"What a martial artist, such a subtle formation is really eye-opening."

"Yes, with this formation, it is difficult for the human race to defeat this battle."

Not only the saint was shocked, but other great supernatural powers were also amazed.

Only Haotian's face was gloomy, his hand holding the jade wine cup, his fingertips turned white, and blue veins appeared, obviously his emotions were quite intense.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, although the formation is ingenious, it's just a small trick." The original Heavenly Venerate said lightly, returning to his usual arrogance.

"That's right, it's not enough to defeat Luo Hu." Taishang Laojun smiled lightly, he could see his vision naturally, the formation was brilliant, but it also depended on who he used to deal with.

Thinking that the ancestor of the devil, Luo Hu, was born in chaos, and he cultivated his own way to the extreme, which is the magic way of the three thousand avenues.

If he hadn't offended Daozu Hongjun, it would not be surprising that he had become a saint.

Hearing the saints say this, the Jade Emperor Haotian calmed down a little.

Their words just now were not passed on, and no one from the outside world knew about it.

"As expected of a Martial Daoist, there are some tricks. It's just a small victory. For the entire battle situation, I'm afraid it will be difficult to reverse the disadvantage."

Haotian spoke lightly, obviously displeased.

But because many creatures are here, I am too embarrassed to be too tough.

"You'll know when you've seen it!" Li Zhenwu was very calm, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he responded lightly.

The confrontation between the two was simply confused in the eyes of the living creature who was at the banquet.

Of course, they didn't know that Tianting and Taishan were already in the same situation at the moment, and they couldn't live together at all.

"Your Majesty, the matter of Luohu..." Yaochi was nervous in his heart, and his little hand gently pulled Li Zhenwu's sleeve, wanting to remind him.

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly and cast a reassuring look at her: "Luo Hu is not invincible, except for me and other great supernatural powers, there are people in this world who can fight against him."

After saying this, he closed his mouth and fell silent, continued to look up, and looked at the picture in the mirror.

Zhen Yuanzi next to him also heard it, his eyes were complicated, and he looked like he was hesitating to speak.

In the end, he just sighed and didn't speak.


Changyang Mountain is tens of thousands of miles in all directions, and the mountains are soaring like giant dragons.

Right now, there's a big battle going on here!


The smoke and dust rose to the sky, the powerful energy swept through, and countless towering trees flew up and smashed to the ground.

There is even a giant of a hundred feet, with a strong speed, the mountain range is broken, and the scene is very tragic.

"Ah... Damn ants, watching Grandpa kill you."

A great witch was covered in blood, with long hair scattered and fiery eyes, chasing after the light group beside him.

However, the Killing God Array combined the strength of more than [-] people, no matter in terms of strength, defense or speed, it was almost comparable to the strength of the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian.


The loud noise erupted, and the light group was dazzling, containing terrifying energy fluctuations.

Inside, one hundred and eight cultivators stepped on the mysterious position, adjusted their direction, and killed the surrounding evil witches.

There was a weak witch who couldn't dodge in time, and was hit abruptly, the light group penetrated Xiong's heart, and he died immediately.


The great witch is powerful, but he is not afraid. When he sees the light group, he raises his fist and smashes it down.

In the Killing God Array, the most powerful human monks are only Jinxian peak cultivation base, and the rest are mostly Taiyi True Immortals.

But because of the mysterious combination of the formation, the strength they exerted can also beat the great witch without falling behind.

"That is their leader. If they can be killed, it will be enough to dampen their morale."

A human race monk stared at Xingtian in the distance, his eyes were cold and stern, exuding a strong killing intent.

That is a strong person with the peak strength of Jinxian. With the blessing of the killing god, it is enough to fight against Daluo Jinxian, and it looks very strong.

"Captain, but General Kong has instructed us not to act rashly." In the killing god array, a human race of the real immortal realm of Taiyi said.

"Shut up, the leader of the evil witch is distracted. If we can sneak past, it's not a problem to kill each other."

Jin Xian's eyes were cold, and his tone was extremely indifferent.

As a strong human being, he was naturally dissatisfied that the general was obtained by a peacock demon.

Seeing that Xingtian's attention was attracted by the battlefield at this moment, they were on the edge, so they wanted to secretly attack and kill the big witch Xingtian, so as to suppress the arrogance of the demon clan.

After all, in the human race, not only the military advisor was obtained by the ancient demon Bai Ze, but even the vanguard generals were big demon peacocks.

This is somewhat dissatisfying in the minds of many people.

It was only because of Xuanyuan's majesty that he didn't show it.

"Beheading this great witch, we will pass it on through the ages." The human race Jinxian's eyes were red, panting.

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