When it reappeared, it was already inside the hazy haze.

The space here is self-contained, the fairy mist is filled with fragrance, and the seven saints and Haotian Jade Emperor are sitting there.

After the Haotian Jade Emperor was shocked, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, and he was still angry.

The Western Second Sage, Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, but their faces were solemn, and there was even a trace of killing intent in their eyes.

Connecting the Heavenly Sect Master with Houtu and Nuwa, they were all very solemn and could no longer be calm.

"How did you get this thing?" The original Heavenly Venerate was majestic like the sea, and the breath of the saint permeated a touch, trying to deter Li Zhenwu with this.

You must know that the killing sword was acquired by Li Zhenwu of Wudang Mountain after the Lich War ended. This is known by all the saints.

But now it falls on Martial Daoist, which seems strange.

However, Li Zhenwu didn't panic at all, but bowed his hands to salute, and then slowly said: "So that the sage will know that when the Six Paths were opened, I was still cultivating in the mountains, and one day, I had a premonition that the world had changed, and I was released from retreat. I woke up in shock, and then I did some calculations to no avail, but it was something from outside the sky, and it was this sword."

He had already thought about these remarks and told the saints that because the killing sword had a great cause and effect with the human race, he went out and walked in China, looking for people who were destined, and wanted to give this thing to the other party.

However, they met Yaochi later, and the two hit it off when it came to Kaishan.

In the eyes of the saints, he is just a hidden supernatural power, so he did not suspect that he was Li Zhenwu.

After all, that was too shocking.

After these words, the saints nodded.

Only Nuwa and the others flashed a trace of regret in their eyes, and they thought they could hear the news about Li Zhenwu from this Taoist.

"Could it be that fellow Daoist is so indifferent, it turned out that he had already calculated it."

Haotian Jade Emperor couldn't help but grit his teeth in hatred.

However, although he hated him greatly, he still had a little thought about the demon ancestor Rahu.

After all, that is an invincible existence, a peerless murderer who even Daozu Hongjun dared to move.

"Don't dare, just follow the destiny." Li Zhenwu said calmly, making Emperor Haotian's face throbbing.

"You go back, it seems that the human race should be able to pass this calamity smoothly."

Taishang Laojun waved his hand, pulled Li Zhenwuping out, and spoke thoughtfully.

The rest of the saints frowned and pondered. They couldn't deduce the result, so they suspected each other and thought that someone deliberately interfered with the secret.

In fact, none of the saints suspected Li Zhenwu. After all, he was just a great supernatural power. In their opinion, it was impossible to block the saint's means.


In front of the giant city, the camp of the human race.

The proclamation of the emperor is coming to an end, and everyone is waiting solemnly to prevent the evil witch from making trouble.

On the five-color altar, Xuanyuan opened his mouth wide, and his eyes fell on the sword in Bai Ze's hand, shocking beyond measure.

The sword was three feet long, and the body of the sword was three fingers wide.

"Hey, this thing was originally the cause and effect of the human race and the demon race. I handed it over to you this time, but it's the original cause and effect." Bai Ze was also full of emotion.

At the beginning of the Lich War, in order to suppress the witch, the demons used a secret method to refine the human soul, and then became this peerless magic weapon.

Unexpectedly, after the changes of the years, this causal weapon was handed over to the leader of the human race in the hands of the demon race to kill the evil witch who ravaged the living beings...

"I see."

Xuanyuan nodded, no nonsense, stretched out and held the hilt of the sword, and suddenly felt calm, giving birth to an unprecedented fighting spirit, as if there were thousands of fellow clan behind him, it felt amazing.

"The origin of this thing is the soul of the human race. I am the Yellow Emperor. Since then, the name of Xuanyuan will fall on this sword!"

As Xuanyuan's voice fell, the sky was surging, the wind howled, exuding a fierce aura.


A loud bang broke out, coming from the giant city of Zhulu, shaking the world.

I saw endless dark clouds swept across the sky and covered the earth, rolling towards the camp of the human army.

"It seems that the demon is a heretic, and I can't bear it anymore." Kong Xuan's figure vacated, he turned to look over, and his eyes shone with divine light.

"Yes, the Yellow Emperor has been born, and Xuanyuanjian is there, so they are also uneasy." Pan Wang stepped out, his body was dazzling with golden light, and his skin was covered with mysterious lines.

"In that case, let's fight!" Ji Bo smiled indifferently, without any fear.

The three of them are among the human races, second only to Xuanyuan's strength.


Immediately afterwards, they divided their troops into three divisions, and brought the 5.3 Terran army to greet them in a mighty manner.

There was a riot in this place, the rumbling sound was incessant, the fairy light bloomed, dazzling, and the darkness reflected a vast expanse of white.

"Xuanyuan, do you dare to fight?"

At this moment, a sound, like a muffled thunder, formed an unparalleled power, and sent all the soldiers of the human race flying.

I saw the giant city of chasing the deer, standing a giant of ten thousand feet, standing on the ground, exuding a vast breath.

"This is Chiyou, the great witch that existed in ancient times, known as the god of war in heaven and earth, and can beat the quasi-sage."

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