What do you mean by a little trick? Isn't that what your ancient demons from Mount Tai have deduced?

They were speechless, as if they didn't know what they said.

The Jade Emperor Haotian and the Second Saint of the West had their faces throbbing as they forcibly endured the killing intent in their hearts.

"It seems that Mount Tai's background is not bad. The disciples recruited are all from the demon clan. The god channel method they know innately is also a help for martial arts."

Haotian said lightly, his fists in his sleeves clenched tightly, and his fingertips turned white.

"It's normal!" Li Zhenwu said with a smile: "But the person who resolved this calamity is not in Mount Tai, but within the human race."

After he finished speaking, he ignored it and pretended to look up at the picture of Haotianjing.


The human world, the deer-chasing region.

The sky was full of sand and dust, with a large army stationed, and the palace rolling up and down, surrounded by the giant city in front.

Xuanyuan's body is tall and straight, his golden armor is dazzling, the surface is shining, and the whole person is handsome and handsome. He raised his head and stared at the city a hundred miles away.

It was a dark city, vast and boundless, filled with black light, like a metal, from a distance, it looked like a huge tortoise lying on the ground.


In front of the city, a war is taking place, and countless fairy lights are blooming, extremely splendid, and a mighty power erupts.

The Human Race army has been attacking for half a month. Both sides suffered heavy casualties, but they were still unable to break through the city.

The city wall is tens of thousands of feet, and the walls are densely covered with deep pits, and mysterious energy fluctuations are circulating. It is obviously guarded by a large formation.

"Report! Elder Xuanyuan, the evil witch has returned to the city, should we continue to attack?"

A guard came hurriedly, looking anxious.

Xuanyuan's eyes moved slightly, he waved his hand, and ordered, "Then retreat!"

After sending the guards away, he frowned and felt uneasy in his heart.

For the evil witch to act like this, no matter how it is deduced, there is no result at all.

"If you want to disturb the secret, I don't think you can do it with Luo Hu alone." Xuanyuan muttered to himself, feeling rather uneasy in his heart.

If the guess is correct, there is a shadow of a saint behind this calamity in Shenzhou.

This battle cannot be lost!

"Do you really want to follow what Bai Ze said?" Xuanyuan's mind moved slightly, thinking of what Bai Ze said, but he was a little tangled.

After all, the war is over now, although cities around the world are no longer attacked, but after the human race attacked the city, there were also many casualties.

Of course, the army was mainly from various tribes, and some of the tribesmen did not do their best, obviously with reservations.

Bai Ze once warned that this catastrophe was not only caused by the evil witch, but also the participation of the human race.

To calm the various voices within the human race, in front of Xuanyuan, there is only one choice.

That is to call God!

As long as he is proclaimed emperor, Xuanyuan is the only emperor in China, and each tribe will not have a second voice, which is the best for this war.

"But if you want to be an emperor, it's easier said than done!" Xuanyuan sighed, thinking that if Senior Shennong was here, he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

But he never thought that in Wudang Mountain, Shennong also sighed.

"Why doesn't Xuanyuan declare himself emperor decisively? If the turmoil continues, then all life will be ruined."

In the ancestral hall of the human race, Shennong's face was exhausted.

He is quasi-sage, and he understands the affairs of the world in his heart, but he has cause and effect, but he can't make a move.

At the place of the deer, just as Xuanyuan was full of worries, a guard came hurriedly again.

"Report! General Kong Xuan received good news. In the battle at Changyang Mountain, dozens of great witches were beheaded, and there was even a great witch Xingtian."

"Where is General Kong?"

Xuanyuan woke up with a start, his eyes were full of joy, and he asked quickly.

At this moment, a Lang Lang's voice came from a distance.

"Elder Xuanyuan, why don't you become emperor at this time?"

Kong Xuan's steps were steady, his robes fluttered, coming from a distance, exuding a vast breath.

Chapter [-] Xuanyuan proclaims emperor! (Second more)

As Kong Xuan's voice fell, the entire human race was stationed in a dead silence in an instant.

The next moment, the atmosphere was uproar, and countless people exclaimed.

"What? Did you hear it just now? General Kong is asking about Elder Xuanyuan's proclamation!"

"It is said that General Kong killed the evil witch from the Changyang Mountain lineage, which brought great news."

"It seems that even General Kong wants Elder Xuanyuan to become emperor."

"Take the good news as a guide and build momentum. After Elder Xuanyuan is proclaimed emperor, he should be able to dampen the morale of the evil witch."

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