This battle has attracted the attention of all ages, not only the great supernatural beings, but even the saints are paying attention.

In the heavenly court, under the reflection of the Clear Sky Mirror, countless creatures gasped.

"Is this the strongest power of the two clans?"

Their faces were full of horror, what a terrifying strength this is, it can literally destroy the world.

It has been many years since the end of the Lich War, and such a grand event has not occurred.

"The potential of the human race is really terrifying!"

Taishang Laojun sighed with emotion. For the first time, he felt that it was not unreasonable that Daozu said that the human race is the master of heaven and earth.

All the saints are full of amazement, this originally weak race has now grown to the point of shocking all spirits.

"Hey! After all, they are still enchanted. If I had forced them to go to hell, maybe they would not have appeared today." Hou Tu sighed and couldn't bear it.

"You don't need to blame yourself, my sister, the world has its own rules, I can't change it."

Nu Wa comforted softly that she, as a Virgin, was also pleased with the potential shown by the human race today.

No one would have thought that the opportunity for her to prove the Tao and become sanctified would eventually grow to this point.

If it hadn't been pointed out by Daozu, no one would have believed it.

You must know that compared to the three clans that first opened up in the Great Wilderness, as well as the two Lich clans at the beginning, the growth time of the human clan is still relatively young.

But the strength shown at the moment, even the saints have to marvel.

"That's not enough."

In the hall, only Li Zhenwu frowned, and his heart was not satisfied with the status quo.

The potential of the human race is so great that it can almost be fully reflected in him.

Therefore, as the Holy Father of the Human Race, no one knows better than Li Zhenwu that if there is more training and opportunities, the Human Race will be even stronger.

After all, he is the Lord of all spirits, a fact that cannot be erased by the way of heaven.


The world of the world, in front of the giant city.

At this time, the shouting and killing gradually disappeared, and the two sides consciously retreated and stopped fighting.

They are all waiting.

Waiting for Xuanyuan or Chiyou's victory, because the key to the war, only the victorious side can eventually become the master.

Continuing to fight will only consume new strength.

Rather than this, it is better to wait for the winner to be decided between the two. At that time, the winner or loser will not be able to be changed by others.

"Do you have this strength?"

Xuanyuan was very strong and had the upper hand, pressing Chiyou to fight.

After all, the sword light shines on the land of China, with supreme heroism and majesty.

"Ah..." Chi You yelled, resisting with all his might, the tiger-souled sword was danced without leaking.


However, after all, the weapon is still missing a piece.

In the face of Xuanyuanjian's beheading, the tiger-souled sword was broken several times, obviously unable to compete with Xuanyuanjian's power.

Chi You flew out backwards, the tiger's mouth was bleeding, and the hand holding the big knife trembled slightly.

Moreover, his body was covered with sword wounds, and under the nourishment of the magic flame, he could not heal, which was very terrifying.

"Since there is no hole card, then I will send you on the road!"

Xuanyuan's golden armor was tattered, stained red with blood, and looked very embarrassed.

But the blood on his body is not his own, but the enemy's.

He is very powerful, and every sword cut is accompanied by an invincible momentum that I am invincible.


In the end, Xuanyuan roared loudly, urging Xuanyuan Sword to burst into a blazing ray of light, extremely bright.


He was like a streamer, holding the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and dashed towards him forcefully.

"I think I, Chi You, as a god of war, have to drink hatred here, no matter what, the dream of an overlord is just a dream after all."

The giant of a thousand feet held a tiger-soul sword and raised the sky to sigh.

The magical way of cultivation has squeezed out the potential in the body, and can no longer provide the body-protecting magic flame.


The sword light suddenly lit up, slashed towards Chi You, penetrated his body, and almost cut him off.


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