“You also saw the spicy strips, although they are semi-finished products, but from your experience you should be able to see its value, how do you feel? Do you want to work with me? ”

Ye Qi asked very calmly, as if he was not a party.

In fact, he doesn’t expect spicy strips to make much money at all, even if he doesn’t make money, it doesn’t matter, he doesn’t care.

He was just looking for an excuse to reasonably approach their home, pretending to show it to the Navy, and more to give Charles a reason. Otherwise, if you keep running to their house, you may be kicked out.

And the situation of their family is different from Nami and them, as a rich businessman, naturally there are maids, bodyguards and the like, as long as they are often with Kaya, they will definitely be found.

“How are you going to cooperate and provide me with finished spicy strips directly??”

Charles looked at Ye Qi very deeply, unable to see whether he was willing to pay attention or not.

“I have no cost. Only production methods and key seasonings are provided. After all, my time is precious and can’t be wasted on these things. You are responsible for the rest, and it is no problem whether to sell it yourself or wholesale to other merchants. ”

Ye Qi said directly, he can’t spend time in order to earn waste, that is simply putting the cart before the horse.

Charles frowned and looked at Ye Qi, such a cooperation method is very subtle, as long as he provides his own manufacturing method, he can kick him away at any time.

Can…. Although many rumors of the hungry ghost in hell are rumors, it is true that he tortured people to death, and he saw it with his own eyes.

Think with your ass to know what can and cannot be done.

“How do we divide the profits then??”

“I’m casual. Never mind.. Or by layer, how about one nine? ”

Ye Qi leaned back in the chair and said casually.

Charles was a little silent, and he didn’t even have to think about who was one and who was nine, but this was obviously something he couldn’t accept.

Although he can kick him away after getting the manufacturing method, or make false accounts or something, this murderer can stab his own life and even the life of his family.

Don’t expect the navy to make decisions for their own family, it’s a big deal to be a pirate directly, and don’t panic at all.

“Still not satisfied??”

Ye Qi said a little unpleasantly, although he didn’t care about money, he didn’t want to be led by the nose.

“Three… Sanchi, okay? You seven me three. ”

Charles said nervously.

He didn’t want more benefits, but to prevent his family from going bankrupt to the point of sleeping on the streets. After all, being hacked and starved to death is not what he wants, at least he must have something to eat.


As soon as Ye Qi heard this, he immediately understood what Charles had misunderstood.

“You seem to have misunderstood something… I said one nine, I one you nine, but you say three seven is three seven, this is better. ”

All he wanted was to get close to Koya’s good bubble girl, make money to the second, and it would be better if he sent her father away with some money.

What is money, isn’t it money…. The whole world grabs it casually.

“You…. Well, it’s true that I misunderstood. ”

Charles shook his head with a very complicated wry smile in his heart, really self-inflicted.

“I’ll write you the raw materials I need now, so as not to rush over again.”

Ye Qi wrote the formula directly to Charles, not worrying about whether something would go wrong at all.

The strength of this world is the root of everything, and the dishonest businessman must also think twice when facing the knife around his neck, even if he takes the initiative to take out all his property, he can’t spit out half a word.

“Give, here’s the recipe. This bottle is a red concentrated chili juice for spicy strips, a drop of red concentrated chili juice to 1 ton of oil, can make 230 tons of spicy strips, the proportion of the recipe is there, you can see for yourself. ”

Ye Qi handed Charles a note and a bottle of red concentrated chili juice.

Charles took a casual look, and suddenly, his pupils burst out, and he shouted in extreme shock

“The worst quality flour!? The most garbage oil!? Worst seasoning!?? …”

Suddenly raised his head, looking at Ye Qi incredulously, as if looking at a fool.

“This… This is really the raw material for spicy strips!! Can this eat the dead?? ”

As a businessman, it is normal to use low-cost raw materials, but at least it must be usable. What is written on this, directly the worst, the worst, the most rubbish, is it really okay ?? Does it really work??

“Of course you can’t die, do you think I will lie to you idly? Rest assured, there will be no mistake. ”

This is a formula obtained after more than a billion people have tried poison and tempered thousands of times, primary school students use this thing to make friends, and the human body of this world is much stronger than those billions of people, absolutely no problem.

What he is thinking about now is, is there so-called gutter oil here?

Of course, he didn’t put these things when he made them in Coco Northwest Village, which are definitely good seasoning ingredients, after all, he makes his own food.

“Whew…. Call…!! When I go back, I will find someone to set up a factory and collect the raw materials I need.”

Charles is not entangled, use the worst to use the worst, although the ingredients are poor, they are also on the verge of expiration, but after all, they are not poison, they should not die….

It’s just that…. Why does the conscience just feel a little uneasy?


“You don’t have to give the 60 million Bailey, just think I invested in the spicy strips.”

Ye Qi happily decided on the 60 million Bailey that had not yet arrived, and then went to find the gentle Keya.

Charles was forced to accept it, and he was forced to return to his temporary office in the merchant ship alone, carefully considering how much budget needed to be prepared, how many people needed to be gathered in the initial stage, the location of the factory, and a lot of other things.

“Is this really good??”

Charles looked at the formula with a look of embarrassment.

After calculations and repeated calculations, a data was obtained, and the cost of a pound of spicy strips turned out to be only 57 Bailey!!

A pound of ordinary flour is more than this price!!

And the formula also says the approximate sales price, a pack of 125k spicy strips in the East China Sea near the land 250 Bailey. That is, earning 1000 Baileys per pound is a full 17 times more ??

If the distance is too far, it will be improved….

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