For three days, Ye Qi spent it with Gu Yina.

The two sneak into the deep forest of the island and do something bad to make people blush while Koshiro is away.

Don’t think crookedly, 10-year-old Guina can’t look at it.

Just take Guina to the forest to hunt.

Of course, three days and three nights were in the forest. To be safe and take care of each other, the two slept together.

And the humidity of the deep forest is heavy, and sometimes the wind is strong.

Therefore, Ye Qi and Gu Yina sleep together, and they can also warm each other.

As for those beast mosquitoes, they will not approach after smelling irritation-spiciousness, and their noses are much more sensitive than humans.

Once that kind of stimulation enters their nasal cavity in large quantities, it even makes them breathless and suffocates to death, so they sleep quite peacefully.

Cuddle and cuddle kiss me…

Finally… Finally!!

On the second night, Ye Qi excitedly took away Gu Yina’s first kiss!!

After that, it was even more for him to carry out life-threatening training, so that he… Let him …

A little touch!!

One is enough to test Gu Yina’s qi.

Compared with the glance of Pingchuan two years ago, the current Gu Yina can be regarded as developing rapidly…

The green and tender taste of the soil slope and witnessing the growth of the small beans are all exciting for him.

Three days passed quickly.

Even if Ye Qi was sexually blessed in these three days, it was time to decide to go to sea.


Ye Qi did not let anyone come from the other, and Gu Yina did not send it, but as soon as Ye Qi left on the front foot, she began to cultivate desperately.

Very smoothly embarked on the merchant ship that came to the island once a week to trade, and he had nothing else with him except the 100,000 Baileys earned by selling the beast.

In other words, he didn’t have anything to bring, even a real sword in the trash.

Dressed in casual clothes, it seems that a teenager who has gone on a trip has finally embarked on his first step into the world.

“Uncle, where is the next stop of this ship?”

Ye Qi casually asked to the strong sailor who seemed to come from Africa.

“Little ghost, the next stop is Bridges Island, you came from the island before. I’ll tell you, Bridges Island is prosperous, and when the time comes, let you see what a city is…”

The black sailor, who was at least two meters tall, laughed proudly.

Maybe it’s been holding back at sea for a long time, and I met a little ghost I didn’t know and directly began to blow up.

“Then you really don’t know where there are pirates? Preferably the kind that is rewarded. ”

Ye Qi also didn’t listen to his nagging and interrupted directly.

He wasn’t interested in more muscular crap, and he was still looking at him with his head up.

The people in this world are monsters, they are 14 years old and one meter six five, no matter how they look at it, they are not short.

In Seymour Chiki village, most of the people at this age are not as tall as themselves.

But this has just gone to sea, how come each of them is 2 meters away? Anyone has to tilt their heads.

“Bounty pirates!!”

As soon as he heard these four words, the sailor suddenly crossed his hands and hugged himself, and he couldn’t help but snort, and his snot couldn’t help but flow out.

Even more than the muscular man of the bodybuilding coach did such a disgusting action, a lot of snot flowed out, which made Ye Qi also open his eyes.

Is this world free not only for people, but also for snot ??

“Little ghost, why are you asking this? If it’s okay, go back to your mom and dad and play. ”

The strong sailor suddenly squatted down and asked in Ye Qi’s ear, his voice was as small as a mosquito.

Day… I thought you were going to say something confidential. The two-meter muscular man is afraid of being like this, what kind of sailor are you ?? Go home and farm.

Ye Qi’s heart once again appeared to fuck.

“Of course, it is to practice hands, try my current level of strength.”

“Teenage imps looking for… Looking for a bounty pirate to practice your hands?? ”

The big man sat on the deck with his butt and retreated sharply to a few meters away.

“You believe faster than you retreat.”

Ye Qi complained speechlessly. He no longer expected to ask anything on this superb sailor.

“Hmm… Come up and find the pirates?? It’s a waste of time to try your luck. ”

Ye Qi thought about turning away, no longer looking at the sailor who had shrunk into a ball and had begun to break out in a cold sweat.

In this sea, for merchant and passenger ships, pirates are synonymous with cruelty and death.

They will kill anyone who is unpleasant without care, or cut off the ears and noses of a boatload of people for fun.

And the sailor shrunk on the deck may have encountered pirates before.

Ye Qi ignored the eyes of the others on the merchant ship and jumped directly to the observation deck, took out the binoculars that had come from before and looked around.

Well… The sea is blue and there are no boats in sight. The sky is also blue, and there are not even a single cloud.

Excellent sea and sky.

It’s a pity that in the past two years, he has been tired of watching on the beach.

“Little ghost, what are you doing there, get me down quickly!!”

The captain of the merchant ship in a suit, that is, an old man, scolded Ye Qi.

“Old man, do you know that there is that pirate?? Or where did you meet pirates?? ”

Ye Qi propped himself up on the observation deck and asked the captain of the ship with a distraction.

“Pirates?? Who knows where they are. Where there are merchant ships that like pirates, we hope that pirates will never appear. ”

“Seeing that you reach out well, you want to join the pirates??” The captain old man asked

“Little ghost, don’t think about it, pirates can be better than you a little brat.”

“There is no food on the pirate ship, and they like you have a favorite with fine skin and tender meat, and it will be too late for you to cry.”

“Let’s go home and play in the mud, pirates are not a family.”

The sailors also shouted with giggles.

“But it’s just pirates who can only rob, who wants to join them, just want to try their hand at them.”

Ye Qi waved his hand and said disdainfully.

“It seems that you are very confident in your own strength, how about being my guard, as long as you ensure my safety, the price can be negotiated.”

The captain old man thought about the recruitment and said.

“Not interested.”

Ye Qi jumped directly from the 10-meter-high observation deck and picked up the fishing rod on the side to fish boringly.

“The Navy should know some sea areas frequented by pirates, right? Perhaps, things will be easier after becoming a pirate hunter. ”

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