outside the deep valley, the boy in white looked up at the blood dragon in the sky and exclaimed.

"I can feel the power of the big demon from the dragon intertwined with blood and energy. How powerful is that big immortal deity?" Fatty shook his face and clenched his fists excitedly.

They are extremely excited in their hearts, and they can get the favor of such existences. What kind of scenery will the future road be?

Just thinking about it, they felt as if they were hit by a huge opportunity.


Suddenly, in the jungle in the distance, a few shadows suddenly appeared, like lightning, and came to the two of them in an instant.

It was a few reindeer, covered with mottled patterns, and the speed was like the wind. They were the ethnic group of this mountain range.

"What's so panic?"

Seeing these creatures, Fatty was very calm, and the surrounding ethnic groups had already been subdued by them. At this moment, I am afraid there is something wrong.

Sure enough, one of the strongest reindeer turned his head to look back, opened his mouth and called a few times.

"What? You said that a peacock is coming to apprentice?" the white-shirted boy asked, because the owner of the deep valley is so famous, and there are thousands of miles around, and every day, there are creatures who come to see him, wanting to rest for longevity.

The leading reindeer nodded, scratched his front hoof a few times, bared his teeth, and his voice was full of anger.

"That peacock is very strong? Can't you stop it from several of your clans?" Fatty snorted, "It's really bold, then let's go and see what it is."


The reindeer shook his head and slammed into the ground, his eyes full of anger.

Seeing this, the boy in the white shirt was surprised, and exclaimed: "So powerful? And he is carrying a spirit treasure, or is it a spirit treasure of five colors?"

This time, the two of them hesitated, thinking, do you want to inform the Great Immortal in the deep valley?

"I'm afraid of what he will do. We are enlightened by the great immortal. We are so powerful, and we are afraid that it will not be a peacock that has not yet transformed into a peacock?"

The fat man was full of disdain, and then he was eager to try, wanting to clean up the guy who didn't know what to do.

Chapter [-] Kong Xuan! (third more)

The mountains near the deep valley, in the eyes of creatures with a radius of ten thousand miles, have mysterious colors and are a blessed land chosen by immortals.

Every moment, there are creatures coming.

The longevity they want to seek is filled with awe.

You must know that unless there are naturally powerful divine beasts and alien beasts, or aliens born in heaven and earth, ordinary creatures, almost all of them have experienced a long period of time before they open their intelligence.

However, in addition to absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, the speed of cultivation is naturally as slow as a snail.

If you can get the guidance of an expert, it is definitely a great opportunity for these creatures.

There is no doubt that in the eyes of the nearby creatures, the snow-white rabbits and gray-black wild boars were the lucky ones who were hit by the great opportunity.

They were enlightened by the owner of the deep valley, and their cultivation was so powerful that they were invincible under the gods.

Although it is a demon king with moisture!

But the owner of the deep valley does not show up for many years, and the two of them are in charge of the race of the main mountain range, and they are full of high spirits.

At this time, there is an intruder who wants to meet the owner of the deep valley and even hurt people, which is absolutely unbearable.

The white-shirted boy hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, that peacock is so abominable, it must be punished well, otherwise it will humiliate the prestige of the immortal."

"Of course, I wait for the two of them to be favored by the immortal, and protect Taniguchi for him. Naturally, I can't let anyone go in casually."

The fat man raised his head, full of arrogance, rolled up his sleeves, and followed a few reindeer.

In front of the deep valley is a plain, which is blocked by mountains and forests, and a hundred miles ahead, the mountains are connected into one piece, which is magnificent and majestic.

Not long after, the two followed the reindeer, over the mountains, and came to the scene of the crime.

"Who am I? I'm just a bunch of little monsters who haven't changed shape yet. You dare to block my way?"

In the distant mountains and forests, the ground was covered with animals such as reindeer, tigers and leopards, all of them could not move and were obviously injured.

Of these animals, only the leader has unlocked the intellect, and the rest are ordinary beasts with spirituality.

In the field, a mottled peacock looked down at the surroundings, very proud.

Its back feathers, with five-color divine light blooming, are dazzling, exuding terrifying power.

Needless to say, this is the master who disturbed this mountain range.

Peacock is very proud, looking down at all beings with a hint of disappointment.

After all, the mountains and rivers have come a long way, in order to meet the masters, and hope to find the method of longevity and strengthen oneself.

But now, seeing that the creatures guarding the deep valley are ordinary beasts, it is inevitable that I will be disappointed in my heart.

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