Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace, Haotian Jade Emperor gasped for breath, his eyes were red, and his teeth were gnashing.

"Heaven-stealing thief, you wait to deceive me, Haotian has no one, it's really maddening me!"

He was screaming, Qi Kong was angry, and at the same time, he was also aggrieved like never before.

Everyone knows that the establishment of the Heavenly Court is the greatest force between heaven and earth. Logically speaking, the saints generally greet him if they want to spread morality.

But Yaochi's move was like a slap in the face, and slapped Haotian's face a few times.

"Taibai come in!"

After a long time, Hao Tiancai calmed down and summoned Tai Jinxing again.

"Your Majesty!" Taibaijinxing felt uneasy in his heart. At this juncture, he was cautious in his words and deeds, for fear of angering the Lord of Heaven.

"Is Pan Taoyuan about to mature?" Hao Tianping said peacefully.

"There are still three hundred years to mature, I don't know what Your Majesty has and ordered?"

"Very well, in three hundred years, when the Emperor of Heaven will hold a big peach feast, anyone who speaks loudly in the world can come here." Haotian said lightly.

At this moment, his heart knot for Mount Tai has turned into endless resentment.

After all, Pan Taoyuan is the first spiritual root in the heaven, and it has the same effect as the people of Zhenyuanzi and the fruit trees.


Mount Tai, the top of the Jade Emperor.

"Do you have any doubts in your heart?"

Yaochi stepped out, his body was glowing, filled with a hazy radiance, making it hard to see.

"Meet Fairy Yaochi." Everyone paid tribute, only Xuanyuan bowed slightly to show etiquette.

As the leader of the human race, at the same time at 900, the cultivation base is so powerful that it is only a little worse than the saints.

He is qualified to face the great supernatural powers, and he does not need to visit.

Everyone's eyes are extremely hot, and they are full of expectations for the promised opportunity.

"Your chance is here, you can comprehend it by yourself when you comprehend the stone tablet." Yaochi did not talk nonsense, and told everyone that everyone who watched the ceremony could comprehend it at will.

As the voice fell, next to the original white jade staircase, a stone tablet appeared out of thin air. It was three feet high, simple and unadorned, exuding an ancient atmosphere.


Seeing this scene, everyone was suspicious and at a loss.

Bai Ze walked over and explained lightly, "This stele is the evolution of the master's supernatural powers, and it can clear up your doubts about your own cultivation ways."

So amazing?

Not only were the other creatures surprised, even Xuanyuan couldn't help but take a few more glances.

He cultivated the way of true martial arts, except for Li Zhenwu, this world, perhaps only the Tongtian sect master is most familiar with.

After all, it does not belong to the Three Thousand Great Dao, it is beyond nature.

"In that case, let's comprehend first!"

Xuanyuan spoke lightly, walked over, his eyes fell on the stone tablet, and a trace of anticipation flashed in his eyes.

Chapter [-] Enlightenment Monument! (Second more)

As Xuanyuan's voice fell, everyone present was awe-inspiring, their faces solemn, and their eyes became more solemn.

There are all kinds of spirits in the world, and the paths of cultivation are endless. Although the paths they take have the same goal, the process is not the same.

Among the three thousand avenues, every avenue they walked, the scenery they saw along the way was different.

For example, when climbing the white jade steps, some people pay attention to the structure of the mountain, some pay attention to the scenery below the mountain, some pay attention to the concentration of aura, and some people are completely focused on guessing the identity of the owner of Lingshan.

On the same path, what each living being thinks will produce a different process.

When they saw Xuanyuan come out, they were full of anticipation and anxiety.

"Can you really solve the puzzle?"

"It is said that in ancient times, only by proving the Tao and becoming sanctified can we see the origin of the Three Thousand avenues."

"But the other party is just a quasi-sage, does it really have such a miraculous effect?"

"You don't know something. According to the deduction of our elder Xuanyuan, the master of Lingshan is the descendant of Hongjun Daozu."

"What? It turned out to be under the sect of Daozu?"

Everyone secretly transmitted voices and talked a lot, and they all felt shocked by the identity of Yaochi.

Gradually, the anticipation in my heart could hardly be concealed.

That is under the sect of Taoist ancestors, maybe, can they really solve the doubts in their hearts?

"If you can really solve my doubts, I, Xuanyuan, should support Mount Tai." Xuanyuan said lightly. After all, the sage had a grudge with his teacher Li Zhenwu, so naturally he would not ask the sage to clarify his doubts.

While speaking, he stretched out his hand, and the power of true martial arts in his body moved, covering his palm, and slowly pressing it on the stone tablet.


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