With a slap, he killed the peak Jinxian powerhouse, and he had just endured the killing god formation. Now he is unscathed, and he is extremely powerful.

The more than [-] people who were abandoned were trembling all over, and their faces showed a look of horror.

They never expected that Captain Jinxian would abandon them in order to escape.

Now that there is one less position, the formation can be broken without attacking.

"It's your turn."

Da Wu Xingtian smiled coldly, and in the desperate eyes of the human race, his big hand directly caught it.

His palm is as big as a mountain, and it can cover everyone, like a prison.

In this prison, no matter how powerful you are, it is difficult to break through.


At this moment, there was an explosion from the sky.

I saw Kong Xuan's face was full of anger, his eyes were red, and he exuded a strong killing intent.

At this moment, he was really angry.

Unexpectedly, someone would go against his plan, and he would be furious.

However, no matter how angry he was, for the desperate Terran, he had to come to the rescue.

Go go!

The supreme sword roared Jiuxiao, and the five-color divine light on the back was crystal clear, as if the divine sword was dazzling, exuding inexplicable fluctuations.

"Hmph, the food I want to eat, you little demon also want to stop it?"

In the face of Kong Xuan's anger, Xing Tian snorted coldly, his big hands kept going, he had already covered more than [-] human races, and he could be trapped in the palm of his hand in the next moment.

"In front of me, Kong Xuan, don't even think about committing murder."

Kong Xuan scolded coldly, his mottled Taoist robe seemed to be a lot brighter, exuding a hazy brilliance.


Immediately afterwards, the five-color divine light on his back lingered with each other, interweaving strange fluctuations, and shrouded Xingtian directly.

The five kinds of innate divine light interweave into a splendid brilliance, which is hazy.


In the end, Shenguang and Xingtian contacted, and with a bang, they formed a prison within ten miles.

"See whose prison is stronger." Kong Xuan sneered, his eyes glowing like electricity.


Before the voice fell, the five-color prison vibrated violently, as if undulating.

Da Wu Xingtian attacked frantically, with infinite power, knocking the entire prison up and down, almost unbearable.

"Haha, this is the five-color divine light of my seat, and it is difficult to break it unless it is a quasi-sage." Seeing this, Kong Xuan showed a smug smile on his face.

You must know that although the five-color space can trap Xingtian, it is difficult to kill the opponent.

Although Kong Xuan can do it, he doesn't want to waste so much energy.

Those who can become great witches are all qualified demons, and those who can become the leaders of great witches are the best among them.

Xing Tian, ​​as the number two figure in the entire ethnic group today, has no doubts about his strength.

"Little Peacock, do you think that this weird space can trap me?"

Suddenly, in the five-color space, Xing Tian stopped and stopped attacking, but his eyes were cold, staring at Kong Xuan outside.

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Nine Demons and Witches!


The next moment, the energy exploded and swept all around.

The mighty power is enough to shake the five-color space and tremble violently.

"You have great supernatural powers to help, don't we ~ we Wu clan not have it?"

Xing Tian sneered, not feeling anxious about the situation on the battlefield.

Because he has absolute confidence.

Immediately afterwards, Xingtian, who was a great witch, suddenly filled with a strong demonic energy, which was gray and full of violence and evil.

The way of magic, from birth, is for killing.

When the witches practiced the magic way, the effect was astonishing, and unprecedented power erupted.

"Killing them, it's not like we are sick cats."

Not only Xingtian, but all the evil lich and evil spirits on the battlefield, their bodies exuded a strong demonic energy.

The demonic energy of thousands of people intertwined, shaking the sky and moving the earth, as if it were a dark night, sweeping out towards all beings in the world.

"What? What the hell is this?"

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