That is the secret in his heart, even if the saint doesn't know, his ability is very special, and all the spirits in the world, he can know each other's body and name.

But just looking at this young man, a message involuntarily emerged in his mind.

Human race, Li Zhenwu!

Tiandao can't detect Li Zhenwu, because he is not in the 21 universe of the Five Elements, and he is not involved in any cause and effect.

The saint cannot see through his identity, because after refining the power of true martial arts, his temperament has changed, including the means used, it is difficult to see the shadow of the past.

But Bai Ze has the ability until the person in front of him is Li Zhenwu, the holy father of the human race.

How scary is this?

For a moment, he lost all thought, and was extremely respectful.

"Get up! Your abilities are interesting." Li Zhenwu said lightly, his eyes widened, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Bai Ze didn't dare to say more, stood up, lowered his head, and didn't dare to look at him.

This is too terrifying, if you say it, it will definitely shock the world.

"This place will be our mountain in the future. Your name is Bai Ze, right? You have good strength and can be the guardian of our mountain."

Yaochi came over and said old-fashioned.

Bai Ze took a peek at him, completely stunned, and a storm surged up in his heart again.

Hongjun Daotong?


For a moment, he was a little stunned, and he didn't know what luck he had taken to encounter two identities that defy the sky.

"Don't worry, the two kings, with me, Bai Ze, I will definitely protect the mountain gate." Bai Ze put down his body, and his attitude was unprecedentedly respectful.

"It's a bit overkill for you to be a Dharma protector, but if you can be an elder, this will not disgrace your ability." Li Zhenwu put his hands on his back and smiled lightly.

Yao Chi nodded, and felt that it was reasonable. Naturally, she had no opinion. She almost obeyed Li Zhenwu.

"Everything follows the two kings." Bai Ze said respectfully, he understood, in front of the two supreme beings, any thoughts were to seek death.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhenwu summoned the five black bears outside, and the group flew up the majestic spiritual veins.

They rode the auspicious clouds with great style, and the fog dispersed along the way, and they soon reached the top of the mountain.

"It turned out to be a sect, so naturally it can't be so simple, let's build some palace buildings!"

Standing on the top of the mountain, Li Zhenwu waved his hand, and the invisible power radiated, evolved the three thousand avenues, and forcibly transformed the entire mountain range.


The terrifying loud noise was endless, and the rolling mountains of thousands of miles moved slowly as if they had come to life.

Not long after, a staircase paved with white jade extended from the foot of the mountain, crystal clear and emitting a misty luster.

Soon, on the mountain, the spiritual veins seemed to be surging, and countless palaces were constructed in an instant, spreading from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.


With the appearance of the most magnificent palace on the top of the mountain, this transformation was completely completed.

Each palace falls according to the mysterious position, with a magnificent momentum, which contains the momentum of self-respect.


Bai Ze and the five black bear demons swallowed hard, their eyes widened, and they almost fell to the ground in admiration for this piercing means.

It really is a means of changing the world!

"You will find a palace to live in, and three days later, officially open the mountain and establish a sect." Li Zhenwu instructed.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Several people did not dare to have any objection, and immediately bowed and saluted, then turned around and left.

"Your Majesty, since you have established a sect, how do you choose a name? You can't be anonymous, right?"

As soon as they turned around, they heard Yaochi ask curiously.

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ze stumbled and almost rolled off the top of the mountain. Fortunately, there were five black bear demons supporting him, otherwise he would be embarrassed on the spot.

"I'm fine, you are free, I want to be alone!"

His fragile heart was almost shattered by the blow.

Coming strong to snatch Lingshan, I didn't even think of the name of the sect, what a blow this is.

The self-esteem of the ten ancient demons has been bruised and bruised all over.

On the top of the mountain, in front of the magnificent palace, Li Zhenwu and Yaochi stood against the wind, overlooking the scenery below the mountain, like a golden boy and a jade girl. 447

"What name do you remember?"

Li Zhenwu said with a smile, his eyes were indifferent, standing here, he could clearly see the city at the end of the sky.

"Why don't I know, Your Majesty, tell me, Yaochi will listen to you." Yaochi giggled, feeling more comfortable than ever before, as if he was one step closer to the behemoth in Heaven.

Leaving from the Zixiao Palace, she has been working hard to surpass the heaven and become an existence that does not belong to the emperor.

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