Darui gritted his teeth. At this moment, his shoulders were not completely healed, but this time, he still had some fighting strength, so he also came with him.

Originally following Kirabi and so many ninjas from the same village, Darui thought that this time, Li Zhenwu was definitely doomed, but he did not expect such a dramatic scene!

The ninjas they came directly killed and injured more than half!Kirabi had to cut his tail to survive after he was completely transformed into a beast!

Even now, they are still being chased by the violent gorilla transformed by Li Zhenwu.

"What kind of monster is this Konoha monster, Li Zhenwu! It's so powerful that it's scary, even if you keep playing cards, you can even turn into such a terrifying monster!"

Darui cursed secretly and shouted loudly: "I can't continue to attract this monster to the station, we all spread out and run! Two people in a group! Take care of each other!"

Darui is still very prestige among Yun Ren. After he said this, the remaining few Yun Ren immediately followed suit. They dispersed in twos, and Kirabi also followed a ninja to go to the place. Go in one direction.

But at this moment, the furious gorilla with the scarlet evil light flashing in his eyes noticed the action of the 'villain' in his eyes, and he was furious.

boom! !

The rocks flew around, and the hill collapsed directly into pieces of rubble.

Then, seeing the gorilla, he grabbed a few stones and threw them violently.

Then, many Yun Ren suddenly felt that there was a whistling sound behind him, like thunder!

Chapter [-] The origin of the gorilla? (first update)

"Zhenwu disappeared? Yun Ren suffered heavy losses for inexplicable reasons?"

The three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan sat in his office, and frowned upon seeing the information that was sent in a hurry.

He suddenly stood up, his hands knotted.


"Sarutobi?" Sarutobi appeared in the psychic formation, and then saw Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"My disciple, is Zhenwu still alive?" Sarutobi Hizan asked.

Because he signed a psychic contract with Li Zhenwu and Ape Demon, if Li Zhenwu really died, Ape Demon would still be able to know, so Sarutobi Hibiki wanted to know Li Zhenwu's safety by asking Ape Demon at this moment. .

"He's still alive, what's wrong with him?" Ape Mo was stunned, and then asked.

"I'm missing." Sarutobi Hiizan knocked his pipe on the table, exhaled a faint smoke, and said slowly: "The day before yesterday, he and Genma Shiranui went on a mission to rescue a group of Konoha ninjas, but in the end I sensed the aura of a powerful Yun Ren, and then he stayed behind and disappeared."

"Lost?" Ape Demon was also a little strange: "Last time, Zhenwu boy also summoned me to help, at that time, it was against the eight-tailed man Zhuli."

"You were there at the time?" Sarutobi Hizan pursued, "Then do you know what happened at that time?"

"At that time, in addition to the eight-tailed person Zhuli, there were hundreds of Yun Ren, and it seemed that they almost came out of the nest."

Sarumo narrowed his eyes slightly, and then began to tell Sarutobi Hizan the situation at that time.

Ape Demon started from the moment he was summoned, and talked about the process of Li Zhenwu and the eight-tailed human column Li Qi Rabbi fighting, and finally when Qi Rabi was completely a beast, Li Zhenwu took the initiative to come into contact with psychics.

"I don't know what happened after this, but I don't think Zhenwu boy will be the opponent of the eight tails after the complete tail beast transformation!" Ape Demon frowned and said: "However, he is not dead now. , just disappeared temporarily?"

As for what happened after that, Sarumo didn't know at all. As for how he disappeared, and what happened afterward, he still didn't know, so he still asked Hiruzen Sarutobi: "How did you find out that he was missing? Could it be by Yun Yun? Hidden ninjas captured?"

"I wasn't captured, there was an accident, an accident we don't know about yet!" Hiruzen Sarutobi shook his head, and then told Saru Mo: "When I didn't know Huo Xuanjian brought a Kanjo Ninja to rescue Zhenwu, he was far away. It has sensed something unusual, it seems to be a huge creature."

"Afterwards, when they arrived at the scene, they found that the place was in a mess, with the appearance of landslides and cracks. More importantly, there were footprints of monsters at the scene! In addition, there were many Yun Ren who were trampled to death. , and something more appalling..."

"What's more appalling? What was it then?" Ape Demon asked.

"There are two tails at the scene! Two octopus tentacles with the same tail!" Sarutobi Hizan said solemnly.

"The tail? The tail of the eight tails!" As soon as the monkey demon heard about it, he immediately contacted the ghost of the eight tails.

"Indeed." Sarutobi Hidzu nodded: "It didn't take long for these two tails to disappear, but this is the characteristic of tailed beasts! It turned into chakra and dissipated between heaven and earth, confirming that this is indeed true. It's the tail of the Eight-Tailed Bull Demon!"

Sarutobi Hizan said: "According to our judgment, there should be an incomparably huge monster appearing, engaged in a battle with the eight-tailed bull ghost! Because there are indeed traces of a huge battle at the scene!"

"In this battle, the eight tails lost and lost two tails, and then that monster trampled many Yun Ninjas to death! Then they chased the fleeing Yun Ninjas and went away!"

"Then what?" Ape Demon listened intently and couldn't help but ask.

"Then... there is no more, we have not found the whereabouts of Zhenwu." Sarutobi Hibiki said: "But according to our preliminary statistics, Yunyin's ninja suffered heavy casualties this time!"

"So, what's the origin of that monster? What is it like? Didn't Konoha see it with ninjas?" Monkey asked again...

Sarutobi Hizan looked at the monkey demon with a strange expression, and then said complicatedly: "Someone has seen that monster."

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Sarutobi's gaze was a little uncomfortable.

"After investigating the scene, the Konoha Ninja finally decided to dispatch three ninjas to form a team to follow the direction of the monster's footprints and find out the whereabouts of Zhenwu."

Ape Demon said slowly: "They followed the footprints, and found a lot of Yun Ren along the way, but all of them were bloody."

"Until they continued to follow the footprints, they saw the figure of the monster when they approached the Yunren station." Sarutobi Hizan looked at the monkey demon and said, "Then they immediately withdrew, because the monster was violent and evil. , they were nearly discovered."

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Sarutobi asked again, really feeling that Sarutobi Hiizan's gaze was not right.

"In your family, is there any more powerful, huge and powerful clan?" Sarutobi Hizen did not answer directly, but asked.

"Not as far as I know." Ape Demon replied, and then suddenly reacted: "Could it be that monster?"


Ape 1.0 Fei Sun Zhan nodded: "That monster is an ape, and it has some similarities with you, but there are also many dissimilarities!"

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