One hundred and ninety-ninth chapter thirty-six weeks of the gods (third more)

After all, the disciples under the sage's sect are considered to be where the luck of each family is. The stronger the strength, the deeper the luck.

"Teacher, may I ask that family's luck is the most shallow?" Yuanshi Tianzun stood up, raised his head and raised his chest, while speaking, his eyes glanced at Tongtian Cult Master.

The meaning is obvious. Although the Intercept Cult is full of talents, the mediocre people among them are also the most among the saints of each family.

It is not difficult to imagine that when the Conferred God List was about to be released, the saints all started to pay attention to the sect.

"If the qi luck in the door is long, naturally you won't enter the divine way, but you can enjoy the immortal way." Hong Jun glanced at Yuanshi Tianzun and said, "There are countless spiritual treasures in the door, which can be used to suppress qi _ luck."

"Then dare to ask the teacher, three hundred and sixty-five gods, but all of them need disciples from the saints to be on the list? Whose disciples are on the list the most?"

The sect master of Tongtian was full of urgency, and he ignored Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes. He was very anxious in his heart, after all, he had the most disciples.

Moreover, when Hongjun said that the saints set an example, he had an ominous premonition, for fear that other saints would use their disciples to block disasters, which was absolutely unbearable.

"The list of gods is divided into heaven and earth, and it is mainly composed of saints, supplemented by scattered cultivation of heaven and earth. The key to being on the list is the luck of yours and the luck of Lingbao."

In the end, Hongjun didn't hide it, and continued: "Houtu and Nuwa are deserted and do not enter the secular world, and their children do not need to be on the list. As for you, you can discuss it separately, but those who should be robbed must have them."

When the saints heard this, their eyes lit up.

The Houtu is in charge of the six reincarnations of hell, which is the merit of opening the sky, and living in Wudang Mountain can enjoy the luck of the human race.

As for Nuwa, the family was deserted, except for a few disciples and maids, there was almost no one else.

In other words, the saints who really negotiated were the two Western saints, Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian Sect Master.

Of course, everyone's minds are ready, and they will definitely not show mercy to the interception.

Taishang Laojun is the leader of the Human Teaching, but he is not in a hurry, and asked: "Teacher, if you don't make the list, but there are many karmic entanglements, what will happen?"

"Although not on the list, it will turn into ashes."

After all, Hongjun told the saints to discuss with each other, and with a flash, he disappeared from the futon.

At this moment, all the saints were anxious, especially the original Tianzun, his face darkened.

I thought it could be calculated to intercept and teach to prevent disasters, but now it seems that no one who needs to be on the list can escape.

After all, it is the immortal robbery descended by Heaven, and the murderous intention is revealed, and it is difficult for the saints to fight.

But if the saints have sympathetic disciples, they can sign a list of conferred gods, so that the murderous intention will appear and be sent to the list.

The only pitiful one is the cultivator who has a shallow foundation and is not loved by saints, who is destined to be beheaded and turned into ashes in the battle of conferring gods.

In the eyes of the saints, the signing of the Conferred God Ranking is a feeling of admitting defeat without fighting.

So after Hongjun disappeared, they were still reluctant to sign the list. After all, if they signed one, they really died.

The saints looked at the list of conferred gods floating in the void, their faces were mixed, and their hearts were even more ominous.

"Since I am a saint, I can set an example before the catastrophe comes." Taishang Laojun was the first to speak.

"What the big brother said is very true!" The saints responded.

However, no one started to do anything, and they all stared at Taishang Laojun, which caused his face to turn red.

"You don't need to look at me, as the leader of the Human Religion, the orthodox Pangu, the head of the Three Qing Dynasty, and the most prosperous one." Taishang Laojun said: "The Human Religion is the orthodox of heaven and earth, and he is in charge of the Taiji map. Waiting for the innate treasure, the spiritual treasure has a strong fortune, there are only a few people on the list, it seems that this time, all the juniors and juniors need to take the responsibility."

As soon as these words came out, the saints looked ugly, and before they said anything, the original Tianzun jumped out and agreed.

"Eldest brother is from Taiqing's lineage, the Taoism is profound and wonderful, and his disciples should enjoy immortality and longevity. The original is the second of Pangu Sanqing, and he is also in charge of innate treasures such as Pangu Pan, and there are twelve golden immortals headed by him, all of which are heaven and earth. Liangcai, I am afraid that there are only a few disciples of the last generation." Yuanshi Tianzun looked arrogantly, and glanced at Tongtian Sect Master lightly.

The two Western sages were not far behind, he put his hands together and said, "I teach in the West that there is a world of bliss. If you don't get out of bliss, you won't stick to the cause and effect. Similarly, if you don't cultivate the immortal way, you don't need to enter that divine way."

"What the younger brother said is very true. The disciples of my Western sect are dedicated to goodness, and naturally they are not contaminated with the cause and effect of killing and abstaining. This list of gods has no relationship with me in the West."

With a sad face, Jie Yin sang a Buddha's name and said slowly.

Watching the performance of the two Western saints, the saints throbbed and wanted to refute, but that was the truth.

This time, Tongtian Sect Master became the focus of everyone, and they all looked over.

"Under my sect, I listen to my Hongjun Dafa every day, and I only teach the twelve golden immortals, but they are not as good as my sect." Tongtian sect master looked stern and said forcefully: "It is the primitive sect, there are many arrogant people, what is there? People with deep blessings, the so-called Yuqing Tao, is also very biased, how can it be taken seriously, in my opinion, it is necessary to complete the list for interpretation and teaching."

Tongtian's words are very strong, but he obviously made up his mind and wants to make up the numbers by teaching him.

Immediately, the saints argued again, all for the sake of the three hundred and sixty gods.

No one wants to sign the most.

"Junior Brother Tongtian's disciples are mostly monsters and beasts who have obtained the Tao. If they are not born, how can they achieve immortality? Although Tongtian's disciples have teachings and no distinctions, there are many dross. This time signing the list, it's better to filter them out. Isn't it the best of both worlds?"

When Nuwa heard that Primitive despised the demon clan, her face was immediately displeased: "Brother Primordial's words are bad, Senior Brother Tongtian's Tao of the Supreme Purity is authentic in heaven and earth, and the four swords of Zhuxian suppress the luck in the door, so the disciples under the door are naturally not allowed to enter. Divine Dao can also enjoy immortal Dao of immortality.”

Everyone speaks your words and I speak, but they are not willing to sign the Conferred God List, obviously they are all playing football.

Chapter [-] Conferred God Seeing Heaven's Will

This sage's argument fell into the eyes of Hou Tu, who had become a saint, and she was shocked.

In fact, if other beings in the world see it, I am afraid they will be sluggish, and I can't believe that the saint who is high above will have a day to play football.

This is the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and in the face of their own interests, they are still hesitant.

"I don't need to quarrel. The Western Religion's Paradise of Bliss doesn't care about cause and effect. Nuwa and the disciples of the Hou Tumen are deserted, and they don't care about cause and effect. Those who should be robbed can only be selected from our three sects."

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