The human race suddenly became solemn.

"And I!"

Pan Wang stepped out, his skin was covered with mysterious lines, and the golden light was dazzling.

"Not worse than me."

Gilber stepped out of the crowd, resigned to death.

In the face of the invincible existence aloof, they have no fear, their hearts are firm, and they are no weaker than anyone.

The human army, seeing this scene, everyone's blood is boiling.


The next moment, hundreds of thousands of cultivators, no matter how strong they were, all took a step forward.

"And us!"

The crowd shouted in unison, the momentum was overwhelming.

This is so decisive!

Hundreds of thousands of cultivators, Panwang and Jibo with the highest cultivation base, faced the demon ancestor Luohu, I am afraid that they would die with just one look.

But at the moment, no one flinched.

They looked awe-inspiring, and they all looked at death as if at home.

On the opposite side, in front of the giant city, countless evil witches were shocked when they saw it.

What terrifying cohesion is this?

Knowing that it can't be done, is this the reason why the human race can always be prosperous?

Don't say they were shocked.

At the Peach Banquet in Heaven, countless creatures were moved.

Humans are inherently fragile and inferior to other creatures.

But at this moment, it gave all living beings, an unspeakable infection, all sluggish.

"Good people!"

Yao Chi clenched his hands tightly and couldn't help but admire.

At the beginning, she lived in the mortal world and once lived in the human race, so she was very emotional.

"The ants are still alive, but the human race, not the ants, their strength is small, but the thoughts in their hearts, if they can grow up, are enough to shake the world."

Even Zhen Yuanzi was full of emotion.

I have to say that this move of the Human Race army is really moving.

"Am I really wrong?" Haotian Jade Emperor said to himself, he has never seen a race that can be so cohesive.

This spirit, even if they are smashed to pieces, can't make them bow their heads.


On the battlefield, there was no fear on the faces of the Human Race army.

No matter what you exist, if you kill life, you must be punished.

Luo Hu's face finally changed.

"Okay, okay, this seat is merciful, and I wanted to accept you as disciples. Since I want to die, then this seat will fulfill you."

As the voice fell, the aura on Luo Hu's body became strange.


Endless magic flames burst out from him, straight to the sky, stirring the clouds of the nine heavens.

"However, it's still not enough. If you want to kill me, it's up to you, no matter how much you come, it's useless." Luo Hu screamed in the sky, and the sound waves rolled down toward the opposite side.

There are endless ripples in the space, containing a peerless murderous intent that can annihilate all things.

He wants to kill everyone with a single word.

"If you add me, I don't know if it will be enough."

At this moment, an indifferent voice came from the end of the sky.

I saw Shennong driving the auspicious clouds, speaking out of the law, and a beam of light rising in front of the human army, blocking Luohu's sonic attack.


The two collided, the sky was torn apart, and the sky was torn apart.

"You are already a wreck, why are you still coming out to harm the people?" Shennong sighed and landed beside Xuanyuan.

Emperor Yan?

The next moment, the entire Human Race army was boiling.

When they saw Shennong appear, the people who had just regarded death as if they were at home, suddenly had infinite hope.

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