If Kong Xuan hadn't killed the evil witch with all his might, he wouldn't have been able to break free from the shackles of the Dao Heart and successfully transform himself.

"Congratulations, the cultivation realm is further advanced." Fatty slapped his mouth, envious of the extreme.

"Beheading the evil witch and successfully transforming into shape, this is nothing, the main thing is to get the favor of the fairy." The white shirt boy cupped his hands and reminded.

Hearing this, Kong Xuan suddenly woke up.

When the calamity was just over, if it wasn't for the teaching of the master of the deep valley, facing the terrifying catastrophe, it would turn people into ashes at every turn.

Kong Xuan turned around, fell to the ground in the direction of the deep valley, and said respectfully: "The teacher is above, please accept the disciples."

While speaking, he kowtowed three times to show respect.

Seeing this scene, both Rabbit and Fatty were stunned, staring at Kong Xuan, feeling remorse in their hearts.

You know, Li Zhenwu didn't say that he wanted to accept Kong Xuan as a disciple, but Kong Xuan, because of the way of true martial arts, was called a disciple.

With this kind of heart, could it be possible to gain the favor of the immortal when transcending the calamity?

On the other hand, Rabbit and Wild Boar, although they were also preached by Zhenwu, they kept their identities humble and did not dare to break the rules, so they only regarded themselves as disciples.

This is the gap between the two. The innate and acquired xinxing are not extreme.

However, the character of the Peacock family is like this, very arrogant and conceited, and they have always felt that their identity is honorable.

Because Kong Xuan was expelled from the ethnic group, he went through countless hardships, and his personality changed.

But the pride of the hidden bloodline is naturally exuded, which is why he is desperate to kill the evil witch even if he sacrifices his life.

"Let's go back, Kong Xuan got this opportunity this time, and it all depends on the two brothers. If something happens in the future, as long as it doesn't go against his nature, Kong Xuan will definitely not refuse."

Kong Xuan stood up, his eyes were sincere, and his attitude was firm.

Hearing this, both the white-shirted boy and the fat man were shocked, and their faces showed joy.

You must know that Kong Xuan, as a heaven-defying spirit, has to become the disciple of the master of the deep valley, and his future achievements are simply limitless.

The three of them ran along the way, the ultra-primitive mountain range.

Soon, returning to the deep valley mouth, the fog here has subsided, completely revealing the green picture inside.

Mountain flowers are blooming, clear springs are flowing, and wild grasses are blooming along the way, like a jasper avenue, leading directly to the middle of the canyon.

There are misty fluctuations, a faint swirl of energy, full of invisible coercion, which makes people startled, as if facing the power of heaven.

The boy in the white shirt and the wild boar were shocked. When they came in for the first time, they found that it was no different from the outside. The only difference was that the pressure was too strong.

"How terrifying is Immortal Chief's strength? The aura emanating from the invisible gives birth to the illusion of dusty humbleness." Fatty shivered with fat all over his body, and his heart became more and more respectful to Li Zhenwu.

"I'm afraid it's the greatest opportunity in my life to be favored by the Immortal." The white-shirted boy looked solemn and respectful, full of admiration.

Even Kong Xuan, walking in the deep valley, felt a lot of pressure, as if facing a catastrophe, it made people feel a little bit in the bottom of their hearts.

Not far away, Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged in the void, his clothes fluttering in the wind, his long hair fluttering, his temperament was not stained with dust, and he could not see the slightest air of the world.

That is the evolution of the physique, and the refining is flawless. After there is no impurities, it is like a spiritual treasure, and it emits a dense light.



When Kong Xuan and the three saw Li Zhenwu, they immediately bowed down.

For the young man in front of them, they respected in their hearts, and their eyes contained a strong adoration.

"Get up!" Li Zhenwu looked down at the three people below, and said lightly: "This time, I just passed the training. Among my disciples, Kong Xuan, you are the worst."

Only qualified?

The three people were shocked, and they were even more excited by the words behind Li Zhenwu.

Kong Xuan is a heaven-defying soul, and his transformation will encounter a catastrophe, but among Li Zhenwu's many disciples, he is still the worst one.

How powerful are Li Zhenwu's disciples?

However, they didn't know that Xuanyuan Qiyun's aptitude was extremely high, and he was the leader of the dominant ethnic group in Shenzhou. Naturally, he was extremely powerful.

After all, on the stage of the future, the human race has contracted most of the luck in the world.

Even the sects under the sage's sect are calculating each other in order to gain the human race.

As for Hou Yi, not to mention that the source of the Lich's calamity was changed by Li Zhenwu against the sky. At this moment, his strength may have broken through to the Ancestral Witch.

There used to be two disciples under the Zhenwu Sect, but now, together with Kong Xuan, there are only three in total.

And every one of them is a fortune against the sky, fully grown, and even the face of a saint will be brushed.

"Since you worship me as your teacher, you will naturally not treat you badly. The divine channel method is up to you to choose."

Finally, Li Zhenwu's eyes fell on Kong Xuan and asked.

Chapter [-] Evolution of the Three Thousand Avenues!

As soon as these words came out, the rabbits and wild boars were envious. This is the supreme way of existence, and any method of longevity can be easily pinched.

"After the disciple took shape, he broke free from the shackles that imprisoned the mind of the Tao, and his thoughts were clear. I have already figured out that any method of divine passage is not as easy as the five-color divine light of the disciple."

Kong Xuan's eyes are firm, that is the most suitable path for him.

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