It was a young man who had turned into a human figure, with a refined and free temperament, shaking a feather fan, immortal style, but at the moment, his face was ugly, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

You must know that the spiritual veins here are rare in the world, and may have no effect on the quasi-sage.

But for the creatures under the Great Luo Jinxian, it is simply a blessed place. Bai Ze couldn't understand why Li Zhenwu and Li Zhenwu were thinking about this place.

"Hmph, a mere quasi-sage, just want to break in, do you really think that I, Bai Ze, are a little demon?"

Feeling the arrogant attitude of Li Zhenwu and the two, Bai Ze was angry in his heart. If he was outside, he would turn around and leave without a word.

But this is his territory. He has lived for hundreds of years, and he has already arranged countless means, and it is as solid as gold.


The next moment, the mountains shook, and the fairy light burst out, blooming brightly.

I saw that the ground was empty, trembling violently, and dense lines appeared, which continued to form a peerless array.

"If you want this place, it depends on whether you have the skills." Bai Ze snorted coldly, and immediately controlled the formation, overwhelming the sky and suppressing the two of them.

Immediately, the place rioted.

The colorful fairy light burst out from everywhere, dazzling, and even contains a terrifying aura. If you break in under the quasi-sage, I am afraid you will drink hate.

The lines on the ground flickered, and the runes glowed, spreading towards the feet of Li Zhenwu and Yaochi.

"Broken!" Yao Chi scolded, the white jade-like feet stomped on the ground, and the invisible ripples spread.


The loud noise erupted, and the formation arranged by Bai Ze suddenly shattered, as if suppressed by Tianwei, the light flickered a few times, and then completely extinguished.


In the distance, the five black bear demons shrank, their scalps tingling with fear.

"It's about to fight, there are big monsters inside, and the natural breath can suppress us."

The black bear boss was trembling all over, and without him saying it, the other black bear demons knew that in the spiritual veins, the innate demons lived.

However, before they had time to think, they saw the scene in front of them. As soon as Yao Chi stepped down, all the activated formations instantly became quiet.

"how is this possible?"

In the depths of his spiritual veins, Bai Ze's face was full of shock, but it was a method he worked so hard to manage for countless years, and it was useless when someone stepped on it?

How is this played?

You must know that his specialty lies in resourcefulness and knowing the general trend of the world in the future. In terms of combat, among the ten ancient monsters, he is almost at the bottom.

"Quasi Saint..."

The next moment, Bai Ze suddenly woke up, and a huge wave was set off in his heart.

He almost knew about the quasi-sage in the world, but the two outsiders couldn't figure out what it was, and it was extremely strange.

In fact, Yaochi was also blinded by the secret because of Li Zhenwu's relationship.

Even Tiandao Hongjun can't calculate Yaochi's future, otherwise when he leaves Zixiao Palace, Hongjun will not point out Haotian alone, and ignore Yaochi.

Now the ancient demon Bai Ze is trying to calculate Li Zhenwu and Yaochi in vain.

"I will ask you one more time. If you show up yourself, you still want me to do it."

Li Zhenwu let go of Yaochi's hand, moved his steps, and came to the foot of the mountain, his eyes were bright, with a sharp breath.

Chapter [-]: Bai Ze surrenders!

Even if they are ancient demons, they will be of great benefit to their future sects, but they can't provoke them again and again. That's something that even a strong person can't bear.

At this moment, Li Zhenwu's patience has reached the limit, and he doesn't want to delay, but needs to solve it quickly.

This piece of spiritual veins, he is bound to get it, not only because of the strong spiritual energy, but also because the nearby human race city is prosperous, which is an important transportation link within a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

If you want to establish a sect, in addition to your own background, the most important thing is the number of creatures.

If you don't want to act in a high profile, it's better to live in seclusion in the mountains.


Seeing that Bai Ze was silent, Li Zhenwu was impatient, and with a powerful aura, he came out through his body and attacked Jiuxiao.

At this moment, thousands of miles away, you can feel that magnificent breath like the ocean.


The mere presence of aura makes all living beings feel their own insignificance, like a dust-like illusion.

A human city ten miles away.

Bang bang!

Dozens of famous people with great powers rose to the sky, their faces were horrified, and their eyes looked in the direction of the spiritual veins.

The white fog there was blown away, revealing the original appearance of the magnificent mountain range, very majestic, like a prostrate dragon, as if it would rise into the sky at any time.

"That's the spiritual vein. What happened? Could it be caused by the existence of the dragon just now?"

"I feel the pressure of heaven and earth. This breath is the same as what I felt when I met with the elder Xuanyuan."

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