But the white-shirted boy and Kong Xuan were still afraid. They were witches, who could control the wind and thunder, and keep the beasts as pets. How could they be so easily surrendered.

However, since they are here, they can't go back!

"Okay, go ten miles further, and it will be the Black Wind Mountain where the evil witch is entrenched. Everyone, let's make plans as soon as possible!"

The boy in the white shirt looked at the gray and misty mountain in front of him, and couldn't help shivering.

The closer to Heifeng Mountain, the atmosphere gradually became depressed, and everyone fell silent.

Walking through the gray and white fog, they walked lightly, their hands and feet trembled, and their eyes were fixed on the top of the mountain, where lightning was blooming, bright as day.

Kong Xuan's footsteps paused slightly, signaling them to be cautious, sticking to the wall and walking along the mountain road.

After half an hour, a kilometer away from the top of the mountain, they stopped, their muscles stiffened, and they froze in place.

"what is that?"

Kong Xuan was shocked, his eyes widened, and his pupils gleamed, staring at the scene on the top of the mountain.

Lightning was flowing there, the ground was mottled, blood was flowing down, and it was a mess, as if it had experienced a war, filled with a strong smell of blood.

"This evil witch is injured." Fatty exclaimed in a low voice, looking at the ground in the distance, a giant a hundred feet tall, kneeling weakly, covered in blood.

The hundred-zhang giant, gasping for breath, spewed out a flash of electric arcs, reflecting his dark face.

"Damn, the woman from there, I was actually suppressed by her backhand." The evil witch grinned, adjusted his breath with luck, and his body was covered with mysterious runes.

He is repairing his injuries, the runes are shining, exuding mysterious power, absorbing the attributes of heaven and earth, and making up for his own shortcomings.

Some time ago, he went out hunting and came to a human village. Just as he was about to use his means, he was injured by a young girl.

As a strong witch clan, he didn't pay attention to it originally.

But the other party just scratched with his temples, and a galaxy appeared out of thin air, let him plunge into it, and was wiped by a few stars, and he almost died.

In the distance, when Kong Xuan and the others saw this, their eyes gradually became sharper.

This is a unique opportunity. The evil witch is injured. Judging from the injury, he is almost dying.

A lot of combat power will definitely be lost. If they make a move at this time, the three of them may have a chance.


In an instant, the three of them looked at each other, very decisively, rushed out of the hiding place, and charged frantically.


The powerful momentum rose into the sky, and the dazzling treasure light bloomed and illuminated the sky.


When Kong Xuan and the others took action, the evil witch found out immediately and couldn't help but shout.

The next moment, he forced his body to stand up, staggered back, and the lightning on his body became more and more dazzling.

"Cut you!"

The boy in the white shirt was strong, his hands sprayed a thin fairy light, covering his palms like crystal white jade, and slapped it fiercely.

"Don't give him a chance."

The fat man shouted, his whole body trembling with fat, and invisible ripples appeared, along his body, condensing on his fists, and bursting with fierce power.

Chapter [-] Kong Xuan's Transformation!

They were enlightened by Li Zhenwu and transformed into human figures. They were also taught the mysterious Taoism, and they were all used to strengthen their bodies.

Take action at this moment, exert all your strength, and be extremely powerful.

The aura was like a rainbow, as if there was an ancient monster hidden in the body, and a terrifying aura erupted.

"Five-color divine light!"

When Kong Xuan saw this, he was not far behind. The five feathers he had rounded up shone with dazzling light, like a divine sword, rising into the sky in an instant.


The divine light separated from the body, intertwined with five colors, exuding terrifying coercion, and slashed straight at the evil witch.

At this moment, the three of them exerted all their strength without any reservation.

After all, he was facing an evil witch, and in his heyday, the other party was an existence that shook thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

Even if he is injured and weak, he cannot be killed casually.

"So brave, who are you?"

It turned out that the evil witch was still frightened, thinking that the woman was chasing after him, but when he looked closely, it turned out to be two little demons and a peacock that had not yet transformed.

The panic in my heart dissipated, replaced by endless anger.

The witch race is belligerent and cruel, and it is absolutely unbearable. In the past, the ants in his eyes were provoking.


The next moment, his whole body was surging with lightning, like a thunder god descending, his fists shrouded terrifying lightning and slammed out.

so horrible.

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