Seeing someone open their mouths, others also loudly expressed the unbearableness in their hearts, for the sake of their family, they had to.

"Okay, no matter what the reason, if it's wrong, it's wrong."

Hou Yi's face was indifferent, he interrupted their confession directly, and said coldly: "There are not enough people in hell now, so you still have a conscience. After this battle, go to hell to collect the punishment yourself, and manage the six realms of reincarnation!"

In fact, hell has been busy with the recent war.

If it weren't for this, the witch tribe of Xingtian's tribe would not have been sent to hell.

Of course, their cause and effect, only going to hell and repenting of those dead souls is the right way.

"Are you done talking about old times?"

At this moment, Luo Huan spoke indifferently, his eyes were even more cold and terrifying.

Even in the face of the three quasi-sage powerhouses, he did not have the slightest fear.

Hou Yi raised his head and looked at Luo Hu, his killing intent was undisguised: "To provoke a war between the two clans, I will definitely shoot you today."

You must know that if he hadn't taught the Witch Race and Demon Dao, the battle between the two races would not have affected the entire world.

Because of this war, countless lives have died.

As the most ferocious culprit, he obviously couldn't let it go easily, and he couldn't let it go, or let Luo Hu escape, I'm afraid he would continue to plot against all souls in the world.

"Kill!" Xuanyuan shouted, taking the lead.

He was wearing a golden armor, with awe-inspiring power, and his whole body flew into the sky, holding the Xuanyuan sword, and slashed powerfully.


On the other side, Shen Nong also shot, a pair of sleeve robes danced, the space was pierced, and he rode up the auspicious clouds.

"Haha, just because you want to kill me?"

Seeing this scene, the demon ancestor Luo Hu laughed loudly, his face full of contempt.

The eighteen giants under him moved out in an instant, stepping on the mysterious position to form a solid city wall.

Eighteen giants shot at the same time, like a violent storm, blocking Xuanyuan's attack...

"It's not hard to kill you!"

Beside him, Shennong was expressionless, the robe on his body was automatic without wind, and the sleeve robe turned into a thousand feet, shrouded towards Luo Hu.

Universe in the sleeves!

The inside is a world of its own. If it is collected, the suppression inside will be more ruthless than Kong Xuan's five-color space.

"It's too tender to kill me just because of the old man's unique skills." Luo Hu sneered, the demonic flames billowed from his body, covering the sky and the sun, and he slammed it hard.


The void trembled, and countless divine lights surged out.

Shennong is very strong, and he is not an ordinary quasi-sage. He was once preached by Li Zhenwu, which is unfathomable.

At this moment, he collided head-on with Rahu, and he did not lose the slightest.

However, it was difficult to suppress Luo Huan. The two were at a stalemate, and neither could do anything to the other.


On the contrary, Xuanyuan was extremely powerful, and under the siege of eighteen giants, he seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

His whole body glowed with golden light, dazzling and dazzling, and every time he attacked, he could knock down these giant puppets and fly out.

The giant's powerful body was punched with countless fist marks, and it was deeply entrapped, unable to recover.


The starlight arrow, detached from the bowstring, crossed the distance of space, and instantly arrived in front of Rahu, gorgeous and terrifying.

"This level of attack, unless your master arrives!" 1.2 Rahu raised his palms, surrounded by infinite magic flames, and stretched out his five fingers, trying to catch the arrow.


However, the starlight arrow exploded, erupting with terrifying power.

This place, submerged by starlight, is like an ocean, obliterating everything in the world.

"Ah..." Luo Hu roared, his arm was blown up, and black liquid flowed out, and the wound was terrifying.

He never imagined that Hou Yi's arrow was so powerful that it could hurt his physique tempered by chaos.

This is absolutely unbelievable.

In fact, Luo Hu didn't know that Hou Yi's use of arrows in the beginning could tilt the outcome of the Lich War.

Now that he has proven the way of the arrow, the power is terrifying, and the ordinary quasi-sage will be shot to death by an arrow.

Chapter [-]: Demon heresy! (Second more)

The three peerless masters surrounded and killed the demon ancestor Rahu, and the scene was terrifying.

The space of this place was shattered, filled with countless dark cracks, the power of destruction, destroying everything.

Among the human race, Bai Ze was also stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

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