"Haha, blow me up!"

Luo Hu Yangtian laughed loudly, his heart was ruthless, he wanted to detonate these puppets, so as to kill Xuanyuan first.

A giant of [-] zhang, the lines on the figure flickered, and a breath of annihilation erupted, and the endless power erupted in an instant.


The explosion was so powerful that it wiped out thousands of miles.

All creatures and mountains no longer exist, and they are completely desolate ruins.


At this moment, the void shook slightly, and two figures appeared.

Xuanyuan was wearing a golden armor. Although it was tattered, he was still stalwart. Beside him, Kong Xuan sneered and looked at Luo Huan with a playful look in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Luo Huan's eyes were straight.

Unexpectedly, I wanted to kill one person first, but the final outcome was unexpected.

"You've been tricked, don't forget, my supernatural power is space!" Kong Xuan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Eighteen giants are powerful, and together, they can even rival Xuanyuan.

Now that it is detonated, Xuanyuan will be able to free up his hands and join forces with Shennong and Houyi to surround and kill Luohu.

"Now, do you think you still have a chance?"

Shen Nong floated over, his Taoist robe was not stained with fine dust, and his killing intent was undisguised.

"Humph!" Hou Yi held the Chaos Bow in his hand and appeared to the left of Luo Hu. The starlight arrows had already been condensed.

Xuanyuan stood on the right side of Luo Hu, with golden armor shining brightly, radiating precious light, exuding supreme fighting spirit.

As for the rear, Kong Xuan's five-color space is waiting. As long as Luo Hu dares to turn around and run away, he will enter his five-color space. At that time, it will attract the killing of the three peerless powerhouses.


Rahu's complexion changed drastically, and the demonic flame on the surface of his body filled the body, and the richness could not be dissolved.

This situation has blocked all his paths.

Needless to say, the positive Shennong is absolutely no less than his current strength.

"I have some doubts in my heart, have you all received advice from the human race Li Zhenwu?"

Suddenly, Luo Hu raised his head, looked at them, and said solemnly.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Except for Kong Xuan, the other three nodded.

"Evil demons are not allowed by the way of heaven after all!" Shennong said.

"It turns out that even the saints can't do anything about it. Now his disciples are so powerful."

After being confirmed, Luo Hu suddenly sighed.

During the countless years he slept in, the general trend of the whole world seemed to be pushed by Li Zhenwu.

Moreover, Li Zhenwu is not a saint yet.

This made Luo Huan unconvinced in his heart, but now, he understood that the existence that he had never met was not at the same level as him.

Chapter [-] Completing the avenue! (third more)

But now, he's done.

Although it wasn't his heyday, Luo Hu asked himself that there was still a big gap between himself and the saint.

It is no exaggeration to say that without sanctification, after all, it is just an ant under the heaven.

But in the face of that wild alien, who is not a saint, but can be compared with a saint, in this world, there are endless legends.

Now, his disciples, rising strongly, can fight against the demon ancestors, how terrifying this is.

"Unfortunately, this seat has only woken up now. It is the biggest regret in my life that I can't live in the same era as him."

Rahu opened his arms, his body was covered with burning magic flames, flowing black and full of a strong killing aura.


The next moment, he burned out his potential and rushed out without retreating at all.

The area is thousands of miles away, covered by ocean-like magic flames, forming a terrifying field. From a distance, the dark flames are rolling and drowning everything.

Born in Chaos, Rahu is the oldest living being in the world today.

Even more ancient than Hongjun Daozu, who has gone through endless years, if not the formation of heaven, he is the most powerful creature in the world.

Three thousand chaotic gods and demons, and now there is only one left, Rahu.

In the world, there is only endless loneliness and loneliness, and only by provoking various disputes can you feel your existence.


Endless demonic flames steamed out from Rahu's body, as if to drown everything in the world.

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