Even if most of them are mortals, it doesn't matter. After all, this is the Heavenly Court, and naturally there are ways to increase their strength.

"Quick, quick, Taibai and I will go out to meet you."

The Jade Emperor Haotian couldn't sit still, so he quickly stood up and greeted Taibaijinxing who was still stunned.

At this time, Taibaijinxing reacted, and immediately opened his mouth.

"Your Majesty, you must not go out to greet him!" He hurriedly stopped the Jade Emperor's actions.

"Why not? They have millions of people. If they join my Heavenly Court, they will usher in unprecedented prosperity." The Jade Emperor Haotian's face sank, and he was very displeased.

"Your Majesty, you are the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth, and it is enough to welcome one of you. Otherwise, you will make all living beings look down on our Heavenly Court."

Although he didn't know the cause and effect, Taibaijinxing was calm and not as anxious as Haotian.

You know, at the beginning, Heavenly Court advertised the world widely, recruiting virtuous people, but what about those creatures?

Don't turn around and leave.

As soon as he thought of this, Hao Tiantian reacted and couldn't help but walk back, but he couldn't hide the anxiety on his face.

"Okay, the Emperor will wait here for them to come to see you."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the old minister will arrange it properly."

While speaking, Taibaijinxing handed over and left, driving the auspicious clouds, and flew towards Nantianmen leisurely.

He was also anxious in his heart, but in order to deter the people who came, he could only endure it.


Nantianmen is very lively at the moment, and life is noisy.

"Elder Ye, if I wait here, can I really find a way out?"

Dozens of golden immortals surrounded an old man and asked suspiciously.

This old man was the old Ye who resolutely denied Xuanyuan's claim to the emperor in the battle of the deer.

After they left from Zhulu, they did not return to the human army, but brought everyone back to their tribe.

Later, the Peach Feast ended, and countless creatures came back from Heaven.

Elder Ye and the others heard that the human race was victorious, and the demon ancestor Luo Hu was beheaded by a strong force.

Hearing the news, they all felt terrified and terrified.

You must know that if Xuanyuan handles things well, those opponents will not have a good life.

In the end, after thinking about it, Ye Lao thought of Heavenly Court, so, in order to survive, they brought dozens of relatives of tribes and the like to Heavenly Court to seek refuge.

"Don't worry, Heavenly Court recruits good people, I'll wait for you to join us. It's better." Although Old Ye was also nervous in his heart, he was very calm on the surface.

This is a last resort. Only by relying on the heavenly court can we avoid being calculated by Xuanyuan and the others.

"But we have so many clansmen, I'm afraid Heavenly Court will not accept them?" Someone asked, with a tone of doubt.

"You don't need to take them in, just give them a place to live." Old Ye said.

While waiting so tormented, an auspicious cloud floated up.

Upon seeing this, the guards at Nantianmen immediately saluted respectfully and shouted that Immortal Taibai has a long life.

"Immortal Taibai!"

Dozens of golden immortals led the way and greeted Taibaijinxing in a regular manner.

Those tribal mortals were all curious, and when they looked around, everything felt fresh.

You must know that although the heavenly court is unpopular, ordinary people also know that if you can become an immortal, you will be able to live forever, and you can also perform the magic of divine passage.

"Well, why did you come here?" Taibaijinxing calmed down, stroked his long beard, and said lightly.

His expression was indifferent, his tone did not fluctuate in the slightest, as if it was just a routine.

In fact, seeing the black head of Nantianmen, Taibaijinxing, let alone how shocking it was.

At a glance, there are millions of people. If these people join the heaven, what a terrifying force it will be.

"Xianchang, when I heard that Tiantian recruits virtuous people, I want to..." Ye Lao, as the representative, was also uneasy in his heart.

After all, there were just too many of them, and most of them were mortals.

No force will take these mortals into consideration, and even taking in so many people is a waste of resources.

It's just that Heaven is different...

"Dashan, since this is the case, then we will be colleagues in the future." Taibaijinxing sang immediately without blinking an eye.

Hearing this, the dozens of golden immortals were stunned for a moment.

"Xianchang, but we have a lot of clansmen, I don't know..." Someone asked cautiously, for fear that Taibaijinxing didn't know.

However, Taibaijinxing smiled lightly, and said calmly, "It's okay, as the saying goes, one person can ascend to heaven, and since you have entered my heaven, your family members will naturally become immortals."


The voice fell, and the Nantianmen became noisy.

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