As for the ape demon, it has long since seen that the situation is not good and has already run away.

"In this case, staying here is just to die, and there is no way to stop anything!" Ape Demon made his last persuasion effort, wanting to let Li Zhenwu run away.

"Lord Ape Demon, I will trouble you this time." Li Zhenwu raised his head and suddenly thanked Ape Demon.

"Do you want?" Ape Demon was vaguely uneasy, guessing that Li Zhenwu was going to release the psychic technique and let himself leave the battlefield.

However, this kind of act of wanting others to leave you, isn't it more wanting to wait for your own death?The ape demon is uneasy and wants to speak.

But at this time, Li Zhenwu had already released the psychic technique!

The ape demon has disappeared!

Although the ape demon disappeared, Kirabi, who turned into an eight-tailed bull ghost, did not stop!

"The difference in body size is the most annoying." Kiraby, who incarnated as eight tails, said in a loud voice, and then rolled his tail.

"Eight Scrolls of Tailed Beasts!" The eight tails rolled around the body, forming a spiral shape, and then spun as a whole.

time!Flying sand and stone, forming a tornado hurricane!Ya'ao's body is like a grinding wheel spinning at high speed!


This time, Li Zhenwu had no way to hide. He was hit by the edge, and the high-speed rotating eight tails swept Li Zhenwu up and then landed heavily.

"Pfft!" Li Zhenwu opened his mouth and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, but looking at the huge body of Eight-tailed and the Yun Ren behind him, there was a bit of ruthlessness on his face:

"Isn't it just a transformation! I can't be an old man!"

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Chapter [-] Transform into a gorilla! (first update)

The tails of the eight-tailed bull ghost incarnated by Kirabi curled together, and Gao Xu's rotation formed a strong flying sand and stone and a tornado hurricane. The attack range was very wide. This is also its unique move, the tailed beast eight rolls!

Because the already huge Eight Tails used this move again, it was even more terrifying, so Li Zhenwu's speed didn't play a role at all, and he didn't escape from his attack range, so he was affected.

Li Zhenwu flew out, but luckily, although the scope of Yawei's move was wide, the corresponding scattered power was not so strong that it could kill Li Zhenwu in seconds.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu just flew up and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, but his life was still worry-free.

Getting up from the ground, Li Zhenwu spit out the remaining blood in his mouth, and looked up at the huge body of the tall and terrifying Eight-tailed Bull Ghost and the hundreds of Yun Ren, his face showed a resolute and resolute look:

"Isn't it just a transformation? I can't be an old man!" Li Zhenwu roared fiercely from his throat.

Then, before the Eight-tailed Bull Ghost made no move, Li Zhenwu slowly stretched out his hand.

Before the huge nine-tailed bull ghost, Li Zhenwu's figure was almost a tiny dust in comparison with 447.

But after a while, all Yun Ren looked at Li Zhenwu firmly, and there was surprise and strangeness in their eyes.

"Then... what is that?" You Yun Ren pointed at Li Zhenwu in surprise, unbelievable.

There is also Yun Ren's mouth wide open, "What kind of technique is this?"

"Moon?" Darui frowned, unable to see the power of Li Zhenwu's technique.

At this moment, Li Zhenwu is stretching out his hands, facing the air instead of the eight-tailed bull ghost.

Then everyone saw the scene just now.

A white mini-moon like a silver plate appeared in the sky.

At first, people saw this moon, but they didn't know why, but it felt familiar, but if you look a little more, you will find that it is the same as the moon in the sky, but the miniature is much smaller.

However, the Yun Ninjas don't know what 'skill' this is, nor what it can do.

In the last system lottery, Li Zhenwu thought he couldn't use this move when he got the 'Making Moon'. If the system had a recycling function, Li Zhenwu might have returned the prize to the system at that time.

But he didn't expect that it didn't take long before he had to use this move.

Because the enemy is too strong!Not counting Kirabi, who incarnated into an eight-tailed bull ghost, there are hundreds of Yun Ren behind him.

In this case, even if Li Zhenwu kept smashing the fairy beans, he might not be able to consume them all to death!

Therefore, Li Zhenwu can only use this final trick.

Create a moon and transform into a rampaging gorilla!

According to the system, Li Zhenwu's Saiyan blood is also derived from 'Kakarot', which is Sun Wukong.

Therefore, after Li Zhenwu turned into a gorilla, he would lose his mind and become violent.

Among the Saiyans, the Saiyans with royal blood can transform into golden gorillas without going to reason, and other Saiyans can also be transformed and still have reason through training.

It's just that Li Zhenwu's speciality comes from Sun Wukong, so he will definitely lose his mind when he first transforms.

So before, in order to prevent himself from accidentally seeing the moon and transforming every month, Li Zhenwu also specially purchased transforming inhibitor!Thereby suppressing the Bulz light received from the moon that can turn the Saiyan into a gorilla, instead of transforming.

And at this moment, Li Zhenwu himself created the moon on his own initiative!

Li Zhenwu's eyes were staring at the moon he made!

In Li Zhenwu's eyes, the moon slowly spins and spins.

The tail behind him swayed slightly unconsciously.

At this moment, everyone doesn't know why, even the eight-tailed bull ghost, doesn't understand what Li Zhenwu is doing, but unlike the others, he feels a little unusual aura!

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